Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down


“I’m getting sleepy Niall, I can’t finish this movie.” I yawned, tugging the blanket up off my lap and over my bump.

“Hey, blanket hog.”

“Its so fuzzy though.” I smiled, scrunching my nose up playfully.

“How did you two meet?” Greg interrupted, watching us closely. He was sitting on my right, while Niall was on my left. We were all squished together on the couch in the living room, watching a movie and chatting.

“Er- I guess you could say we met through Hazz?” Niall said slowly.

“Long story?”

“Yeah, kinda.” I replied, smiling. “C’mon Nialler.”

“Fine, I’ll come up with you. We may as well all get a full nights sleep.” He replied, standing up and holding his hand out.

“Why thank you kind brother.” Greg grinned, taking Niall’s hand and using it to help him get up.

I giggled, watching the two brothers interact. They had a really close bond; it was nice to see Niall happy and content with him. I placed my hands firmly on either side of me, and repositioned myself to get up. Leaning forward, I stood up quickly, holding my abdomen protectively.

“C’mon you two.” I called to the now bickering brothers. They sighed, breaking apart and following me up the stairs. I turned into Niall’s room, stopping beside the bed and glancing at my bag on the floor. I turned away from it, instead reaching into Niall’s duffel and pulling out a white button down and a pair of sweatpants. I quickly dashed into the adjoining bathroom, clicking the door closed just as Niall walked into the bedroom. I heard him rustle around while I changed quickly, stripping off my jeans and slipping on the much more comfortable sweats. I then slipped on the shirt, buttoning it up only halfway as it wouldn’t fit over the bump.

“Liv? Have you seen my sweatpants?” Niall knocked on the door.

“Could you pass me a tank top out of my bag?” I replied instead, smirking.

I stepped out of the washroom, watching Niall rustle around in the pile of clothes that was now strewn over the floor.

“I tried to put on one of your shirts, but it wouldn’t do up all the way.” I pouted, causing Niall to turn around and notice me. He immediately fell to the floor in a fit of giggles, holding his toned, shirtless stomach as he laughed.

“Oh my- Liv this is the funniest sight I’ve ever seen.” He gasped. I turned around to face myself in the full-length mirror and cracked a smile. I did look pretty funny.

“Is everything okay in here?” Greg called out, poking his head in through the door.

“The shirt didn’t fit.” I stuck out my bottom lip, motioning to the large gap in the shirt that refused to be buttoned. Greg’s mouth twitched upwards, and then turned into a full-blown smile when he noticed Niall, still on the floor, laughing.

“I’m afraid you’re a little too big to be fitting into his teensy shirts.”

“Hey! I am not teensy!” Niall retorted, giving his brother a look of mock shock.

“Boys?” Bobby’s voice called out from behind Greg. I froze, looking to Niall with wide eyes. ‘Its ok’ He mouthed, before quickly glancing over to the doorway to where Bobby now stood. His mouth twitched upwards slightly when he noticed me, standing with my midsection exposed. I walked over to where Niall stood and accepted the blanket he handed me. I swiftly wrapped it around my midsection, not making eye contact with Bobby as he smiled and made his way over.

“Niall, I’m sorry. I overrea-“

“Damn right you did! You have no right to speak to her like that.” Niall retorted, taking a step towards his slightly shorter father.

“I know. I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

Niall responded by crossing his arms and squinting at his father, waiting to hear what he had to say.

“Liv, I am sorry. You are fully welcome here. You are a part of the family now.” Bobby grinned.

“Well, I’ll leave you three at it. Night!” Bobby waved, after a long awkward pause. He closed the door behind him gently, and we waited a few moments to hear his footsteps pad down the hallway until we spoke.

“Damn him. I don’t care what apology he gives you; it won’t make up for the shit he said.” Niall mumbled, shifting his jaw.

“Shh, Niall it’s ok. You need to forgive him, that’s the only way that you can get it out of your system. He said he was sorry. I forgive him. It must be hard finding out your son is having a baby out of wedlock.” I cooed, stroking his back. “Go get ready for bed. It’s been a stressful day.” I placed a pair of pajamas in his arms and steered him towards the washroom. I glanced over to the corner, where Greg was watching me and smiling.

“What?” I smiled.

“Nothing. I’m going to head off to bed myself now. Goodnight!” He dashed out of the room, closing the door behind him just as Niall emerged from the washroom, shirtless and in his pajamas.

“Wanna watch some TV before we turn out the lights?” I asked, collapsing down onto the bed and crawling over to the side of the bed that was pushed up against a wall.

“Sure.” Niall replied, grabbing the remote off the dresser and settling down beside me. He flicked on the TV, settling on a re-run of SNL.

“Ah, I used to love this show!” I squealed, standing up straight.

“Me too. I watched every single episode.” He laughed. “You know I was on this show a few times?”

“No way. Give me the computer, were youtubing this.” I motioned for him to hand me his MacBook, which was charging on the desk. He reached over, handing it to me and unplugging the chord. I flipped it open, opening chrome and typing in YouTube. It took me to the site immediately, and I searched ‘One direction SNL’. Many results came up, and I clicked on the first one, smiling at Niall as it loaded. “This is gonna be good.”

I laughed the entire way through. By the end of it I had tears in my eyes. “Oh god Niall, I- can’t- breathe.” I gasped, wiping tears from my eyes. Even though they were only in it for a moment, I couldn’t stop laughing at his outfit.

