Status: Initiated - Phase 2

Unconscious Connection!


I had just joined the dormitory of the school, it had been a week ago. Which's just the time I had been accepted to take part in the studies at the School.

I had been jubilant, ecstatic, as I had learned of the news, that I had been accepted at the boarding school. They were known to have high standards, which would indicate, that I had to be very good, in order to be accepted. That's how I saw it at the time.

What I did not know, would easily fill an encyclopaedia, I knew as much, already. Some of which, they were to tell me, at arrival, that is. That had been expected. It's natural, and mandatory, wouldn't you say?

The first I had learned, as I arrive at my room, is whom I was to share the room with. Naturally, the dormitory is all double beds. Anything but, is unheard of.

We had been paired up, on grounds of the acceptance details. Would make sense. Not only are we to be in the same class, but share many vital characteristics. Including, but not limited to personality.

I never had realised, exactly why they required the small photos of me, as I had applied to the school. Yet, I had obviously supplied them, with all they had asked for, including the photos.

What I was to find, is not just the other girl, already waiting for me, but a desk, dedicated to my studies. Within it, my books, all my materials already generously and utterly faithfully had been gathered, well before my arrival. Furthermore, I had found a log book, with my name engraved upon it, with every detail, everything about what had transpired on my behalf, in my room. There also is an extensive file, on my person, wherein, all the photos I had sent, now gathered, untouched. Right along with the rest of the materials I had supplied, naturally. To my surprise, I had found further materials gathered, in the file, materials, helping them, in selecting my roomie, my room mate, as it were.

What I had failed to anticipate, is all the details, and the consequences of them. Including my choice in cosmetics? I'm not exactly a tomboy. I love to look my best, as the girl I am, that is.

Naturally, there is a map of the school grounds, from top to bottom, that is. Every room, class room, dormitory, supplies, offices, and the other facilities. I don't need to put a foot outside of the school perimeter. Which's convenient, would be my word.

We'll have three 'Restaurants', where we're to have our meals. No need for taking time off, cooking, here. There are also three barber shops, I can keep my good looks, as it were. There is even a manicure salon, so I know my hands will stay in prime looks, maybe even better, then when I came here. We even have two gyms, both for sporting events, and in order to stay in shape.

From what I could see, reading through the more important materials, is that our classes are to be surprisingly small, just a dozen girls in each class. That would serve me quite well, I never had been the girl for great and large gatherings. Not in school, at the very least.

I had spent several hours, best part of the first day, reading through the 'Confidential' information on top of the folder, explaining what's what, and such. I had taken time to see the restaurants, naturally, since it would serve no purpose, skipping meals, not at school. I had noticed, that each restaurant came with a distinctively different kitchen, as the cook would have said, had you asked.

In the end, I did feel rather spent, as I came back for the late dinner. I figured I had red up, on what was urgent. I know where I am, and where I was required to go. I know my schedule, and where my classes were to be held.

First now, I had the time to actually see my room. I have both shower, and girls room. All very modern and good looking, by my standards. There is a double bed in the middle of the room, conveniently. To the side, I have my desk, containing most everything, short of my clothes. I had been coming with the clothes on my back, and no more.

They had explained, that we were to wear uniform here, so taking more clothes with me, would be utterly pointless. Naturally, there is a point in the uniform. Looking closer, I had come to like it, and quite a lot. Not only does the style, but also the colours match my likings.

We share a wardrobe, split in the middle of the room. Our clothes are basically identical, maybe they had considered, as they placed us together?

Both panties, and tops, all a shiny and glistering black, soft, elastic and slippery sleek. I found skirts in a matching design. Then I had noticed both skirts and tops, in both green and silver. Curious. Guess I do like these too. My socks, all white, only a curious fluorescent white, you seldom see. Shoes and hair bands, all in red. Matching style, by the bloody red, but still glistering fabric. They're all fashioned out of the same materials, as I had realised, as I finished going over, what I was to wear, as long as I stay here.

Oh, guess I forgot to mention, the gloves, clear but shiny. I had tried them on. At least one pair, they do fit, but I hardly feel I wear them.

Going back to my desk, I did find my nail polish. Just as shiny as I had always loved. Even if the make is new and utterly unfamiliar to me. Maybe I had to try it on, to see what it was like?

Taking the time, removing the polish I had been wearing, before carefully painting each and every nail, just to see, what it was like. Strangely, it's entirely odourless. It may have looked a bit on the thin side, but cured in mere seconds, giving me a shiny look. I was ready to forget I had put it on, before going on with my busyness, that's the quality.

Ofcause, in bed, I wear only panties, and top. Why wear anything else, or any more, then that? Naturally, I had stripped before bed, slipping in the new and fresh pair of panties and top, just as I was about to hit the sack.

At about this time, my roomie, and new friend came over to me, from her side of the bed, sitting on top of our bed, wearing exactly what I was wearing. She had found them in her part of the wardrobe.

For a moment, I sit on the bed, turning towards her, facing her. I look into her eyes. There is something in her eyes, maybe just a smile, but I feel, as if it was more.

Soon we move closer, and the next moment, she is sitting with her legs over mine, in a warm and utterly comfortable way. She then is about to put her right hand on my shoulder, or it is what I had thought. I'm about to do the same, as she cast a glance at me.

I rise my hand, placing it softly against hers, almost as if we were holding hands. Just palm against palm, fingers relaxing. I look into her eyes, as she looks into mine. We're smiling, and I feel something I simply couldn't place my finger upon. What ever it was.

Maybe I had imagined it all, partially since I'm tired, it is late. We're both sleepy. The moment only lasted, for so long, was it a mere second, or was it five, or an entire dozen? Either way, what ever I felt, I forgot, before the morning came upon me.

What I did recall, is that it felt, as if my palm was sticking to hers, as if there had been a week adhesive on our palms, our hands? Just too week, for the grip to make any real effects. Easily broken, as we both moved aside, in order to slip under the quilt.