Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down


I woke up to the smell of coffee wafting in from the kitchen. Sitting up, I bent over the edge of the bed and reached for my jeans. I slipped them on and padded out of the room and into the kitchen, following the tempting smell.

"What got you up so early?" I asked, my voice still hoarse from sleep.

"I have to go to work in an hour, the shoot is at 11." Olivia explained, gesturing to the clock that it was 9:45.

She leaned back on the counter and took a long sip out of her mug, before pulling out a mug for me and filling it up with coffee.

"I don't know how you take yours so..." She trailed off, handing me the warm mug. I smiled, taking it and spooning in tons of sugar.

By the time I had gotten the drink sweet enough, she had turned on the news and had it playing softly in the backround.

"I have to head off to New York tomorrow." I announced, setting down my half-empty cup on the counter.

Liv turned around and looked at me with sad eyes, a slight frown playing on the corners of her lips.

"I wish you didn’t have to go." She fretted, wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face into my chest.

She was just about to open her mouth to speak when her phone began buzzing loudly and ringing. "I'm sorry, I just."

"Hello?" She answered, smiling.

"Yeah, Kerry, now isn't a great time. Yeah. Yes, Harry's here. No, you can't talk to him. Kerry I know all you’re going to do is beg him to introduce you to Liam. Haha, right. The answers still a no." She bickered with her friend, shooting me a face.

'Here' I mouthed, motioning for her to pass me the phone. She smiled, handing me over the phone.

"Hello? Kerry is it? Sorry, Liv's just off to get ready."

"Ohmigod I think i'm going to faint." A female voice replied weakly on the other end of the phone.

"I heard from Liv that you fancy Liam?"

"Ohmigod, your so British. I'm going to die. Yes, I love him, why?"

"Well Liam's looking for a new girl, why don't I set the two of you up on a blind date?" I chuckled, trying my best to keep my composure.

"Could I please talk to liv for a sec?"

"Yep, here she is."

Olivia's POV


"Well, she said yes?" I laughed, hanging u the phone and plugging it into its charger.

“I’ll talk to Liam later.” He mumbled, kissing my neck.

“Harry, not now.” I giggled, shoving him away lightly. “I’ve got to get changed and go to work.”

“I’ll come.”


“I’ll come with you. I can be your escort. What guy would love to watch you model?” He whispered in my ear.

“Fine. But be on your best behavior. Got it?” scolded, wiggling a finger at him. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good thing I brought a change of clothes.”

“You what?” I asked, raising an eyebrow
“Hey, it’s always good to bring an extra tee with you.” He defended himself, holding his hands up.

After throwing on a sweater and a pair of skinny jeans we rushed out of the house, down the freight elevator and down into the parking lot.

“I brought my car.” Harry explained, pointing to a black Audi parked in the corner. He walked up to the passenger side and opened the door, motioning for me to get in. After hopping in he walked around and hopped in the drivers side, putting the key in the slot.

“You have no idea how confusing it is driving on the wrong side of the road.” He huffed, pulling out of the lot. I laughed, settling into the seat and tossing my bag into the back of the car. He drove in confortable silence, me correcting him every few minutes on where to go.

“So what exactly are we doing?” He asked, his eyes still on the road.

“I have a fitting.”


“A runway show.” I answered, glancing out the window.

After parking the car, we walked in the back door, I held onto Harry’s hand, navigating him over to my dressing table.

“Olivia! There you are! Oh, how have you been?” Sandra kissed me on both cheeks, giving me a once over before looking over at Harry. “And who’s this?”

“I’m Harry. Her boyfriend.” He introduced himself, shaking hands with Sandra. When Sandra turned around to unpack her tools I mouthed 'boyfriend?' Before giving Harry a ‘we’ll talk about this later’ look as I settled down in the chair.

“So, were just practicing hair and makeup for the shoot. I’m gonna do you all out, and you’ll try on outfits and ya know, the usual.” Sandra pursed her lips, staring at my face.

“Girl, your skin is looking fantastic, are you even wearing any makeup right now?”

“Not a stitch.”

“Well whatever you’re doing, it’s working.” Sandra cried, touching my hair and running her hands along my jawline.

“Harry? You can go get a coffee or something, instead of just lying around here and staring at your phone.” I said, touching Harry’s forearm lightly.

“Yeah, I’ll just run down to the Starbucks and pick something up then. You want anything?”

“Just an espresso, thanks.” I smiled as he leaned down to give me a peck on the lips.