“The one day management lets us dress ourselves.” He grumbled, before laughing. “That was so much fun. The guys and I just went crazy with ideas.”

“Your really close, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, we tell each other everything.” He sighed.

“You need to patch things up with Harry.”


“Please, when we get home, please make amends with Harry. I hate that you two are fighting because of me.”

“Er- about when we get home?”


“I have to be in LA for November, for the AMA’s. You could stay in Toronto if you want, but your welcome to stay with me and come to Los Angeles.” He said shyly, standing up off the bed.

“I would love to go to LA.” I grinned. “I’ve never been. Thank you Nialler.”

“No problem.” He smiled slightly.

“But Niall, about Hazz, you two should patch it up, Ok?”

“Fine, I’ll try my best.” He sighed after a long pause.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I yawned, giving him a hug. “I think I’m going to sleep now. I’m tired.”

“Me too. Night little buddy.” Niall cooed, giving my stomach a sloppy kiss.

“Ew, Niall that tickles.” I giggled, playfully pushing him away.

“What? This?” He grinned mischievously, bending down and placing big, wet kisses on my abdomen.

“Stop it! Haha.” I squealed, batting him away.

Niall’s POV

I checked the clock, 12:53. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me, ok?” I told Liv, turning around to leave.

“Goodnight.” She called out, just as I went to close the door.

“Night night.”

I closed the door and padded down the stairs quietly, a pillow and a blanket tucked under my arm. I slipped into the den, my hand flailing around on the wall in search of the light switch. After a few seconds of feeling up the wall I finally found it, flicking it on before making my way over to the wide couch. This couch wasn’t so bad to sleep on, mainly because you could remove the back pillows and make it as wide as a twin bed. I turned the lamp on, placing my blanket and pillows down on the bed. I then reached over the couch, flicking the lights off and then making myself comfortable. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep quickly.

“Niall, Niall, are you up?” A voice whispered, prodding me in the arm gently.

“Mm?” I mumbled, squinting my eyes open slightly to notice Olivia standing over me.

“ I couldn’t sleep.”

I responded by squishing over to the other side of the couch, patting the now-empty space beside me. She smiled, placing her pillow down and settling into the couch. I pulled the blanket over her, and shut my eyes again, only noticing the time, 3:27, before falling back asleep.

“Shhh, don’t wake them up.” Someone hiss-whispered, waking me up. I recognized it as the voice of Greg. He never was very good at whispering.

“Should I take a picture?” Bobby replied.

“No, you shouldn’t.” I mumbled, opening my eyes. Olivia was tucked against my side, her arms and legs draped over me while her head rested on my chest. It was too late; my dad already had the camera out and was snapping pictures furiously.

“Niall?” Liv moaned, her eyes fluttering open.

“Morning liv.” I smiled shyly, as her face was mere inches from mine.

“Where am I?” She looked around, her eyes squinting in the bright light.

“This is going on the Christmas card.” Bobby smiled at the screen of the camera, showing it to Greg.

“Aww you two!” Greg cooed at the camera.

“Shut up Greg.” I mumbled, shooting him a look.

“I’ll be making pancakes in the kitchen if you three need me.” Bobby winked, making his way out of the room.

“Da-ad.” I whined, a blush creeping up my neck.

“Niall, you’ve never changed. Your still as shy as you’ll ever be when it comes to girls.” Greg teased, following dad out of the room.

“Sorry about that.” I mumbled, propping myself up, but Liv didn’t even hear. She was still fast asleep, her head in my lap. Her hand moved, brushing my crotch ever so slightly before gripping the covers.

Aunt Layne, Aunt Layne, Aunt Layne. I chanted in my head, staring at the picture of the old woman on the mantle.

After many attempts, I managed to slip off the couch without disturbing Olivia. I padded down the hall, interrupting Bobby and Greg’s quiet conversation.

“Whatcha talking about?” I asked, snatching a glass of orange juice off the counter and taking a sip.

“Oh, nothing. Just- uh, pancakes. Right dad?” Greg smiled, poking dad in the arm.

“Yeah, pancakes.” Bobby smiled, turning towards the pan and flipping the pancakes expertly. I collapsed onto the stool, nursing my glass of juice with both hands. Just as I was about to speak up, Olivia walked in, rubbing her eyes. One side of her hair was frizzy and sticking up everywhere, while the other looked perfect.

“Morning.” I called.

“Mm.” She grunted, taking a seat beside me. I pushed over my glass of juice, and she took a sip, blinking her eyes sleepily.

“What time is it?” She mumbled, inhaling deeply.

“Only ten. I didn’t sleep in very long because someone woke me up.” I shot the two men a look.

“What? I couldn’t pass up a perfect picture moment like that!” Bobby held his hands up in defense after waving his spatula around in the air.

“Olivia, do you like pancakes?” Greg asked.

“Oh, yes. I love them. That’s perfect.” She smiled. “I’m just going to fix myself up. I’ll be right back.” She patted my shoulder, padding out of the room slowly.

“So do you guys have a friends with benefits relationship or-“ Greg asked, leaning on the counter. I immediately blushed, looking down at my hands.

“Greg! We do not! It’s purely friends, nothing more.” I stated, looking him in the eyes.

“Sure, whatever you say mate.”