Status: In progress.


The start...

It pulsed through her hollow body. The warm feeling of something filling her making her movements stop as she stood waiting. He was the only one to have this effect on her out of the countless Meisters that had taken control of her body he by far was the one who made her feel whole she was normally empty but he filled it the void that over took her. He smiled as he looked down at her, his eyes soft and his smile matching his eyes but his hands were twisted holding the strings just enough to give her movement of her own his body relaxed as he withdrew pulling the strings from her body as she felt her skin becoming soft again. Her smile wide as she looked up at him her body becoming her owns again the fullness leaving her with want.

“What do you say? Partner?” It almost didn't sound as a question more like the answer to an unasked question shared deep inside their souls.

“Partners...”Her voice was weak but it always was when she was left without someone filling her. Her hand shaking his feeling the warmth of his skin.

It was the start of a long friendship almost 12 years ago.
“Kana! Please just relax this will only take a minute. “He was frustrated his voice strained as he helped her up keeping her close.

“I don’t see why we have to go to this stupid school. We did just fine on our own.” Kana huffed relaxing into his hands as he worked on her his nimble fingers working on her dress.

“Because Kana we need this and you know it. It’s hard to hunt Keshains without the proper information and Lord Death promised us good jobs. “He stood back taking one last look at her and then smiled letting her get off the stand.

It was early much too early for Kana’s liking but they had to go they were starting at the Academy that morning last thing they needed was to be late. Kana slipped on her short heels wishing she could be barefoot as it gave her better feeling of where she was going. Her partner smiled at her grabbing his shoulder bag off the counter as he moved over to Kana smiling her hand easily slipping into his as they made their way out of their shared apartment.

They didn't live far from the school making it their early as they moved up the stairs Kana looking around several emotions flowing through her at once. Curdie rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand calming her in the simplest of ways his wavelengths calming hers. Happy that they could move forward with their life instead of constantly wondering what to do.
Stein smiled at his class the older students looking at him intently as he prepared the lesson for that day. As he was setting down his paper work fully intended on giving a nice lesson on dissecting something there was a knock at the door. The students all turned to the door curious as to who would interrupt class.

Spirit smiled as he opened the door 2 people following behind him as he stepped in front of the class Curdie and Kana standing behind him.

“Hello students of the DWMA today I have two new students for you. They already partners so please no fighting.” He was motioning to the younger student’s ones without their partners yet. He turned back to Curdie and Kana. “Go ahead introduce yourselves.”

Curdie smiled his body relaxed one of his hands in his pocket of his long pants a vest with a nice dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. His hair was a dark black covering one of his eyes as his visible blue eyes shone with happiness and caring. “Hello. I’m Curdie. “

Kana wore a tight fitting dress forming to her every curve it was elegant yet...something was off about it almost devilish in the way it hung from her hips only coming to mid-thigh on the young girl almost looking as if the bottom layer of her dress was torn giving it an odd but elegant look. Her hands brought up in front of her holding onto a necklace that the charm could not be seen hiding in her fingers as she looked around nervously yet sweet at the same time.

“Kana...I’m Kana.” Her voice was sweet alluring, hypnotic almost she stayed close to Curdie when he moved she moved almost as if a dance that only they knew the steps too.

Stein smiled at his new students point up to the middle row next to students he knew he could trust there was something about these two that interested him making him want to know them. He already had plans settling deep in his brain but that was for later.

“Maka? Would you mind if these two sat with you and Soul?” Stein wasn't asking but he knew the girl wouldn't mind.

“Of course not professor.” Her voice was sweet already making a spot for the two on her right as Soul was sitting on her left.

Kana moved with Curdie as he made his way up the stairs to his seat sitting in the new spot with Kana close to him not minding how she almost protectively hid herself against him. He reached his hand out to Maka and then to Soul smiling at them both. Soul and Maka smiled back obviously not disturbed by the two.

And from there class when on Stein bringing up an interesting conversation in class about puppet masters. They were rare and no one had seen a proper master only a few were left and in very spread out state. Soon class was over and only a few students remained in the class room having no reason to rush out of class at that moment. Kana stretched not moving from her seat since Curdie had turned to their new classmates now that the opportunity to talk rose.

“I’m sorry I didn't get to properly meet the two of you. I'm Curdie and this is my partner Kana. Im assuming you two are partners as well?” His smile was warm.

“Heh, yeah. My name is Soul. I'm a Death Scythe. This is my Meister Maka.” He was gloating he loved too considering he had only recently became a Death Scythe but was still in training. His white hair was parted with a black head band his bangs hanging in different angles as he had a wide shark grin wearing a black over coat with his white shirt and jeans lounging as he always did with his hands in his pockets.

“Oh a Death Scythe you must have been the one who defeated the Keshien Azura.”Kanas ears perked up when she heard Death Scythe it was what people at the academy strived for so why was he still here...

Maka blushed as she rubbed the back of her head her blonde hair down from its normal pig tails wearing a skirt and white shirt with a tie not much different from her old attire that she used to wore in her younger days.

“Yeah. But we are still in training we have a long way to go before we are good enough for Lord Death.” Maka was kind loving to have new friends. “Say we were going to head out to a gathering would you like to join us? You’re new and im sure my friends would love to meet the two of you.”
Curdie looked to Kana silently asking her. It was always up to her he never forced her into anything. Her quick nod was all he needed. He turned back to Maka giving her a warm smile.

