Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down

Breakfast anyone?

Like most Saturday mornings I spent this one in bed, lying with a book in my hand. This time I had gone back to one of my favorites, ‘Where Things Come Back’. It had been my favorite book all throughout high school, and the paperback had now been worn out and ripped in many spots. Since waking up at ten this morning I hadn’t moved an inch. I just sat in bed, with my favorite book, and the tempting promise of coffee if I were to muster up the energy to get up. My peaceful reading was soon interrupted by the buzzing of my phone on the floor of my bedroom.

“Damn.” I swore, dog-earing yet another page in the book and dragging myself out of bed. I listened intently for the noise as I got down on all fours and searched under my bed, flailing my arm around hopelessly in search of the noise.

“Here we go.” I mumbled to myself as I picked up the blackberry, brushing off lint as I pressed the answer button.

“Hello?” I answered, my voice still groggy from waking up.

“Olivia? It’s Harry.” The deep, British voice replied on the other side.

“Oh, hey! Whatsup?”

“I was wondering if you would like to meet up for, er, brunch?”

“Oh, I would love to Harry, but I just woke up! I’m, still in my pajamas.” I answered with a frown, looking at my stained run for the cure shirt and pickle boxer shorts.

“That’s ok! Ill wear mine. Where exactly do you live?” I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

“In the Colonnade building.” I sighed, this boy would not take no for an answer.

“I’ll be there in twenty, see ya!” He finished, hanging up the phone.

Crap, crap, crap. What am I going to wear? I thought hastily to myself as I tore through my closet, settling on an oversized sweater and checkered pajama shorts. I then darted to my bathroom, brushing my teeth like a mad woman and throwing on some light makeup and brushing my hair, leaving it down. When I left it down like this it hit my mid back. I then rushed out of my room, stuffing junk into a garbage bag, and quickly loading the dishwasher. Right as I was loading the last fork I heard the buzzer go off.

“Liv? It’s me. Could you let me up?”

I responded by pressing the buzzer, letting him into the building. Quickly, I fixed my hair in the mirror before showing the bag of garbage into the shower. I’d deal with that later.

The second I walked into the living room I heard a knock at the door.

“Coming!” I called out, giving myself a once-over before opening the door to reveal a smiling Harry holding two bags of breakfast foods.

“I couldn’t decide on what I thought you would want so I got one of everything.” He smiled innocently, unloading the bags onto the kitchen counters to reveal three packets of different types of bacon, a carton of eggs, a box of pancake mix, maple syrup, regular syrup and much more.

“My gosh Harry we could open up a shop with all this food!” I laughed, staring at the assortment of items he brought.

“Go big or go home.” He chuckled.

Harry’s POV

“Oh gosh, I can’t even look at food now.” She moaned sexily as she shoved away a plate of pancakes drenched in maple syrup.

“I could honestly just sleep for the rest of the day and I’d be happy.” She said as she collapsed onto her couch and stretched out.

“Make room!” I joked, collapsing down onto the couch beside her. I picked up the remote, aimlessly flipping through channels until I finally found a movie.

“Mm.” She sighed, resting her head on my chest and curling up against me, gently stroking my arm.

Uhg, the things this girl did to me.

“Harry?” She asked, looking up at me with sad eyes.

“What is it?”

“When will you be off to New York?”

“Monday, why?”

“Just wondering.” She finished before silently focusing on the TV.

When I woke up the sun was just starting to set. The sky was slightly dark and the TV was quietly playing a documentary on monkeys. I glanced down at Olivia who was now practically on top of me, her head resting on my chest. One arm was around my neck and another tucked under her head. Her eyes were open and she was smiling at the baby monkeys watching their reflections in the water.

“How long have you been up?” I asked, my voice low and groggy from sleep.

“Just a few minutes.”

“I’m hungry.” I groaned, picking her up in my arms bridal style to lift her off me.

“Haha, stop it, that tickles!” She giggled, trying to free herself from my grasp.

“What tickles? This?” I said innocently, tickling her sides.

“I know a restaurant nearby we could go to.” She gasped, catching her breath. “But you have to let me get ready first.” She stood up, adjusting her shorts.

“Sounds good.” I smiled, standing up and walking over to the washroom.

“You like Mexican? Tacos?” She yawned, playing with her hair.

“My favorite.” I replied, getting excited.


Ten minutes later Olivia emerged from her room adorned in a black dress with nude flats, a black bag slung over her shoulder. (a/n- picture on the side.)

“Here, we can stop by at your place so you can get changed, then we’ll go.” She smiled, grabbing her keys off a small table by the door, and tossing her hair behind her back.

“What? I can’t go out for dinner in pajamas?” I pouted, sticking my bottom lip out.

“Uhg, I wish. Imagine how much better it would be if we could just wear sweatpants and a sloppy shirt all day?” She sighed, pressing the elevator button, and turning to face me. I smiled, stepping into the elevator after her. I texted Zayn that I would be stopping home and to let me in and looked over at Olivia, who was playing with the tips of her hair.

The elevator door opened, and we stepped outside of the apartment to be met with at least twenty paps all standing around waiting for us to come out. The second they noticed us they went crazy.

“Harry! Who’s this girl? Another one of your toys?”

“Harry? What did you two do all day?”

“Harry! Harry! Over here! Give me a smile!”

I instinctively wrapped my arm around her slim form, pulling my sunglasses over my eyes. “Sorry, lets take a taxi.” I whispered in her ear. She have me an uncertain smile as I pushed my way through the paps, while keeping my arm protectively around her. The second we made it to the street I hailed a cab and ushered her in first, coming close behind her. “Were not far, just to whole foods around the corner.”

I told the cabbie, before looking over at Olivia. Her eyes were wide and she looked scared. “Hey, hey its ok.” I soothed, sliding over towards her and wrapping my arms around her. She immediately relaxed, leaning into my touch.

“Were here, sir. That’ll be 5.75.” The cabbie smiled, looking at me in the rearview mirror. “Keep the change.” I told him, handing him a twenty. “Thank you, thank you.”

“I'm sorry.” I apologized as we waited for the elevator. Her hand was still holding onto mine, and she was smiling. “Don’t be. It’s fine. It was just a bit shocking, that’s all. I understand.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is three days later, woo! Thanks for reading guys, I currently have one reader, (which is myself) so if your reading this I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU! Please comment how you feel about the story. Thanks