Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down

Scuffed silver bracelet

It was only a week later and Hazz had seemingly already gotten over Liv. I had heard from Zayn that he had brought a girl home from clubbing every night, and that he had started smoking again. Zayn complained that Hazz would go out and smoke on their deck multiple times a day, and couldn’t go an hour without a cigarette or two.

I was out shopping with him, and we were making our way around New York, stopping in shops to browse the stores. So far I hadn’t gotten a thing, and he already had a few bags.

“How about this?” Zayn called over a rack, holding up a buttery looking black leather jacket. “You should really get a leather jacket. It’s a must have.” He explained, walking over to me and holding up to my chest.

“I suppose-“

“Try it on.” He nudged the jacket closer, placing his shopping bags down on the floor. I slipped the jacket on, enjoying the soft leather against my skin.

“Looks bloody good. You should get it.” Zayn grinned, rubbing my arm.

“Ok, if you say so.” I sighed, slipping the jacket off and following him to the till.

“I can help you over here.” A tall slender brunette called from the counter. I strode over, Zayn in tow, and placed the jacket down gently. The woman smiled and scanned the tag.

“That’ll be three thousand two hundred and eighty four.” The woman smiled, taking my credit card happily. Shortly after I took the bag and the card, following Zayn out of the store.

“Have a nice day.” The security guard smiled, tipping his hat as we exited.

“I'm hungry, can we stop in the convenience and grab a candy bar?” Zayn tugged on my arm as I let him lead me into a small convenience store. We wandered in, looking at the vast array of candy.

“Damn Americans have too much to choose from. I have no idea what to get.” He huffed, scanning the shelf. My eyes wandered to the gossip magazines, laughing at all the titles and rumors about the boys and I.

“Hurry up Zayn.” I mumbled, my eyes still absentmindedly glued to the covers.

“I'm coming, I'm coming.”

After ten minutes we finally made it out of the store with an array of different chocolate bars. Zayn claimed that he wanted to try them all and see which one was the best. I lifted an arm, waving slightly at a passing taxi as Zayn whistled loudly. It came to a complete stop in front of us, and I opened the door to let Zayn in first. He gave the cabbie the directions as I slid in after him, shutting the door firmly behind me.

“Well that was a successful day of shopping.” Zayn grinned, his bags tucked tightly around him.

“Zayn, can I tell you something? I- I just need to get it off my chest.” I asked abruptly, surprising even myself.

“Sure, anything mate.”

“I- well, when liv caught Hazz, you know, with Taylor, she came over to my place. Because, well, she didn’t know anyone else in New York.”

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, I may have- we might have, uh. We slept together.” I spilled, watching Zayn’s reaction closely.

“Mate, that’s a no-no. You can’t sleep with your friends ex!” He exclaimed, eyes wide.

“I know! But I couldn’t help myself, she’s just so-“

“Hot?” He interrupted, shooting me a smile. “Hey, I get it. It was hard to keep your hands off the emotional, sexy, crying mess that you had in your arms. Just don’t do it again.” He warned as we pulled up to my apartment.

“You- you thought she was sexy?” I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows at Zayn.

“Well, who wouldn’t?”

“Yeah, I guess your right.” I replied lamely, getting out of the car with my bag. “See ya later mate.” I smiled, closing the door behind me.

I wandered up to my apartment doors, shooting a smile to the doorman as I walked up to the elevator. After a minute the elevator arrived with a ding, sweeping open. I stepped in, punching the 30th floor button. It rushed up the thirty floors quickly, opening again in no time. I patted my back pocket, pulling out a set of keys before opening the doors of my flat. The rooms were dark; the only source of light was the one window whose curtains had been pushed back slightly. I closed the door behind me with a sigh, noticing my growling stomach. As I walked over to the kitchen I kicked off my shoes, leaving them in the middle of the room. I didn’t really care about keeping the place tidy anymore; I didn’t have many guests over, the only people who would occasionally pop by were the boys. I had stopped bringing girls home too. There was no point; I couldn’t get her face out of my mind. After one awkward encounter where, in the peak of ecstasy, I screamed out the wrong name, I had sworn myself off women for a while.

I took a bag of chips to my room, breaking open the bag and stuffing a handful in my mouth as I made my way over to my room. Snatching the converter off the side table, I turned on the TV, switching through channels until I found something decent to watch. Absentmindedly I pulled her bracelet out of my drawer, rubbing my thumb over the engravings. It was just so, her. From the slightly scuffed silver, to the way it caught the light. It made me happy just looking at it.