Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down

London calls

We had been staying with Niall’s dad in Mullingar for a week now, and I was becoming very close with the two men. They were always friendly and loved to chat about everything. The two men shared knowing glances whenever I mentioned Niall in a sentence. It was as if they knew something I didn’t.

“Niall, can you grab my bag for me? I can’t pick it up.” I sighed, glancing over at Niall. He laughed, walking over and grabbing my bag off the floor, then placing it on the bed.

“So how exactly are we getting to your mums?” I asked, settling down on the bed.

“We’ll fly. Were only staying there for a night, in my flat, until the tenth. Then we go off to Los Angeles.”

“Ni-all, you have to get going in thirty, I would hurry up if I were you.” Bobby called from downstairs.

“Coming!” he yelled back.

“Ready to go?” He asked, holding his hand out. I smiled, linking my arm in his and slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

“It’s a quick plane flight; about forty five minutes.” Niall explained, following me down the stairs.

“It was so nice meeting you both.” I smiled at Bobby and Greg, who were standing at the bottom of the stairs. I gave Greg a hug, then moved over to Bobby.

“Thank you so much for letting us stay here, it was so kind of you.”

“It was a pleasure.” he embraced me, letting go and grinning at Niall.

“Niall, my boy. I’ll miss you.” Bobby said, enveloping Niall in a large hug.

“You too, dad.”


“Niall, have you seen my brush?” I called down the hall. I was in the plane’s small bedroom, digging through my bag.

“Not since I packed it up no. Check the front pocket.” He suggested.

“Ah! There it is. Thanks.”

“No problem.” He smiled, making his way over to the bed and sitting down, opening his MacBook.

“What are you going to do for your birthday?”


“Your birthday. It’s on the thirteenth. We’ll be in LA by then. You should do something with the boys.” I explained, settling down beside him and brushing my hair.

“Yeah. Maybe I will do that.” He smiled, before going back to replying to e-mails.

“Good. After spending so much time without your mates cramped up with me you need to go out and have some fun.” I smiled, patting his arm. I stood up, pulling a book out of my bag and opening it up to the most recently dog-eared page.

I walked out into the hall, settling into a window seat and propping my feet up on the adjacent chair while settling into my book. My head leaned forwards, casting a curtain of hair around my face as I read, disabling me to see peripherally.

“How long have you been growing out your hair?” Niall padded in, taking the seat next to me.

“I’ve had it this long since grade ten. I look bad with short hair.”

“It’s so shiny.” Niall said, running a hand through the tips of my hair. I smiled, turning back to my book and enjoying the feeling of Niall playing with my hair.

“I love when people play with my hair.” I murmured, half of my attention on my book. He raked his fingers through the entire length of it, playing with small bits and pieces. I sighed, placing my book down on my abdomen and closing my eyes.

“I hope he has your eyes.” I whispered, rubbing the heel of my hand on the arch of my stomach. “I hope he’s like a mini you. Blue eyes and brown hair always looks sexy; then he can be a mini chick magnet.”

“So that’s why you told me to grow my hair out brown!”

“Well, maybe.” I blushed.


Niall rang the doorbell once, twice before standing back and giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back, just as the door opened to reveal a stout woman with short reddish hair and a large grin plastered across her face.

“N-Niall. Oh.” She gasped, running up and enveloping her son in a bone-crushing hug.

“Mummy. I missed you.” He kissed the top of her head as she backed up.

“Who’s this?” She gestured to me.

“Mum, this is my friend Olivia. Olivia this is my mum.”

“Call me Maura.” She greeted, surprising me with a hug. “Niall, I hope you don’t mind, I have a few neighbors over for lunch. Come in, come in I’ll introduce you.”

Niall rested his hand at the small of my back, guiding me into the house and into the kitchen.

“Niall, this is Leanne, George, Jackson and Mary.” She motioned to the group of people huddled around the kitchen island. Leanne and George were a couple that looked to around Maura’s age, were sitting on the two stools situated at the counter. Jackson and Mary, however, looked to be around our age. Mary was very pretty, with short blond hair and blue eyes; Jackson was also blond, but instead with very light green eyes.

