Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down


I sat on the couch, my feet tucked under me as I watched food network. The baby furniture had been dropped off an hour ago, and the boys had convinced me that they could set it all up on their own. Since I reluctantly agreed Harry and Niall had been upstairs for a full hour with no avail. I watched the show intently, practically drooling over the dishes they were making. I picked up my phone, replying back to a text from Eliza.

From: Lili

Um, where have you been? And when am I gonna see you next? Where on earth are you?

To: Lili

I’m in LA now, just got back from England two days ago. I’m not sure when I’ll be in Toronto next. But you should come down and visit me in LA!

I sent the text off, freezing when I heard the front door creak open. There was a few banging noises, and a quiet ‘shit’ that came from the front hall. I stayed facing forwards and watching the TV, listening to the boys bicker.

“Shut up Zayn. Niall told us to sneak upstairs, not to let the world know were here!” Louis whispered.

“Sorry, sorry.” Zayn whispered back. I heard their footsteps quietly pad down the hall, and dash up the steps. I even heard a quiet ‘were here!’ emanate from upstairs. I laughed, getting up and moving over to the kitchen for a glass of water.

After waiting fifteen minutes and not a single person coming down the stairs I hauled myself up the stairs, making my way down the hall before pausing just outside my room.

“I think I got it!” I heard Niall cheer.

“No, dude, you put the front of the crib on backwards.” Harry stated, tapping against something. I stepped in, laughing at the scene in front of me. They had assembled the crib almost inside out. Liam and Zayn were staring at the instructions, puzzled looks on their faces, and Harry was unscrewing the bolts, taking the bars off the frame of the crib.

“Need any help?” I asked.

“No, no it’s ok, us men can put it together.” Niall mumbled, trying to unscrew a leg of the changing table, and failing.

“Gimme the screwdriver.” I walked up to Harry, holding my hand out.


“Just give it to me.” He reluctantly handed it over, shooting a look at Niall. I unassembled the entire crib, placing all the pieces all on the floor. I put the walls together first, then the feet, and lastly I slid in the base. Within five minutes the entire crib was fully assembled.

“But how-“

“I’ll let you men do the rest.” I smiled, taking a seat in the bed. Niall just stared, wide eyed. I shot him a small smile, picking up a pile of baby clothes and folding them up. I then took the stack of tiny shoes and made my way over to the closet. I placed all Ethan’s stuff on one side of the closet, and put his shoes on the shelf. I smiled at the tiny pair of Nike high-tops Niall had bought the other day, after ‘not being able to pass them up’. I stepped back into the room, greeted with a fully assembled rocking chair and changing table.

“That was quick.” I laughed.

“Well, turns out these bozos had been reading the wrong instructions out the entire time.” Niall motioned to the trio who were moving around furniture.

“What time is that party we had to go to?” I asked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

“Well, I would start getting ready around now. We’ll leave in an hour or so?”

“An hour! It takes me three hours to get ready!” I laughed, jumping up and running to the washroom.

“Well I don’t know. It only takes me a few minutes.” Niall replied sheepishly.

I plugged in my curling wand, humming to myself lightly as the boys moved the furniture around in the room. I put on a light amount of concealer, topping my face off with some powder. I then applied a light brown eye shadow all over the lid, adding a slightly darker, smoky one in the crease. The curling wand beeped to show it was heated up just as I applied a burgundy lipstick. I placed it on the counter, mentally reminding myself to bring it with me. It took me a while to curl my hair; I pinned up some sections as I sprayed on heat protectant. I then used my curling wand to heat my hair into large curls.

“Liv? You almost ready?” Niall called from the hallway, knocking on my door.

“Yep, I’m just going to get changed and then I’ll be good.” I smiled, emerging form the washroom.

“Okay, Hazz and I will be waiting downstairs.” He called through the door. I walked over to the closet, stripping out of my clothes and into the dress. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror, running my hands along the curve of my bump.

“Any day now.” I mumbled to myself. I picked a pair of nude pumps off the shoe rack, and padded out of the room with them in my hand. I smiled at the baby furniture arranged in the corner of the room before opening the door and into the hall, just as Harry walked out.

“You look nice.” I smiled. He was wearing a navy blazer and dress pants, with a white tee underneath. The tip of his swallow tattoo was poking out from the neckline of the tee, and I couldn’t help but sneak a glance.

“You too.” He gave me a cheeky grin.

“So where exactly is this party?” I asked as we descended the stairs.

