Status: Done =D

High Low Time in PC

Taco Bell

The guys invited us to go eat with them so we went and paid for our cds and we left the store. When we got outside I realized that there wasn’t a tour bus or anything that screamed ‘band’. Zack asked if we drove here & I point out my car. Rian said, “We can take the SUV we rented so we can all ride together and then we’ll come back to get your car later.” We agreed to that. Rian drove, Zack got shotgun, I crawled into the 3rd row of seats because I’m so small and Jack jumped back there with me, leaving Alex and Anissa to sit it the middle row. I was kinda sad that I didn’t get to sit next to Zack, but I was with All Time Low after all so I couldn’t complain. Jack must’ve noticed the discontent on my face though because he learned over and whispered, “You were hoping to sit with Zack weren’t you?” I said, “No, not at all”, but he just put a knowing smirk on his face.
Anissa and I had no clue where we were going and apparently neither did they because after about 10 minutes of driving around they finally asked, “So where’s the closest Taco Bell?” Once I gave them the directions, I couldn’t help but notice though was that the whole car ride Alex and Anissa were talking quietly amongst themselves, which I though was cute because Anissa is normally so quiet and shy.
Jack and I talked for most of the ride about random things like cats and rainbows and video games. He was really funny and easy to talk to. I had a weird feeling though, kind of like I was being watched so I looked around the car and noticed Rian looking at me in the rear view mirror. I gave him a questioning look and he just nodded his head to the side towards Zack who was just staring out the passenger side window. I gave Rian another questioning look, but he just shrugged so I went back talking to Jack.
A minute later we arrived at Taco Bell and Jack squealed. I yelled, “What the fuck Jack?!” His response, “I’m hungry.” Man that kid is weird… I noticed Zack staring at me again, so I smile while wondering, “What he is thinking about?”… Everyone started to file into Taco Bell, but Rian grabbed my arm and pulled me back a little. I gave him a questioning look, which I feel like I’ve done a million times today. What he asked me, surprised me. He said, “Do you like Zack?” I just kinda looked at him for a minute and nodded my head then saying, “Yeah. He’s hot, he plays guitar, sings, and seems really sweet and I kinda felt sparks when he touched me... Why?” Rian just shrugged and said, “No reason.” What is it with these boys and shrugging?!
When Rian and I entered Taco Bell, I noticed Zack glaring at Rian, but Rian just ignored him. I went and stood by Zack’s side and asked him what he was gunna get, but I was slightly taken back when he just glanced at me then looked away without replying. It kind of hurt my feelings that he was ignoring me, but I tried to brush it off. I turned to Anissa who was now at my side with Alex and we talked about what to get. Once we ordered and paid we settle down in a large booth. Somehow I ended up in between Jack and Zack while Anissa was opposite me in between Rian and Alex.
We made small talk till out food was ready then Zack and Alex went to get it. Once they were out of earshot, Jack and Rian turned to me and said, “What’s up with Zack?” I said, “I don’t know, he’s been ignoring me since we got here, like right after Rian and I walked in.” Rian said, “I bet he thinks you like me.” “Cocky much?” I asked. He just laughed, but didn’t say anything else because Zack and Alex were back with out food. Lunch was fun, we just joked around and it was nice.
When we got back into the SUV Rian was driving again, but this time Jack got shotgun, which meant I had to sit with Zack in the back. He ignored me the whole way back to Target. Once we got there the guys, excluding Zack said we had to keep in touch, so we all exchanged numbers and sadly, parted ways with promises to keep in touch and seeing each other real soon. I knew Anissa was sad to see Alex go but I assured her that we’d see them soon. Little did we know how soon it would actually be.