Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down

Settle Down

"Harry, could you run down to whole foods and pick me up some chips?" Niall coughed from his room. I shot him a look, eyeing down the sick man lying in a bed covered in tissues.

"Fine, but only because your sick. And this is the last time." I replied, feeling slightly sorry for my ill roommate. All the other boys were out with their girlfriends; So Niall and I were stuck in the huge flat alone, and in an unfamiliar city. The only part of Toronto that I didn't get lost in was our complex, which held a Whole Foods in the lower section of the building.

"Damn." I swore silently as I walked towards the door, feeling around in my pockets and the backs of my trousers.

"Niall, you're going to have to let me in when I come back up. I've misplaced my damn key again." I called throughout the penthouse, my words echoing slightly around the mostly empty rooms.

"Ok, but could you also pick up some food for the fridge? Its bare and I don't know if I can last glancing into an empty fridge all day." He said, trudging around the corner wrapped up in his long blue duvet.

"Wow, almost thirty and he can't even take care of himself." I chuckled, pulling on a pair of converse.

"Hey! I have two years." He whined, nestling into the long sofa and flipping open his laptop.

"Whatever." I laughed, stepping into the elevator and pressing ground. I listened to the low hum of the music as the elevator whirred down 30 floors.

The grocery store was almost empty except for a few hung-over post new-years people picking up food, and a small cluster of old people laughing together while they checked out at a snails pace.

Heading over to the chips section, I put my hood over my curls and slouched over considerably as I walked past the overly cheery woman who was trying to hand me a flyer about their organic pizza oven. No thanks. I thought to myself as I stared blankly at the rows of all natural and homemade chips.

"Yeah, I understand Kerry, but I'm more looking for a long-term relationship than a one-night stand. Yeah, I know, but I don't want to be dating some rude guy who I'm going to be constantly worrying if their going to come home one night to the next or if their off cheating on me. Yeah." A soft female voice said from behind me.

I spun around to be met with the back of a tall, slender girl holding her phone up to her ear with her shoulder and carrying many cartons of milk in her arms.

"I know, I'm only twenty-two, but still. That doesn't mean that I want to have a new man every night. I want to find someone real, ya know?" She spoke quietly into the phone as she continued to grab large cartons of cream.

"Hey, I gotta go, I'm running out of arm space here, but I'll talk to you later. Ok. Bye." She finished, expertly grabbing her phone from off her shoulder with a free finger. She made a small noise as she tried to flick her long chestnut hair behind her back.

"Would you like some help with that?" I asked, startling her considerably and causing her to whip around to face me, her eyes wide. "Sorry, you scared me." She smiled at me, her eyes level to mine. "Random guys wearing black hoodies on dim supermarkets tend to kinda freak me out." She laughed, referring to my hood that was covering my face.

"Oh, sorry." I smirked, pulling off my hood and ruffling my curls with my hands.

Olivia's POV

Damn, those curls are sexy. I thought to myself as I watched him shake out his hair.

"Olivia." I introduce myself, shifting the cartons to one arm and trying my best to extend a hand. Laughing, curly shook it, giving me a cheeky smile.

"Harry." Curly introduced. "Here, let me take those." He told me, pointing to the cartons in my arms. Reaching over, he took six of the cartons from me, taking three in each hand.

"Ohmigod your hands are huge!" I exclaimed, before covering my mouth and blushing furiously at what I had just said.

"Haha, yeah, I get that a lot." He said, trying to shake a rogue curl out of his eyes. "Here." I interrupted, reaching up and brushing the piece of hair out of his face.

"Thanks." He nodded before walking up to the cash and placing everything down on the belt. "Here, im just going to grab a bag of chips for my friend, I'll be right back." He winked, dashing back down the aisle we had just emerged from. Like usual, I scanned the gossip magazines, my one guilty pleasure, glancing over at pictures of the royal family, and some very unflattering pictures of stars in swimsuits. My eye caught on something in the upper corner,

"Is Harry back with Taylor? The pair caught out for dinner last night in downtown Toronto."

The headline went along with a very blurry photo of Curly-erm, Harry- holding hands with the Taylor Swift, hopping into a black range rover.

"That will be 57.89 please." The cashier requested, smiling at me cheerily. My eyes barely left the picture as I handed her my credit card and punched in the short pin.

"Here, I'll take your bags for you." Harry offered after coming back from another cash with a bag of chips. He picked up the heavy paper bags and shot me a dimpled smile, moving out of my way.