“Well, it’s for Colombia records. They have one of these parties every year before the AMA’s. Everyone who was signed with them, is signed with them, or works for them go.” Harry explained. We made it to the bottom of the stairs, and turned the corner to find Niall leaning on the counter, his iPhone in his hands.

“C’mon mate.” Harry patted his back. Niall spun around to face us, and did a double take.

“Wow, Liv, you look great.” He stuttered, his mouth slightly ajar. I blushed; Niall looked pretty good himself in his black blazer, navy shirt and black dress pants. It was rare that I ever saw him dressed up.

“Not too shabby yourself.” I replied.

“Shall we?” He grinned, motioning with his hands. I walked over to the door and opened it, sighing at the cool night air.

“I’ve never seen LA at night.” I mumbled, taking in the still-setting sky. It was a deep navy blue, and the skyline of the city was amazing.

“Since were on a hill you can really see LA in all it’s glory when its dark out.” Harry followed close behind, pulling a pair of car keys from his pocket.

“Let’s take my car.” Harry called back to Niall, who was just locking up the house. Harry pressed a button on the keys, earning two high-pitched beeps from the Range Rover parked in the driveway. I walked up to the car, blushing slightly as Harry opened the passenger door for me.

“Thanks.” I smiled shyly. Like usual; I took forever to get in the car, and made quite a few awkward movements. But Harry stood there, the door wide open, patiently waiting for me to get in.

“Awww, why do I always get backseat?” Niall moaned, jumping into the car.

“Because I’m a better driver and you know it.” Harry smirked, reversing down the drive.

“Really Hazz, just because you learned how to parallel park before me doesn’t mean your better.” Niall pouted.

“Boys, boys settle down.” I turned around, flicking my gaze between the two men.



I took Niall’s hand, and let him lead me into the crowd of people. Most of them were holding flutes of champagne and wine, and they all stood in small groups amongst each other.

“Don’t worry. No drinking for me tonight.” Niall leaned over and whispered in my ear after he noticed me looking around.

“Why not?”

“It wouldn’t be fair to you to have to handle a hoard of drunk boys. At least I know how to handle a drunken Hazz.” Niall laughed, shaking his head.

“Niall Horan. How have you been?” An older man approached us. He had black hair that was laced with streaks of grey, and was wearing a double-breasted tux.

“I’ve been great. How about you?” Niall asked.

“Amazing, amazing.” The man nodded, taking a sip out of his wine glass.

“Mr. Welter, this is my girlfriend, Olivia. Olivia, this is Mr. Welter.” I introduced the pair.

“Call me John.” Mr. Welter extended his hand, and Olivia shook it.

“Niall! I had no idea!” John laughed, gesturing to Olivia’s prominent bump.

“Yeah, well we didn’t really tell anyone apart from the boys and our families. We wanted to keep it low-key.” Niall nodded.

“Well, that’s great. Congrats.” John waved, moving on to another group.

Niall’s POV

“Is this what the entire night is going to be like?” Olivia whispered in my ear. I shivered, her hot breath warming my jaw.

“Pretty much.” I replied, scanning the room. I spotted the rest of the group in the corner, chatting with each other.

“There are the boys. Let’s go say hello.” I nudged her, pointing to the corner where the four boys were talking. I took her hand in mine, leading her over to the small group of familiar faces.

“Here comes Niall, the only one of us who came with a girl.” Zayn cheered, patting me on the back.

“But not the only one who’ll be leaving with one.” Liam nudged Zayn in the side, flicking his head over to Harry, who was sweet-talking a pretty blonde.

“Look at him go.” Louis laughed.

“Boys, fancy seeing you here.” A tall man with short clipped greying hair strode up.

“Simon! I didn’t know you were in LA.” Zayn laughed.

“Got here last night. Couldn’t miss the best party of the year.” He rolled his eyes, taking a sip out of his drink. “Who’s this?” Simon asked, smiling at Liv.

“Simon, this is Olivia, Olivia, this is Simon.” I introduced the two. They shook hands, and Olivia flashed him a quick smile before retreating back to my side.

“So, this is the girl I’ve heard so much about.” Simon smiled at Liv. She smiled back, her grip on my hand tightening slightly. “When’s he due?” He gestured to Liv.

“Within the next two weeks.” I responded, squeezing Liv’s hand back.

“Really? That soon huh.”

“Were all so excited. Our first 1D baby!” Louis cheered, smiling over at me.

“We all thought it would be you, Lou.” Zayn said.

“Really? I couldn’t see myself being a dad yet.” Louis shook his head.

