Status: In progress.


A friend or Fight?

Chapter 2
A fight? Or Friend...

Kana was warm. Warmer then she had ever felt before well other then when she resonated with her partner. She turned feeling something hugging her from behind and let a small smile crack her lips as she saw Curdie looking back at her his eyes lit with love and understanding, his facial hair tickling her when she rubbed her forehead against his chin giggling.

“Hello.” Her voice was soft as she snuggled closer to her Meister feeling the comforter being pulled up against her trapping her between the blanket and Curdie.

“Hello puppet...” His nickname from when they first met she didn’t particularly like it but she would rather he call her that at home then in front of others normally she would be alright with him calling her that but as he said it something shifted between the two.

Kana could feel it building. Curdies soul becoming more alive less gentle then it normally was and Kana knew that something would happen today. Something was forcing the change in Curdie but she never let it scare her instead she embraced it otherwise there would be pain.

After their short hellos Kana and Curdie went about getting ready Kana opted to wear her black spandex pants with her most comfortable flat boots coming up to mid-calf her spandex easily slipping into the boots. A extremely short dress that puffed out from her hips and didn’t even reach half way down her thigh the dress covering her arms to about her elbows the dress was simple enough just a light blue color that matched her boots. Her hair was curled today with a black half hanging beanie keeping most of her hair off her neck while what was out framed her face.

Curdie wore black jeans and converse his pants a little baggy around his feet like they were almost too long wearing a black tight shirt defining his chest well and his arms stopping at his elbows leaving his hands uncovered like he proffered. His hairs a little messy today but yet still looking like it suit him. His eyes were a shade darker than normal his eyes normally bright blue but they were as if you were nearing the bottom of the ocean becoming darker and darker as light no longer filtered.

They left together like normal but Kana almost couldn’t keep up with him. Her partner was extremely excited to get to the DWMA today and she had a feeling why. When they got to the school the first people they ran into was Kidd the boy who Curdie had talked with yesterday at the park.

The two met each other like they were old friends immediately going into hushed voices making Kana curious as she stood of to her partners side the two weapons making their way over to Kana they smiled at her and she gave a timid one back facing the two Patty smiling wide as Liz gave her a soft look.

“Heya we didn’t get to meet you properly at the picnic I’m Liz and this is Patty. Of course were with kid.” Patty was making weird faces as Kana giggled.

“So any idea what the two of them have planned?” Liz was relaxed as she looked at Kana motioning to the two boys stern looks on their faces.

“Plans? No Curdie didn’t mention anything about plans...”She looked at the two girls confusion on her face as was theirs.

“Huh...Kidd doesn’t keep much secrets unless they are important. I hope its nothing serious...” Patty was being unusually quiet at this point.

With that Curdie turned back to the girls his eyes beginning to lighten and a flood of warmth spread through Kana hoping his eyes would return to normal soon. He threw his arm over her shoulder brining her close to him her blush covering her already pale face.

“Change of plans Patty, Liz, we are not going to be going to class today we have a mission to attend and Kana and Curdie are going to lend us a helping hand.” His smile was knowing and Kana couldn’t help but sink into Curdies side not so sure if this was a good idea.

But against her feelings they left making their way to a Forest located deep in the Madagascar a small village had called for help and Kid having been there when the call happened he had decided he would take it. Kana had slept the way there cuddling with her Meister gathering her strength by the way Curdie kept watching her she knew this was going to be a big fight.

Kana jumped down onto ground they had been a few feet in the air in the helicopter she landed easily and moved forward noting the soft thuds behind her as the other students got out. Maka had met up with them as apparently Death had sent his Death Scythe to oversee what was to happen. Maka walked up to Kana smiling as everyone trailed to their sides. They were deep into the forest the deep green all around them as they made their way to the village.

“Why would something wrong every happen here. It’s the freaking forest nobody knows where this place is!” Soul groaned as he walked next to Maka.

“Because Soul nobody knows its here.” Kid spoke as if to a child.

The place was deserted the houses looked as if no one had lived her for years and yet the venders down the street were filled with produce. Fresh fruit and crops everywhere almost as if they had just been filled.
Kana stuck close to Curdie his hands staying above her body almost as if sheltering her but yet not touching her.

Soul picked up a piece of fruit and took a bite chewing it with a wide grin as he turned back to the stunned group Maka gasping.

“SOUL that could be poisoned! You Idiot what were you thinking!?!” the panic in her voice made it evident that she truly thought something was wrong with the food.

“What it tastes fine. Don’t get so worked up Maka it’s just an apple.” But he didn’t take another bite instead placing it back down before turning the other way.