"Where to?" He spoke, shifting the bags around in his hands.

"Here, let me take one. I've just met you and I'm already making you carry things for me." I frowned, motioning to him to hand one of the three bags over.

"No, its ok, you just lead the way." He assured, following me down into the parking garage and over to my black Volkswagen. I popped the trunk and took a bag from him, loading them gently into the back of the car.

"Would you like to grab some coffee?" Harry asked, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"I would love to, but I have to get this stuff back to my apartment before it goes bad." I frowned, clutching my jacket closer to my body.

"You could leave them in my fridge, I live just upstairs."

"But we just brought the stuff down here!" I laughed as I opened the trunk again and handed Harry a bag, this time taking one for myself.

"Here, I just have to get my roommate to let me in." He said as he repeatedly pushed the buzzer.

"VAS HAPPENING?" A deep voice called out through the speaker system.

"Zayn, can you buzz me up?"

"How do I do that? LOUIS? DO YOU KNOW HOW TO WORK THIS FANCY THING?" The voice of 'Zayn' called out.

"Why the hell would I know that? Go ask Niall." 'Louis' yelled back.

I tried my best to stifle my laughs as I heard a group of British voices bicker back and forth before a higher Irish voice came in and let us up.

"And they are?" I asked, my smile growing larger when I noticed a blush that was covering Harry's cheeks.

"My roommates." He sighed "There a bit, er, overwhelming."

I shot him a confused look just as the door opened and spun around to look at the room. There was a small blond boy knocked out cold on the only piece of furniture in the large room. The big burgundy couch sat right in the middle of the living room along with a dark brown coffee table.

"AHHHH DON'T PLEASE, KEEP MY PANTS ON!" called out a brown haired boy, running around the apartment wearing only his underpants.

"That's Liam and Louis." He whispered in my ear, pointing to the pair that were running around singing.


They yelled, hip thrusting at the first part. Looking around I noticed Harry was already unloading the cream into their massive fridge

"You can come in." Harry joked after noticing I hadn't moved a single inch.

"Oh, right, of course." I stammered.

Harry's POV

"You can come in." I joked. Olivia hadn't moved an inch since she walked in.

"Oh, right, of course." She walked over to the kitchen and hopped up on the island, swinging her socked feet around. I couldn't help but let my eyes travel up her legs and to her thighs. By the time my wandering eyes had made it up to her face her eyebrows were raised at me.

"Really?" She smirked, hopping down off the counter and grabbing her purse.

"Ready to go?" I asked as I picked up a pair of sunglasses and my wallet off the counter. "Yep." She replied, shooting me a perfect smile.

"I'll see you guys later." I called out to the bickering boys, who had made their way to Zayn's room.

"OH HARRY! HARRY! DON'T LEAVE HARRY! WE LOVE YOU HARRY!" One of the brown-haired boys called out, chasing Harry into the elevator. "BYE!" they called out in unison.

"How did you boys meet?" I asked as the elevator whirred down.

"We met on a television show, X factor? We were in a band together." He explained the whole story on the way to the coffee shop down the road. By the time we had ordered our coffees we had told each,other our life stories.

"When you first told me that you sing in a band for a living I thought it was a joke." I laughed,taking a sip of my piping hot coffee.

"Well, it's a hard business. That's why I'm going into management."he replied, leaning back in his chair.

"Really? That's amazing! When are you starting that?" I asked, leaning forward.

"That's actually why I'm in Toronto, for a year. I'm actually getting more into the business and there are more connections here and New York. I'll be going between the two cities throughout the next year." He explained.

"We'll, Harry it's been amazing, but I really have to get going. I'm meeting friends for dinner soon and I have to go get ready." Stood up, grabbing my purse off e back of my chair.

"Well hopefully we can do this again." He smiled cheekily, walking out of the cafe and opening the door for me.

"Yeah, definitely, here's my number, feel free to give me a call if you would like to go for dinner or something." I said, biting my lip and searching around in my bag for a piece of paper.

"Oh crud, I don't have anything to write it on. Do you have something?" I frowned down into the depths of my large bag, pulling out a sharpie.

"No, sorry. Not a scrap." He pat down his back pockets for his phone or paper. "Here." I said, neatly writing the ten digits out on

His forearm. I started laughing as I did this,I knew the boys would tease him about it later. "There ya go." I smirked, scrunching up my nose at him. "There's my number."
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