Note on a Trench Coat


[Found pinned to a bloodied trench coat in the trunk of an abandoned car]

Do you know I live in your marrow? I am part of your soul. I am. Can you feel me in there? Do not forget me for I am not gone. I am in your bones. Your soul. Close your eyes and breathe in deep. You should be able to feel me thrumming below your skin. So please do not forget me. Don’t let me go. I am not gone. I have not left you. I promise that I will never leave you. Never. We are a part of each other. We are. And I swear I will find my way back to you. I promise with all that I am that I’ll come back to you. My body may not be with you but my grace is. It lives with you. I will come back to you in my body, soon, soon. Wait for me. For now, know that I will always love you.
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Thank you for reading. I wrote this in class a while ago. Soul verse.

'Til the next story,