It was then that they heard a loud bang one that made your hair stand on end when not expecting it Kana let out a loud gasp as she turned around everyone following her as she ran off towards the sound but was stopped in her tracks as she looked up confusion as everyone else came to a stop next to her.

Kanas hand outstretched to lightly touch what was in front of her.

“What the hell?”

Kid couldn’t believe his eyes as he looked on what had changed within the village they had gone too instead of rotting houses they now stood in an open field the forest that had surrounded the village gone and replaced with everything you could imagine needed for a carnival. Rides abandoned and broken but when you looked back to the village it was complete opposite in fact you could hear people talking and bustling around the little square they just left.

Kana touched the tent in front of her. It was there it was real and she could feel something behind its curtain. Maka let out the breath she had been holding.

“Someone is in there...”Kana let her hand fall from the tent her back hitting Curdies chest. His eyes dark as she looked up at him.

“Puppet its time...”He only called her that when she knew it was going to be hard and right now she was terrified.

The small group walked into the tent noting the stands it was as if they were in the big ring tent it was huge on the inside much bigger then it looked from the outside it was dark only small things of light shining through. Weapons stuck close to their Meisters not wanting to get caught in a trap without them.

The group walked into the middle of the center ring waiting till finally a small noise could be heard starting small and then building turning from a ringing into a screeching noise.

Kana cried out among the rest of the group falling to their knees covering their ears. Her body shaking as the noise got louder and louder crippling them making them fail to notice the person behind them.

Calling him a person would have been something completely wrong. His body was twisted nothing but malice upon his face. His body long and lean he had two arms and legs but things were off about them making them seem more like they were placed onto his body rather than actually apart of him. His clothes were ripped a crossed his body covering only what was important to his disfigured body.

Liz was first to notice him behind the group his long tongue snaking out of his mouth as she let out a loud scream the noise gone as they all looked to Liz surprised,

“What the hell!” She backed up into Patty her sister not seeming fazed as they faced the foe.

The monster grinned not giving them time to respond to Liz as they jumped out of the way spreading out as Kana kept with her Meister. Soul already transforming and flying with Maka in the air keeping an eye from above. Liz and Patty in Kids hands ready to pull the trigger at any time. Maka looked down at Curdie and Kana.

“Kana, Curdie what’s wrong? Kana!” They knew why she was screaming at them Kana hadn’t become a weapon yet.

Curdie cursed as he pulled out spool of thread from his bag throwing the string out to pierce Kana through the middle of her chest. His grin evident as Kana became lifeless her body slumping down as everyone watched even the monster had paused to see the look of Malice and horror upon Curdies face as he threw several needles into Kana making her body twist this way and that as he had strings stitched to his fingers. His face twisted as he worked, it was sick but no one could voice their thoughts as Kana didn’t even scream.

Finally the last string attached to him he strong the strings tight Kanas body moving with his as he jumped several feet away from her. Her body becoming alive again as she stood up, her eyes blood red and glowing as she was limp but alive moving with fluid motion as she stood her hat long forgotten as her hair fell around her no longer curled but sickingly straight. She looked at the Keshiens and laughed her voice empty and hollow.

“Curdie! What did you do?” Maka yelled coming in to stand next to him disapproval upon her face as she stared at the back of Kana.

“What did I do? I simply made her what she is my weapon.” With that he thrust his hand forward sending Kana straight into battle with the Keshien

Kana moved with the Keshien moving as he did copying his every movement as her body was hit with several jabs her grin only staying as she rolled her head to the side her face as scary as the own Keshien Azura.

“Are you done? My hollow body doesn’t mind the hits but I’m sure by now you won’t mind either. “ Her hair begun to raise taking life of its own.

Her hair became needles stabbing consistently into the Keshiens bloated body her sick crys of joy as she jumped back closer to Curdie.

“Maka, Kid now while the poison spreads through his body!” Maka and Kid jumping into battle Kanas hair wrapped around the Keshains body keeping him in place.

It only took a few hits from the partners as they landed directly into his expanding body efficiently causing him to explode as his terror of a scream ripped through the group’s bodies. Blood splashing against everyone as they stood close together Curdies hand above Kanas head as she looked down her eyes becoming her own again as her skin seemed to glow her hair becoming curly again. She was full again her body no longer hollow as she fell to her knees, Curdies hand wrapped around her waist as he sat with her keeping his other hand away from her body.

“What the hell was that all about! did...what did you do to her...”Soul was lost not knowing how to explain what he had seen with the young partners.

“Well since you asked so nicely. She’s a puppet. I merely sowed my strings to her transferring her body
into my weapon.” He bit at the stiches in his fingers pulling the strings away from him finally able to work on Kanas body as she laid weak against his body.