“Nice to meet you.” Jackson turned around, smiling and shaking hands with Niall, then turning and doing the same thing to me. We greeted everyone, situating ourselves around the counter beside Jackson. Niall started up conversation with George, answering questions about his career.

“So, are you and Niall dating?” Jackson inquired.

“No, were just friends.”

“So your single then.”


“What’s a pretty girl like you doing single?” He asked, a playful smile lingering on his lips.

“Oh, um, I don’t know.”

“You know what, I should take you out to din-“

“Hey, buddy. Back off.” Niall snapped, making his way over and standing protectively over me.

“Niall, he’s just being nice.” I retorted, frowning at him.

“Yeah buddy, what’s it to ya anyway? Not like you have your hands on her.”

“What’s it to me? Huh? Oh, maybe I’m just a little protective over the mother of my child.” He hissed, taking a step forwards.

“Niall.” I warned, placing my hands on his chest. “Let’s step outside for a moment. You need to calm down.”

“I need to calm down? More like he needs to fuck off.”

“Mother of your child? Niall is there something you want to tell me?” Maura spoke, staring worriedly at her son.

“Oh, yeah. Forgot to tell you. You’re going to be a grandmother.” Niall grunted, turning around and walking out the back door, closing it behind him.

“I- I’ll go talk to him.” I stuttered, following Niall outside.

“Nialler?” I called, rubbing my arms. I noticed him sitting at the back of the yard, on a bench. His head was in his hands and his leg was bouncing up and down. I walked over, sitting down beside him and sighing.

“That wasn’t you.”

“I know. That wasn’t. I-I don’t know what got into me.” He trembled, shutting his eyes tightly. I rubbed his back, letting him cool down for a few moments.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. It just made me angry the way he was hitting on you so sketchily.”

“Hey. It’s okay. I can deal with the creepy ones.” I laughed lightly, rubbing my hand in circular motions around on his back. “Want to go back in and explain the whole baby mama thing to your mum?”

“Yeah, lets go.” We both stood up.

“Niall?” I asked, turning around and giving him a hug, my arms wrapped around his neck. I looked over his shoulder, noticing Maura watching from the kitchen window. We walked over to the house, and I opened the door for Niall, smiling slightly as he walked in.


“Niall, this is such amazing news.” She beamed, wrapping her arms around Niall’s chest. “I’m going to be a grandmother!”

“Where did the guests go?”

“Oh, they said they’ll come over another time; they’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Oh, Olivia. What is it? Boy or girl?”

“It’s a boy.” I replied.

“Oh, my. I’m going to have a grandson!” She cheered, bringing in both Niall and I for a group hug.

“But mum, I just want you to know. This wasn’t a er- planned pregnancy. Liv and I aren’t dating.”

“That’s alright son. A baby is a blessing no matter how it gets here.” She smiled widely.

Niall’s POV

“I’m exhausted.” Liv breathed on the way to my flat. “Could we go get some food? I'm hungry.”

“Me too. Ooh! Let’s go to Nando’s!” I said excitedly.

“What’s that?”

“Only the best food ever! We’re going.” I turned onto a side street, scanning the building for the familiar restaurant. “Ah, here it is!”


I fumbled around my pockets for my keys, trying to think back to when I had them last. With an ‘aha’ I pulled them out of my back pocket, shifting the bag in my arms to pull out the right key.

“Niall, let me take the bag!” Liv laughed.

“No, no. It’s fine. I can do it.” I mumbled, sliding the key into the lock and turning. It opened with a click, and I pushed the heavy door open. The rooms were pitch black, and the air was laced with the faint scent of febreze.

“Where’s the washroom?”

“Down the hall, to your right.” I replied, placing the bag of food onto the counter. I took out the Styrofoam containers of food, opening each one to check what was inside. After I opened all the cupboards in search of plates I finally found them, pulling out two and setting them on the counter before heading out in search of cutlery. I always forgot where things were organized in my different houses. It always took me a while to adjust.

