Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down

Road Trip!

“Harry! Harry! Wake up!” I yelled, shaking him violently to try to wake him up.

“What?” He asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes and standing up. “What time is it?”

“It’s 4:00 in the morning. Niall just called, he said you bus leaves in thirty minutes. Oh gosh. Your not even dressed!” I said, jumping off the bed and digging around on the floor for his clothes. “Here, get changed, I’ll go make you something to eat.” I told him, throwing a wad of clothes in his direction. I dug around for a bag he could use, settling on a pink backpack that was mostly empty, save for a few socks.

“Here, I’ll go find you a toothbrush.” I threw the bag in his direction, almost knocking him over as he pulled up his pants.
“Is my hoodie still here?” He called out, rummaging around the room.
“Yep, it’s hanging on a hook near the door.” I replied as I found him a toothbrush. It was pink, but he would have to settle.
“Ok, I think your just going to have to buy a few things while your there, but other than that you have enough to last you through the twelve hour drive.” I smiled happily, walking over to him and stuffing the toothbrush into his pink bag.
“So, you don’t have any other more, manly bags I could borrow?” He asked, picking up the pink bag as if it were dirty.
“Well I do, but I thought you would look good in pink.” I replied, pecking him on the lips. “I’ll miss you.” I whispered, breathing in his scent deeply. He would be gone for a whole month, much too long for my liking.

“Come with us.” He grinned, picking up his backpack.
“Come, Nialler won’t mind, he's the only other one coming along.”
“Well, I guess, but I haven’t packed a thing.” I frowned, stepping out of his embrace.
“That’s ok, we’ll go shopping once were there. Now, come on.” He smiled, taking my hand in his and handing me the pink backpack.
“It’s just because you want me to hold the bag for you, isn’t it?” I smirked, taking the bag and slinging it over one shoulder.
“Maybe.” He whispered in my ear as I grabbed my purse, which contained my keys, my phone and my wallet.
“Let’s go.” I smiled back at him, shutting the door behind me.

“Nialler, you don’t mind if liv comes, do you?” Harry called out into the bus as we stepped in.
“No, that’s fine.” A voice replied from the back of the bus. “Hello.” He smiled and waved. “Hey.” I replied, following Harry close behind through the bus.

At the front of the bus to your left was a table with booths sitting beside a large fridge, across from it was a couch and a TV. At the very end of the bus a door closed off entrance to a bedroom, complete with two twin-sized beds, a dresser, and small ensuite.

“I love, road trips, don’t you?” I sighed, collapsing down into the plush sofa and picking up the stack of dvd’s sitting on the coffee table.
“You want to watch a movie?” Niall asked, sitting down beside me and propping his feet up on the table. “Oooh, yes. Harry? Come help us choose.” I called, waving Harry over and patting the empty spot next to me.

We settled on the lion king after Harry confessed it was his favorite Disney movie. Every time a song would come on, we would all belt out the lyrics, earning some nasty glares from the bus driver.
“I’m tired.” I yawned, resting my head on Harry’s shoulder.
“Why don’t you go take a nap in the back? Niall and I will try to stay quiet.” Harry smirked over me at Niall, who returned the smirk.
“Ok, I think I’ll do that.” I said, getting up and walking over to the bedroom. I closed the door behind me, stripping out of my jeans ad collapsing onto one of the beds.

Niall’s POV

“Niall? Could you go wake Liv up? I’ll go help the driver unload he bags.” Harry told me, stepping out of the bus. We had just arrived in New York and Olivia was still asleep. She had slept through the entire bus ride.

I opened the door to find a sleeping Olivia. She was lying sprawled out in one of the beds, softly snoring. She looked so beautiful when she slept. I thought to myself as I just stared at her peaceful form. She was missing a sock and her jeans were in the middle of the floor, leaving her in underwear and a shirt. I couldn’t help but stare for a bit before trying to wake her up; it would be one of the very few moments I would get to. Of course I couldn’t admire her when Harry was standing over my shoulder, so I took a minute to take her in, a goofy grin playing on my lips. Even though this was only the third time I had met her, I felt something towards the kind, gentle natured girl. The girl who was, in fact, my best friends girlfriend.