“But weapons have weapon blood in them they shouldn’t need you to put something physical to them to connect the two of you. Why would you treat her body like that? Doesn’t it hurt her?” Maka was concerned as she looked at the two a little sickened at the sight.

“Mmm that would be true if she housed a soul.” He said it simply as if she should have already figured it out.

“House a soul? What are you talking about I can sense souls. She has one inside of her body I can see both of yours so clearly.” She shook her head Blood dripping from her hair.

“Ahh even a Meister such as yourself should have noticed it but I guess you wouldn’t have seen if you weren’t focused on the two of us. Yes she has a soul she’s a breathing living thing but when my string attaches to her directly into her chest I pull her soul from her body and house it inside of my own.” He pulled the string from her arms rolling it back onto its spool in blinding movements.

Liz placed a hand to Kanas noting her smile as she sat up her body heavy but she was supported by Curdie his eyes a bright blue once again the malice gone from his face.

“I still don’t get it. How can a weapon operate without a soul...” Kid bit at his thumb thinking as he tried to figure it out.

“Because I am no Meister, I am a Puppet Master. I’ve learned how to operate this puppet weapon without linking to her with my soul wavelengths.” He leaned down hugging Kana to him. “If I resonate with her I will hurt her, her body becoming a weapon while housing her own soul is dangerous she’s not that strong. I can attach my strings to her with my soul if I wanted but that leaves her in flesh and blood she stays in her human body. But if I yank her soul from her using this thread then I can house it inside of myself making her body become how it was supposed to be hollow and hard. “He picked up holding her to his body keeping her warm as he did so.

“....Professor Stein mentioned something about Puppet Masters and how they were able to control with special string.” Maka realized Soul nodding to her as they all walked out of the tent back into the barren field the tent and circus were gone disappearing as soon as they left the town becoming rotten again the street vending rotten and disgusting as they walked through.

Curdie nodded to her. “Yes he did didn’t he. I have a feeling he will sprout some more things about it in the coming days my family is defiantly the ones you want to spend your time researching we are well sought after.” He pulled Kana closer to his chest kissing her forehead for a job well done.

“When we killed the Keshien and took the soul it returned this place back to the state it was in. No one has lived her for years.” Kid sighed as they met back at the meeting point all of them hopping into the helicopter.

No one spoke on the way home either too tired from the exhausting day they had fighting the big old bad Keshien or with the news of exactly what Kana and Curdie were. They were not normal partners but they had a stronger bond then anyone of them. Kana put her full faith in him knowing and trusting that Curdie would not devour her soul and return it to her after each battle.

When they reached the school they were called to Deaths office Maka knowing exactly why he had called them. Kanas soul being ripped from her body each time to do battle was not something that was exactly praised. They walked in silence, Kana just now waking as she wrapped her arms around Curdies neck holding him close to her shivering body. She was always cold after a battle losing your soul like that took a lot from you including your warmth something she missed and could only feel from Curdies body.

It was impossible to tell if Death was smiling at them for a job well done or frowning at them for what had happened. But they stood in front of him none the less Curdie not backing down as he held Kanas shivering body.

“Well hello my students, so nice of you to show up!” His voice was happy obviously in the good mood. Spirit standing beside him worried.

“We defeated the Keshien Lord Death.” It was Curdie who spoke smiling at the Shimigami.

“I have heard young man. But that leaves us with what happened to make that possible. Your tearing of your partners’ soul is why you are here. Something we frown upon here at the Academy.” It was silent as they all waited expecting him to expel the two. “But your ability to house her soul and not devour it and return it to her body is something to be proud of. Such as why I will allow you two to stay here at the Academy. We have much to learn from the two of you and the bonds of your souls.” He gave them a thumb up as everyone let out a sigh of relief.

The meeting lasted a short while after that and soon they all headed out walking to the front of the school as Kana was now on her own two feet smiling as she held Curdies hand.

“Thank you for your concern everyone but this is just how it is. Everyone else I bonded with couldn't handle my body I was heavy and waited down no Meister ever able to control me in just the right way but Curdie he was different and it makes things easy I’m able to fight and survive because of him.” Her smile was bright as they moved out of the school.

“Well Kana here is to more battles and sticking together. Friends?” Maka placed her gloved hand out for Kana smiling.

“To Friends.” She placed her hand in Maka’s “Thank you..”

They went their separate ways to their homes settling in for the night. The battle having been heavy on all of their body’s as they rested in the light of the moon. A smile upon the couples faces with the thoughts of new friends and great adventures to be had.
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Disclaimer~I do not own Soul Eater or the characters from the show. I do not make any money from this story and do it for my own pleasure.

Well here is chapter two..I hope you guys like it! Or not but i hope for the best at least.