I Am an Ocean, I Am a Sea.

2. Snaking out

Coraline woke up in the middle of the night. She first panicked when she didn’t know where she was, but calmed down when she noticed Oliver, snoring next to her, naked, like she was. “Fuck” She whispered and hold her head in her arms. She didn’t want to do this, she couldn’t. Quietly Coraline get out of the bed and collected her clothes from the floor. She put her clothes on and tiptoed out of Oliver’s bedroom. “Ello birdie” Someone scared the living shit out of her. Coraline turned her head around and saw young man who she assumed was Oliver’s little brother, Tom. He was holding Oliver’s dog, Oscar in his lap. “yeh goin’?” Tom sounded surprised. “Yah wasn’t suppos’ to end hie” She whispered and stared at her feet. She was ashamed of herself of doing this. “Yeh kno’ yeh ar’ the first on’ to leav’ before Olih even wakes up” Tom said, respect pouring out of his voice. “figured soh” She said shaking her head. “Let meh offe’ yeh cig” He said, putting the Doberman Pinscher down. “sure”

“Soh, why yeh sneakin’ outh?” The 23 year old boy asked, breathing in the smoke from his cigarette. “I don’ wanna end bein’ on’ of his sex toys” Coraline sighed, blowing the smoke out of her lungs. She stared at the night view of Sheffield. All the streetlights and the 24hour shop signs, which lighted the streets. It had to be almost a morning, cause she could see little splash of pink in the horizon. “Olih isn’t usin’ yeh” Tom said, or kind of whispered as he took another drag from his cigarette. “He reallyh likes yeh. His unable to focus on anythin’ els’ than yeh.” Those words made Coraline feel little bad for sneaking out, but she was still going to leave. Somewhere deep inside of her, she knew that Oliver was just having fun with her, and when she wasn’t fun anymore, he would dump her.

They smoked their cigarettes in silence and went back into the flat. “yeh can go” Tom smiled at her and hugged her. “Thanks fo’ bringin’ meh brotha backh” He whispered into her ear. She was confused, but hugged the younger brother back. “wha do yah mean?” Tom laughdes quietly and broke the hug. “Oliveh haven’t cared fo’ anyon’ in a long time, birdie, not even meh. But when he met yeh, he starte’ carin’ “ Tom smiled and helped her out. Now she felt really bad for leaving.

Oliver woke up to his dog licking his face. “Mutley Rove’ Oskah Beethoven” Oliver groaned to his pet and moved him from the bed. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was alone in his bed. “if yah lookin’ for the birdie, I let her out” Tom stood at Oliver’s bedroom door, drinking coffee from his plain black coffee mug. Rage grew on Oliver’s face. “Bloody hell, why would yeh do tha!” He screamed to his brother and got up from the bed. “She was sneakin’ outh few hours ago, and pleash put clothes on brotha” Tom said, leaving the older alone. Oliver’s heart broke when he heard the words ‘sneaking out’. This was new to him. None of those girls he bought to his room, left before he had to throw them out. But this girl, who had almost drive Oliver crazy, she left before he even woke up.

“…Will we ever see the end? This is sempiternal. Over and over again and again” Oliver sang. “Soh wha’ do yeh think?” He asked from his band. “It’s calleh Shadow Moses.” He smiled. “I can alradyh hea’ them aploadin’ fo’ us, when we win another’ music shi’” Lee laughed and patted Oliver’s shoulder. “So wha happen with yeh and the birdie?” Jona asked Oliver, who sighed and downed the rest of his beer. “yah heard tha’ she sneaked outh while yeh slept” Matt.K laughed. “Where yh heard tha’? “ Oliver quickly moved his stare to his brother, who was sitting in the corner of the studio. “don’t look at meh brotha” Tom laughed and opened the Twitter on his phone. “look yah self” He said, holding the phone in front of Oliver’s eyes. All the other guys went quiet. ‘can’t believe @TomSykes just helped me to sneak out from thee #Sykes flat.’ Oliver’s jaw dropped. “how dare she post tha’ “ He was hurt. All his fans knew she sneaked out, before he even had woke up. “tha’ girl knows ho’ to play with yeh” Matt.N laughed weakly.

“Oliveh” Tom called his brother. “Yah?” “Care to join yeh dear brotha’” He said holding a pack of smokes. Oliver nodded and they walked out of the studio.”Coraline left cos’ she thinksh yeh goin’ to use her” Tom suddenly said to his brother and light his cigarette. Oliver light his own and sighed, blowing the smoke out. “why would yah use her?” Oliver asked and took a long drag from his smoke. “Are yah really tha’ blind? She knows how yeh bringh girls from the bub’s, fuck them and then ditch them” Oliver had never heard his brother yell at him, even if they fought a lot, he never yelled at him. Before Oliver even had a change to answer to his little brother, Tom continued. “Yah want meh brotha back. She made yeh care ‘bout someon’ so much yeh even started to care ‘bout meh” Tom’s voice was full of pain and sadness and Oliver heard it. He threw his almost un-smoked cigarette away and wrapped his tattooed arms around his brothers body. “I’m soh sorry Tom, I didn’t kno’ yeh felt like tha’. I’m goin’ to make this up to yeh, alright?” He whispered into his crying brothers ear and held him tightly. “I’m goin’ to be propa brotha now on” Oliver placed a small kiss on Tom’s temple. “I hope so Olih” Tom whispered.

Oliver (@OliverSykes)
‘I need to talk to you @CoralineBruce’
Corra (@CoralineBruce)
‘I’m sorry @OliverSykes I really am.’
Tom (@TomSykes)
‘come to the shop? @OliverSykes @CoralineBruce, you guys need to talk #worried’
Corra (@CoralineBruce)
‘@OliverSykes @TomSykes, okay, I’m there in 20mins’

“Remembah to thank yah brotha after this” Oliver smiled and put his phone back to his pocket.

“Is she hie?” Oliver stormed into the shop. Tom shook his head. “just wonderin’ why is tha’ birdie so important to yeh?” Tom yawned. “I dunno, shes just different, she doesn’t want meh, she’s also proppa fit” Oliver said and sighed.
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