“Well, congrats you two.” Simon raised his glass, making his way to the other side of the room.

“I’m going to go use the restroom. He’s pushing on my bladder.” Liv whispered, taking off into the sea of people. I watched her retreating back for a few moments before my thoughts were interrupted.

“Niall Horan is that you?” A squeaky voice called out. I turned to the cause of the noise, noticing none other than my ex, Mindy, prancing up. We dated for two years, just as she was starting up her career. She was now an international pop star. I had broken up with her after she started going through my stuff. She read texts, e-mails, and folders on my computer. She even called all the female names on my phone and demanded to know how they knew me. I found that out after I got a rather demanding call back from my mother. She was a really sweet girl; she could just get a little… possessive.

“Mindy, how are you?” I asked, shooting her a smile. She stopped right in front of me, smiling up. She was a good foot smaller; even in heels.

“I’m amazing, how about you?” She flirted, placing her hand on my arm. I shifted uncomfortably, making small talk and trying to bore her.

“Good, good.”

“Are the rest of the boys here?”

“Yeah, we make it down every year. How’s singing? You enjoying it?” I asked. Just as Mindy opened her mouth to speak, Olivia walked up with a small smile on her lips.

“Oh, sorry. I’ll- uh, leave you two at it.” Liv patted my shoulder, making her way over to Harry.

“Who’s that?” Mindy asked, her eyes trailing Liv.

“Olivia.” I replied dumbly.

“Oh. Well, yeah; I’ve loved preforming. It’s such a rush, you know?” She immediately changed the subject back to herself.

“Yeah, its great.” I looked over Mindy’s shoulder to Harry and Liv. His arm was around her waist as they laughed with two older men. I small bubble of jealousy passed as I watched his hand inch slightly down her back and near her bum.

“Well, it’s good to see you.” I shot her a small wave, exchanging smiles before I wandered over to Liv.

“Niall! This is Jim and Tom.” Harry said as I walked up to the group. I shook hands with the men, exchanging greetings quickly.

“Well, we best get going. It was nice to meet you Olivia. You too Niall.” Jim waved. Tom followed closely behind, shooting us a small wave before following Jim’s tail.

“They were nice.” Liv chirped. Harry slowly slid his arm from around Liv’s waist, trying his best for me not to notice. I did though; I always noticed Liv.

“Hey Niall, who was that girl you were talking to?” Liv asked.

“Oh, just an ex.” I replied, nodding my head.

“Mindy?” Harry gasped, then broke out into a fit of laughter as I slowly nodded my head in confirmation. “Man, she was a creeper.”

“Why? What’d she do?” Liv spoke up.

“She called me asking how I knew Niall, same with all the boys. She creeped him bad; it was a good thing you finally ended that relationship.” Harry laughed, taking a long gulp out of his drink.

“Oh shoot, I didn’t know! I thought you were flirting with her!” Liv gasped, her eyes wide.

“Why would I do that?”

“I don’t know. I thought maybe after your year long streak of being single you would finally start actually looking around at girls again.” Liv giggled.

“Who told you I haven’t dated for two years?” I furrowed my eyebrows at Liv. Harry shook his head smiling.

“Well, Harry said one year. Two is a long time!” Liv smiled. “Don’t you think you should be at least noticing girls again? I mean, unless you’ve sworn off girls for now.” She smirked.

“I’m not- I'm not gay! I just- I, uh Have my eye on someone right now.” I shrugged. Harry stood beside Liv, smiling down into his drink and trying not to laugh. I shot him a glare before turning back to Liv.

“Really? What’s she like?” Liv’s eyes lit up.

“Um, well. She’s gorgeous; stunning and er- she’s really sweet. Has an amazing personality.”

“Aww, well I’m sure she feels the same way.” Liv cooed, pouting her bottom lip slightly.

“Yeah, I hope so.” I nodded.

“Hey, I’ll catch you guys later.” Harry shot over his shoulder as he retreated into the crowd.

“Niall Horan where the hell have you been?” A strong voice called out. I glanced away from Liv, over to where one of my best mates, Josh, was walking over.

“Josh, how’ve you been man?” I laughed, clapping hands with him.

“I’ve been amazing. Still working in studios and all that.” He replied, nodding and smiling. “Who’s this?” He asked, offering his hand to Liv.

“Josh, this is my friend Liv, Olivia, this is Josh.” I glanced over at Olivia, whose eyes were wide and was smiling flirtatiously.

“Nice to meet you.” She beamed, moving slightly out of my touch.