“So, how long have you two been together?” Sandra asked, pulling my hair back and starting to apply makeup to my face. “Oh, we only met about, five or six days ago?”

“Ah, so it was love at first sight then?”

“If you call it love. We’re not far enough in our relationship to know that just yet.”

“So, what does he do for a living?” She said while applying foundation. She pulled out a brush from her brush belt and began blending.

“He was in a band. Now he’s going into management. That’s why he’s here actually.”

“So he doesn’t live here?”

“No, he lives in England. Holmes Chapel? You may not have heard of it.”

“No, no, I have. That’s where one of those famous boy banders were from. Was it a- one direction?”

“Yeah. Something like that.” I said with a smirk.

One and a half hours later hair and makeup was finally done. At about the one-hour mark Harry had gotten sick of standing and pulled over a different model's chair to sit on. He pulled it up right beside mine and was playing absentmindedly with my hand as he texted someone on his phone.

“Okay, love. You can go walk the runway now. Your outfits on rack two, I think.” Sandra pointed over to a row of rolling racks filled with clothes.

Harry’s POV

“I’ll be right back.” Liv said, patting my hand and walking over with Sandra to the clothes. They wound around a bunch of busy people all chattering and rushing around. One was even screaming “I lost her wig! Her wig!” running around like a maniac.

“Um, excuse me, but that’s my chair.” A rude voice called out from behind me.

I turned around, searching for the source of the noise to be met with a shirt. I followed the shirt far up to see the face of a girl standing behind me, snapping her gum loudly.

“Oh, I’m sorry. No one was using it so I just assumed-“

“Yeah well you thought wrong. Gimme that.” She motioned with her hand.

I finally stood up out of the chair and held my hands up in a ‘sorry’ way before I pushed the chair back over to her table.

“So, what’s a handsome guy like you doing down here?” She flirted, twirling her blond locks around a finger.

“I’m here with my girlfriend.”

“Oh, who.” She tensed up, snapping from flirty to rude.

“Olivia.” I responded, trying my best to smile.

“Uhg, that bitch.” She stomped towards her chair, collapsing into it before whipping out an iPhone.

“Who took your chair?” Liv asked, walking back to me dressed in a full-length strapless ball gown. I stood up and kissed her on the lips, pulling her towards me. She relaxed into my touch before she pulled away smiling. “What was that all about?”

“Why? I can’t kiss my girlfriend?” I winked, leaning against the wall.

“You must be bored out of your mind here. Why don’t you meet up with the guys? Invite them out for lunch or something.”

“No, its ok. I’m fine here.”

“No, your going. You’ve spent too much time with me lately. Go out and have some fun.” She finished, waving her hand at me. “Now, go, text them to meet you and head out.”

Thirty minutes later Zayn wandered in, glancing at girls every few tables. He paused, looking around the room before noticing me and walking over and smiling.

“Hey, Harry. Remind me again what your doing here?” Zayn asked, motioning to the room full of girls.

“Liv’s here, she’s doing a fitting before her runway show.”

“Who’s Liv again?”

“My girlfriend.” I insisted, waving over Niall, Louis and Liam who had just walked in.

“How long have you known her?”

“Five days.”

“Harry, you really need to stop rushing into relationships. Stop having these flings that last a few days then ends poorly.” He huffed, crossing his arms as the boys walked up.

“Who’s having too many flings?” Louis greeted, standing beside Zayn.

“Harry! He’s onto a new girlfriend after meeting her four days ago!”

“Harry, you really should stop with this.” Louis warned, shaking a finger accusingly.

“She different, trust me. She’s sweet, not like the others.” I pleaded.

“Well, if you say so.” He reasoned, giving me a ‘we’ll talk later’ look.

“Harry are these your friends?” Olivia beamed, walking up from behind he and placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah, this is Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn.” I introduced, pointing to each one as I said their name.

“Nice to meet you.” She said, shaking their hands and starting a small conversation with Niall about living in Toronto.

“She seems nice.” Liam whispered, looking over at the chatting duo.

“Trust me, she is. She also has a friend to hook you up with in a blind date if you’re in?”

“Sure, why not. Since Jess and I broke up two months ago it’s been kinda lonely. I like having a companion, ya know?”

“I understand.” I said, resting a hand on his shoulder.

“Well, we best get going. See you later, love.” I called out to Liv, walking over and giving her a peck on the lips.