“Sure we would love too.”

Grabbing Kanas hand he followed Maka and Soul out of the school to the park/ forest it wasn't surrounded with trees but still private enough and lit from the sun having no way to creep at all. Curdie could see a few people a head only having to guess that they were the friends of Maka and Soul. As they neared they were greeted quite quickly by a tall boy with blue hair his body lean and muscular with white shorts and a black sleeveless shirt. He was incredibly loud when he rushed over.

“HEY!! Maka, Soul! Where the he....”He stopped in his yell when he noticed Kana and Curdie tilting his head in confusion at why they were with Maka and Soul. “Who?” His question was simple and stupid Soul slapping his hand to his own head.

“If you had shown up to class Black Star then you would have known that they are new to the Academy.” Soul made it sound as if he was talking to a 5 year old teasing Black Star.

Kana didn't like this boy his was too loud as he went on to argue with Soul completely ignoring them as they came up to the little picnic. Kanas hand tightly holding onto her Meisters vest Curdie sat not noticing that he had moved being lost in thought of the new people she was seeing she didn't notice when Curdie pulled her down onto his lap effectively snapping her out of her head and back to reality.

Sitting with them was Maka her hands rummaging in the bag of food. A blonde girl with a cowboy hat laying in the grass next to them giggling happily. A boy with three stripes in his black hair who was talking with her Meister and another girl leaning against the boy she was also wearing a cow girl hat as she talked with Maka then Kanas eyes found the last of the group a older girl with a long pony tail her smile warm and comforting as she smiled directly at Kana holding out her hand.

“Hello. I’m Tsubaki sorry we didn’t meet in class earlier I was on a mission with Black Star. It’s nice to meet you.” Kana noticed how sweet her voice sounded making her feel a little warm as she reached out her hand to Tsubaki giving a small handshake with her.

“I’m Kana. I...well umm I don’t know really what to say. We’re new here to the Academy but no stranger to hunting. But Curdie thought it would be a good idea if we moved here to Death City. I didn’t want to but I go where he goes such is the life of weapon.” She didn’t know why she was being so open with the older woman but there was just something about her that made her open up and seem trusting.

“Oh so you’re the weapon? I’m also a weapon. I know what you mean by following Black Star is not the smartest but I would follow him blindly.” She was talking just to Kana making sure Black Star didn’t hear her.

Kana smiled laughing slightly at the words about this girls Meister catching the attention of her own. It had been a while since he had heard her laugh and he gave her a small hug not afraid to be affectionate with her in front of new people.

The rest of the evening went smoothly having met the rest of the group of Kidd, Liz, Patty and getting to know Tsubaki better. It was late when they left the small group of friends saying their good byes and meeting with them the next day at school. Kana smiled keeping step with her Meister happy to be heading home with him. They made it to their small apartment having only one bedroom with a small kitchen connected with a little living room.

Curdie yawned when he came into their home throwing off his vest as Kana shut the door heading to the kitchen to make herself a small cup of tea and coffee for her Meister. She returned a few minutes later handing her partner his coffee sitting on the small couch Curdie pulling her legs into his lap as they relaxed. She smiled as she fiddled with her shoes pulling them off as he slowly rubbed them what he saw in her she would never know but being together for so long it just seemed natural he balanced her and that’s what she needed.

“You and Tsubaki seemed to get along well. You even laughed. I haven’t heard that sweet sound in so long Kana...”He looked at her a sadness to his eyes as she blushed scooting closer to him as she set down her tea kissing his cheek softly.

“She...I don’t know why but I felt like I could trust her. Does that make any sense? Something about her is calming.” Her fingers fiddled with his shirt pulling the buttons loose one by one as she pulled him over her lying back on the cushions as she let out a sigh feeling her body warm to his knowing that it was what she had missed.

He placed his forehead to her hers giving her nose a small kiss. “I know what you mean but we should be wary of them least they figure us out. It was hard enough to keep hidden during class. That teacher he knows something he talked of Puppets almost like he knew.”

“Curdie they are going to know you’re a puppet master we are never going to go on solo trips for a first few trips. That’s all the information they need though they have no idea of what we are searching for or how it will affect everyone. And they never will not till we know we can trust them.”

Her words were soft her body rubbing against his as he laid between her legs cuddling with her as he laid next to her holding her body to his.

He let out a long sigh his hands playing in her long hair slowly bringing it to his lips as he kissed the thin strands. “Your right.” It was all he needed to admit to her, her soft kissed feathered along his skin settling into his embrace as he pulled the blanket from the back of the couch onto them tired from a long day as her head rested on his arm as his other hand held her hip their legs twined together as they both fell into sleep ready for the adventure tomorrow would bring.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Disclaimer* I do not own the Characters of Soul Eater i don't make any profit from it and write just for the enjoyment.

Curdie and Kana belong to me and my twisted little brain :D

*Thank you so much for stopping by! This will have many chapters and im hoping that you guys will like it! Yes you will see it on a few different sites if you look for it but that's just because i want to be able to share it with all the other people on different sites as well. But i can garentee its me on all of them.
Anyways leave me some feed back let me know if you like it. Im sure some will hate but lets get real that's just how it works.
Ill update soon! Im in the works of writing a new chapter as we speak.