“You too.” Josh shot her a bright smile. I’m surprised Liv didn’t melt into a puddle of hormonal pregnant woman right there on the floor.

“We have to do something for your birthday. Call me up, ok? We can work something out.”

“Ok, I will. Good to see ya mate.” Niall said, receiving a wave goodbye from Josh, who was now walking in the other direction.

“What time is it?” Liv yawned, covering her mouth.

“Time for us to leave.” I replied, taking her hand and leading her over to Louis and Liam.

“Niall we don’t have to.” She retorted, following me through the room.

“Hey, your nine months pregnant. When you say you’re tired; you’re tired.” I explained. “Lou? Were taking a taxi home now. Can you make sure Hazz takes one too? He’s going to be shit-faced by the end of the night; and I don’t want him to be stupid and try to drive.” I shot Louis a wave, which he returned.

“No problem. See you guys later.” He called back. I placed my hand on the small of Liv’s back, and steered her out of the room and into the empty lobby.

“I’m so tired.” She yawned, leaning into my side slightly. I took her weight, slowly leading her out the door and onto the sidewalk. I lifted my arm up and hailed a passing taxi, opening the door for Liv and waiting patiently for her to get in. I watched Liv get confortable as I gave the cabbie the directions home. Liv scootched over, resting her head on my shoulder and playing with a thin braided bracelet that was around my wrist. I sighed and closed my eyes, focusing on the small point where our skin was touching.

“Were here sir.” The cabbie said, pulling up to the house.

“Keep the change.” I told him, handing him a fifty.

“C’mon liv.” I whispered. She moaned lightly, practically rolling out of the taxi. I closed the door behind her, and then spun around to follow her. She was standing at the base of the front yard, ripping her heels off.

“Ah, so much better.” She sighed, wiggling her toes; which were painted with a bright coral polish. We walked up the front walk, and Liv watched intently as I unlocked the front door and swung it open. She trudged in, and I kicked off my shoes, following her up the stairs. For a sleepy nine-month pregnant woman she could move fast when she wanted to. She slipped into her room, and I opened my door, retreating into mine. I left the door open as I tore off my suit jacket and shirt, leaving them in a heap on the floor. I then pulled off my pants, replacing them with a pair of plaid ones.

“Ni?” Liv’s sleepy voice called out.

“Yeah?” I replied, crossing the hall into her room. She was lying on her bed face up, her eyes closed. Liv opened her eyes, patting the space beside her. I sat down besides her, lying more upright in the bed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. A frown outlined her lips, and she just looked- upset.

“I’m scared.” Liv mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper.

“For what?”

“For Ethan. I-I don’t know how I’m going to do this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Niall, I can’t stay with you and live off your generosity for the next eighteen years of my life. It’s just not an option. Once Ethan’s born I'm going to find a job, and an apartment for us to stay in; hopefully one nearby. But I just-“ She paused. I glanced over, noticing she was wiping her eyes. “I just want everything to be perfect for him, you know?”

At this point she had tears streaming down her face, and her eyes were squeezed tightly shut. She moved her hands up to her face, rubbing her eyes one more time.

“I always dreamed that everything would be perfect; that I would finish high school, go to university, meet a nice guy, get married, have kids. Live in a perfect house with a perfect husband. Get a dog, maybe even a cat. But it just seems so- unreal now.” She whispered shakily. I moved over, wrapping my arms around her petite form. She hugged me back, snaking her arms under my arms and burying her face into the crook of my neck. I then realized I was shirtless, and she was merely in a nightgown.

“Hey, hey it’s gonna be ok. Everything’s going to be ok.” I stroked her hair soothingly. After a few minutes she seemed to calm down, and her breathing returned to normal. “It’s so weird. I never thought of myself to be the girl to have an unplanned pregnancy. I never have one-night stands, hell I’ve only been to a nightclub once.” She whispered “But I guess we all have our moments of weakness.”

She slouched down, resting her head on her pillow and tucking her legs under the sheets. I moved my arms, and shifted to stand out of the bed when a pair of warm hands grabbed my arm.

“Stay.” She mumbled, looking up at me sadly. I couldn’t refuse, and lay down besides her, stroking her hair. She then backed up, snuggling her back into my chest. As I lay there, with the girl of my dreams fast asleep in my arms, I couldn’t help but let my mind trail off to thoughts of years from now. And wonder what this was. Us.
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Thanks for reading! I love you all so much and get so happy and excited when i see the view counter or subscriber counter go up! <3 Sorry for the long wait!
