Status: I'll have a new chapter up whenever I have time to sit down and type a bunch.

Take My Hand

Mother's Home

I gasped, shocked by the sudden change in my surroundings. "Where are we, Karla?" My voice was shaky while I tried to take in the scenery.

"I've taken you to my home in the forest, sweetie. I thought you might want to get out of that horrible farm house," Karla replied happily. She had a point, I thought the farm house was possibly the grossest place in the universe.

"Why did we have to run?"

"I just thought it would be a good lead up, rather than just suddenly bringing you here."

"Wait... so you can teleport yourself and other people to somewhere else?"

"As long as you've seen that place before."

"Can I try?"

"Let's take it slowly though. See that big oak over there? Try teleporting yourself to it."

"Um, okay." I closed my eyes and imagined myself standing by the tree. I felt the slight pressure that happened when Karla teleported us here. When I opened my eyes, I stood next to the tree, my face inches away from the ruff bark. I turned to Karla, smiling. "I did it!"

"I'm having trouble figuring out what your talent might be, you seem to be good at everything. Your grandmother was right."

"What do you mean?"

"There has been reason to believe that a skilled young witch who would save our kind. Your grandmother, for whatever reason, was sure it would be you. I am starting to believe she was correct, and if so, your training I will have to train you quickly."

I sat down in front of the tree, suddenly sad.

Karla teleported to me, sitting down next to me. "What's wrong, Amy?"

I sighed, "I guess... I just want to see my parents again. I mean, the ones who raised me." She hugged me, and I put a smile on my face. "But this sounds interesting, and what kind of person would I be if I abandoned you guys?"

I stood, "So, what are we going to do now?"

She got up, "I think I will let you decorate your room, with magic of course."

I followed her into the cottage, wondering what she meant. The room she brought me too was decorated like I imagine a grandmother would decorate her guest room. It was white and pink, and the blankets matched the walls. I absolutely hated it. "I really hope I will be able to change this."

Karla laughed, "If you are as good at magic as you seem to be, it will be no problem. Changing around my room was one of my favorite things to do when I was your age. Just close your eyes and imagine how you want it to look. I'll be in the kitchen, making lunch if you need me."

I sat down on the bed. I had no idea how I wanted the room to look. This entire magic thing seemed a whole lot like life hacks to me. I don't know whether to be excited or not.I wanted to see my parents and friends again, but I couldn't skip out on Karla, I'm just not that kind of person.

I decided on the layout of the room. I would put the bed next to the window, changing the blankets to be a dark purple, changing the pillows also, I wanted the ones I had at home, so I teleported them here, and the current ones to my old bed,. I put a mahogany dresser in the upper left corner, with a vase of lilies on top.I decided on a purple table by my bed, and put a lamp with a violet lampshade on top.I made the walls the same color as the lampshade, and the carpet a dark blue. I put an alarm clock on net to the lamp, and a bookcase and chair on the otherside of the room, with my favorite books. This all occurred in a matter of seconds.

At this point, I was starving. It was half past noon, and I hadn't eaten anything all day. I felt sick just looking at the porridge Samson left earlier. I had the strangest feeling it might have been poisoned, but it's likely I was just paranoid.

I went downstairs to try and find the kitchen. On the way down, I tripped, and managed to levitate my self a millisecond before I hit the ground face first. Maybe I am pretty good at this magic thing. It would definitely help me with the whole klutziness thing. I would have been spared many a bump and bruise if I found out about my magic abilities before now.

I found my way to the kitchen a minute later. I wasn't surprised to see Karla cooking without touching anything. She was levitating a wooden spoon, stirring something in the pot. It smelled like homemade macaroni & cheese.

I sat down at the table, and immediately Karla levitated a bowl over to me and put it down next to the spoon on the table. "Eat up, sweetie. We are going on a long journey to your grandmother's. You'll have to change into more sturdy shoes, and clothes a little bit more durable, but that won't take long."

"Can't we just teleport there?"

"She doesn't like people popping in on her like that, she's banned me from teleporting to her house, plus anyway, this way is much more fun, and I have things to teach you along the way."

"Um, okay, but I don't have any clothes here." She gave me a 'are you kidding me' look, and I felt kind of dumb. "Oh yeah, magic, that's right."

I finished eating and went up to my room, I didn't feel right changing in front of people, even if I was actually going to be naked even for a second. I changed into hiking boots, green cargo shorts, and a green tank top. I would change if it got too cold. I gave myself a back-pack that had waterbottles and granola bars, I didn't like the feeling of being unprepared. I knew I wouldn't be, because I had magic, but it still didn't feel right. I added a laundry hamper to my room, and put my other clothes into it. They were covered in grime from the farm house floor.

I went back downstairs. Karla was waiting at the bottom of the steps, and had a similar outfit to mine, minus the backpack. I explained the whole unprepared feeling thing, and she understood. I hadn't grown up with magic like she did.

We set off into the woods. I was a little unsettled by the lack of a path, but figured Karla probably knew what she was doing.

I hoped I was ready to meet another witch.
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YAY another chapter already :3 hopefully I came through on my 'exciting' promise, but I'm not sure if I did. At least more than just one major thing happened :D.
I swear the next one will involve actual action!