“I’ll take it from here.” Harry said from behind me, sneaking past me and picking up her pants. He managed to get a pair of his sweats on her before she woke up, looking at him with tired eyes. “Were here, love.” He cooed, picking her up bridal style. I felt a slight twinge of hatred towards Harry, as he was the one who could do this to her, call her love and sweetheart. Turning away from them, I stepped out of the bus and into the lobby of the hotel, walking up to the front desk.

“Hello, I have a room reservation.” I told the secretary, who was beaming up at me.
“And what name would that be under?” She said a little bit too cheerily for my taste.
“Cowell, I believe.”
“Oh yes, one room on the tenth floor. Here are your keys.” She handed me a room key.
“Only one room?” I asked as Harry walked up from behind me.

“Harry! Put me down!” Olivia squealed, kicking her feet playfully.

“Yes, that is what you had reserved.” The woman answered, looking at me dully.

“Well, I guess we’ll be sharing a room tonight.” I turned around to face Harry and Olivia, who were now standing beside each other.

“That’s ok, it’s only for one night before we move into the apartment. Liv and I can share a bed.” Harry grinned.

“Here's your key.” I snapped slightly, turning around and walking to the elevator.

Olivia’s POV

“Here's your key.” Niall snapped, turning around and stomping to the elevator.

“Is something wrong?” I asked, walking towards the elevator with Harry.

“No, I'm sure he’s just tired. It is eleven after all.”

“Eleven? Ohmigosh, how?” I gasped, looking at my phone to confirm.

“There was lots of traffic, it took longer than we thought. Lets all just head to bed when we get up there, get a full nights sleep. I think that would be good for all of us.”

“Could I borrow a shirt to sleep in?” I asked Harry as we were settling down into the room. “Yeah, here.” He held up a shirt. I took it, locking myself into the washroom as I changed into it. It hit me mid-thigh, covering up enough to not have to wear pants.

When I walked out of the room the lights were off and Harry was already in bed, asleep. Niall however was just tucking in, a scowl still playing on his mouth.

“Something wrong?” I whispered over to him after I tucked into bed.

“Yeah, kinda.” He replied, turning to face me.

“You wanna talk about it?” I asked.

“Sure.” He whispered. I scootched over in bed, patting the now empty spot beside me. The bed was large enough to hold three people I guesstimated as Niall got up and settled in beside me.

“So, there's this girl.” He started, choosing his words carefully.

“She, uh, she lives in Ireland, is dating one of my best mates back there, and, I really like her. Like her like her.” He explained, using hand gestures. “But, like I said, she’s dating one of my best mates. I don’t know what to do, should I try not to think about her? Or should I go after her. It’s just, this friend means a lot to me and I don’t want to see him get hurt.” He finished, looking at he expectantly.

“Well, I think that you should wait and see what happens, if there's a sign that you two are meant to be, then take it from there. But I think the best thing to do right now is wait.” I told him, shooting him a smile.

I woke up when the sun was just starting to filter in through the blinds. I turned over, reaching for Harry, but instead I was met with blank space. Rolling over, I noticed a still sleeping Niall tucked beside me, wrapped up in the covers. I then shot up, looking around for Harry. “Morning.” He smiled, stepping out of the bathroom dressed in the same outfit as the day before, his hair damp. “So, I realized this morning whilst getting changed that I have no clothes to wear. Want to come shopping with me?”
“I would love to, let me just put on some clothes.” I replied, hopping out of bed and picking up a pair of leggings and a shirt, the only clothes I had brought with me.

After spending an exhausting day shopping we trudged back to the apartment. While we were out all our stuff had been moved to the penthouse overlooking central park.

“Ohmigosh, Harry, its stunning!” I gasped, taking in the tall ceilings, and huge windows.
“Well, it’ll be your home for the next month.”
“One question, where’s Niall?” I asked, spinning around to face Harry.
“Oh, he’s in a different apartment, just down the street. We can pop by later to see him.”
I smiled, walking throughout the apartment and dropping my bags on the floor of the bedroom. I then unloaded all the clothes into the large walk-in closet. I made the bed, fluffing the pillows before walking into the hallway

In the back of my mind I was nervous about committing to stay in New York with Harry for an entire month. What if we broke up? How would I get home? I didn’t know anyone else here, so I would have no one to stay with. Well, maybe Niall would let me. But that’s only if things get rough.
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Thanks my loyal readers! This story is uploaded onto 5 websites, haha. So if you see it on another website, it isnt plagarism, its still me!! Please review, comment, subscibe etc, love you all!