“Liv? You alright in there?” I called after a few minutes.

“Oh! Oh, yeah. I’ll- uh- I’ll just be a minute.” She replied hastily following the sound of something dropping.

Olivia’s POV

I walked down the hall, peeking into the dark rooms in search of the washroom. I flicked on a light, illuminating a large, pristinely white washroom. I stepped in, closing the door behind me and checked my reflection in the mirror. I fixed my hair before doing my business and walking over to the sink. No soap. I opened the medicine cabinet; stark, empty shelves stared back at me. I then pulled out the top drawer, to be met again with bleakness. I pulled out the last drawer, expecting emptiness, but was instead met with two empty, and one half empty, boxes of condoms. I let out a surprised ‘oh’, staring with wide eyes at the personal possessions I had just found. I curiously picked up the half empty box, furrowing my brows in surprise.

“Liv? You alright in there?” Niall’s voice scared me, causing me to drop the full box of condoms all over the floor.

“Oh, oh yeah. I’ll- just be a minute.” I replied quickly, trying my best to bend down and pick up the small shiny wrappers. I picked up as many as I could, resorting to kicking them as far as I could under the carpet when I couldn’t bend down any farther. I stuffed the box back into its place, swinging the door open and stepping out. “No soap.” I smiled, walking over to the kitchen and washing my hands there.

“Yeah, I’m usually out of that kind of stuff. I should probably head down to the grocers and pick up some stuff for LA. I haven’t been there in over a year, the place is probably out of everything. Although, maybe Hazz has changed his demeanor and actually kept the place well stocked.” He laughed. “Help yourself to food.” He picked up a plate, placing some chicken and rice onto it before making his way over to the dining table. I did the same, settling down beside him and watching intently as he picked up the convertor and flicked the channel to TMZ.

“Celebrities actually watch gossip shows?” I questioned.

“Well, I like watching TMZ. They come up with some good comebacks. Its also fun to see what they make up about us.” He laughed, turning his attention to the TV. I tuned out, humming to myself quietly as I filed up a glass of water. I looked up, noticing Niall’s jaw tighten and his eyebrows furrow.

“What’s wr-“ I started, watching him worriedly before turning my attention to the TV. They had a blurry camera phone video running of Niall and I running into Nando’s only thirty minutes ago.

“What’s Niall doing with Harry Style’s ex. And who’s the baby daddy? We have it next, on TMZ.” The voice over announced, before cutting over to a commercial about tissues.


“God damn it, do they really have to snoop around everything that happens in my damn life? Can’t they just fucking leave me alone?”

“Niall. It’s ok; no one believes those gossip shows anyway. It’s all bullshit.” I murmured, stroking his back. He didn’t reply, instead he shut off the TV and turned to face me.

“I don’t care if it’s all bullshit, I don’t want people talking about you like that. You don’t deserve that.” He placed his head in his hands.

“Niall it’s ok. I’m strong; I can stand up to rumors. I know, being a guy you feel like you have to protect me from everything and provide everything for me, but it’s fine; I’m more than capable of doing so.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry I just- it just pissed me off.”

“I understand. Now, let’s turn on a movie or something, and stay away from those shows for a while, ok?” I picked up the convertor, flicking the channel to a movie.


“You should go out shopping tomorrow, pick up some clothes for LA.” Niall stood up and stretched. We had finally finished our movie, and it was getting late.

“No, Niall it’s ok, I don’t need to.”

“Yes, you do. The weather is much, much warmer in LA than it is in Toronto or London. You should also pick up a fancy dress just in case you need to be my date to any parties.” He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows at ‘date’.


“No buts.” He interrupted “Your going and that’s final.”

“Fine. I’ll go.” I replied after a long stare down.

“Good. He grinned triumphantly, pulling the card out of his back pocket. “It’s all yours.”