Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down

Meet my friend, Eliza.

As I finally left work at 6:00 I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts to find a friend to meet up with. I then pressed call, and put the phone up to my ear as I pushed open the door of the studio and headed out into the empty streets.
“Hello?” Answered a familiar voice.
“Hey! Lili? Its Liv.”
“OLIVIA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST WEEK?” My best friend Eliza yelled out from the other end of the phone.
“Lets meet up for dinner, what are you doing tonight?”
“Meet me at Dynasty in fifteen.”
“Ok, Bye.”
“Bye.” I hung up, tossing the phone into my bag and hailing a lone taxi that was driving down the street. “Bloor and Avenue road please.” I told him as I slid over in the seat.

As we arrived I checked my watch. I had ten minutes to get ready before heading out to meet Eliza. I dashed up the stairs, deciding the elevator was too slow, and barreled into my room, opening my closet and snatching a dress out of it, I threw it on before applying makeup. Lastly, I brushed my teeth hastily and then ran out the door.

Dynasty, the Chinese restaurant, was fairly close to my house, so I decided to walk. I inhaled the cool air as I waited for the crosswalk to turn green. After I crossed, I sent a quick text Eliza saying that I would be there soon.

“Lili!” I called out to the girl sitting in the booth near the front of the restaurant. She smiled and stood up, enveloping me in a massive hug.

Eliza was my height, with medium-length, dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her pale complexion suited her nicely. She wore a pair of dark jeans and a white tank top, which showed off her long slender frame.

She was an author. She had many famous books and wrote teen fiction. One of her books had even made it to the New York Times bestseller list. We met in grade one and have been inseparable since. We shared a love of books, stories and writing. It was no wonder when she pursued a writing career.

“So, what’s been happening?” She asked, leaning towards me and smiling.

“Well, I met someone.” I grinned, talking loudly in the crowded restaurant.

I twirled my ring around my finger as I explained the whole story about Harry, about what he does for a living to how we met. She sat there smiling, nodding and adding in small words like “Oh, really?” and “Wow.” to show she was listening.

“Well, he does sound like a total sweetheart. I’m so happy for you! When do I get to meet him, so I can give the whole if-you-hurt-my-bestie-I-will-totally-kick-your-ass speech?” She asked, putting down her menu. “How’s this intimidating enough?” she asked before squinting her eyes and giving me what looked like a painful grimace. “Sure if you want him to think your having a seizure!” We both burst out laughing earning some very real intimidating stares from the other guests. “Hey maybe you should get some lessons from them!” I joked setting us off again. Eliza had a way of making a person laugh for ages and ages, another one of the many reasons why she was my best friend.
“So meeting Harry when?” prompted Eliza.

“Well, I’m not sure. Whenever I guess. Lets just see how long this lasts first.”

An hour and a half later we were walking out of the restaurant and out onto Yorkville. We chatted loudly, including lots of insane hand gestures, weaving our way around drunken people and some restaurant-goers like us.
“What’s that?” Eliza asked, pointing over to a small area near Morocco where many paps were crowded around, shouting at whatever famous person they were taking pictures of.
“Haha, listen to them. It’s ridiculous, the lengths they will go at for a good shot.” I laughed as we watched the paps buzz around like bees.

“What are you doing in Toronto?” One screamed.
“Any ladies in your life?”
“Show off your curls!” Another yelled through the crowd. I froze at this comment, turning around and trying to catch a glimpse of whatever celebrity was hiding behind the wall of people.

“Ohmigosh, Lili, it’s him. We have to go over there.” I cried, tugging on her arm.
“How the hell are we supposed to bust through that crowd?” She protested, backing away slightly.
“I’ll text him.” I replied, pulling out my phone and texting him.

Come down to the icecream place. I'm on yorkville. Xx

“Sent it. Now, lets go get some ice cream, on me.” I looped my arm through hers, as se headed towards Summers, our favorite ice cream shop. We used to come here in grade six for ice cream on hot summer days. They had a massive wall filled with pictures of celebrities who had been in the shop, ranging everyone from Kristen Stewart to Ellen Degeneres.

“I’ll have espresso, in a small cup.” I told the man behind the counter. He nodded at me before scooping the ice cream out into the cups.

Just as Eliza was placing her order I felt a warm pair of arms circle around my waist.
“Sorry I took so long, the paps were relentless.” Harry whispered in my ear, kissing my jaw.
“Harry, this is my friend Eliza. Eliza, Harry.” I introduced the pair, who shook hands and greeted each other with ‘nice to meet you’ and ‘hello’.

“So Harry, don’t take this the wrong way or anything but as it says in my job description as best friend to this little olive over here, I am officially required to tell you that if you hurt her I will kick your ass and other parts so hard you will never be able to sit down again or reproduce. So treat her right.” Eliza threatened him before giving her “intimidating” grimace.

Harry to his credit did not laugh. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” he stated sweetly before looking over at me and smiling.

“OMG!” Eliza shrieked ecstatically, “YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER! Oh and you didn’t laugh at my intimidating stare so I officially like you now, make sure it stays that way!” She stated before giggling lightly and taking a bite of her ice cream.

Harry chuckled lightly before he and my best friend shared a sudden look before high fiving each other. What had just happened?

“Oh, Liv, I hope you don’t mind, I brought Zayn and Niall along.” Harry said, motioning to the pair who were ordering massive ice cream Sundays with extra toppings.

“Hello!” Niall called out, shooting me a small wave. He then nudged Zayn, who pulled an ear bud out slowly, looking at Niall before noticing me. “Oh, hey.” He waved while putting his headphones away.

“ ’scuze me, could we get a picture?” The owner asked, walking out of the back of the shop with a Polaroid. “We always take pictures of any celebrities whenever they come in.” He explained, gesturing to the extensive array of photos that covered a wall.
“Oh, yeah. No problem.” Zayn said, motioning to Harry and Niall to get in the picture. The shop owner did too, squeezing in-between Harry and Zayn.
“Cheese!” The boy behind the counter called out, snapping a picture and waiting for it to come out.
“Thanks a bunch boys. Ice cream is on the house.” The owner said, shaking hands with the trio, who were all smiling.

After ordering our ice cream, Niall and Zayn parted ways, heading back to their apartment. Eliza also left, reluctantly bidding us goodbye.

“We have to do something this week. How about shopping?” She asked while one hand was on the door of a taxi.
“Of course! Call me!” I waved to her as she hopped into the cab and sped off, leaving Harry and I alone.

“So, I think we have something to talk about Mr. Styles.” I smirked as we walked slowly to my apartment.
“Oh yes? And what would that be?”
“How come you introduced yourself as my boyfriend today? Is there something I don’t know?”
“Well I figured we were gonna get there eventually, so why not now?” He smiled, lacing his fingers through mine.
“Ok, fair. But, your still going to have to ask.”
“What?” He asked, confused.
“Aren’t you going to ask me?”
“Ok, Olivia, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” He asked, grinning widely.
“Yes, of course.” I answered, kissing him firmly on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer and closer and closer. Until we weren’t two separate entities but one.