Sequel: I'll Be Your Safety
Status: Sequel I'll Be Your Safety out now!

Settle Down


As I was cleaning up the kitchen after making breakfast, I heard the elevator doors creak open. I froze, grabbing a knife out of the knife block and stalking slowly over to the door. Just as I made it to a wall, I stopped, frozen in place

“Liv?” Niall called out before noticing me and jumping. “Oh, bloody hell, you scared the living daylights out of me.” He gasped, clutching his heart in mock fright.

“Hey, what are you doing over here?” I asked, letting the knife in my hand go limp.

“Oh, gee. I forgot.” He frowned, stroking his chin. “Damn. I believe it was really important, too.”

“Well, I’m sure it’ll come back to you. In the meantime, feel free to make yourself at home.” I motioned to the couch with the knife, before walking back into the kitchen

Niall’s POV

Oh, god. I chickened.

This morning when I woke up I promised myself that I would march over here and tell Liv how I really feel. But the second I looked into those brown eyes I choked up and lost every ounce of confidence I had.

She was freckly today. I thought to myself, smiling. She had some days where there was only a light dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks, but other days, like today, her entire face was covered in them.

“So, where’s Harry today?” I asked, walking over to the large kitchen.
“Oh, he’s at meetings. The usual.” She nodded her head as she scrubbed the kitchen counters.
“I don’t even understand why Hazz asked me to come to New York in the first place. I mean, its not like I have anything to get done here.” I confided, hopping up onto the counter beside her.
“Well, maybe he thought you would have fun. You know, like a vacation.”
“Any get away is hardly a vacation.” I sighed.

“Well, we can make it fun.” She grinned, hopping onto the counter beside me.

“We can watch movies, and bake cookies. But Harry will probably end up eating all the cookie dough.”

Right, Harry. Forgot about him for a second. I looked down at her feet that she was waving around and noticed she was only wearing one hot pink sock on her right foot. I smiled, watching her wiggle her toes.

“So does that sound like a plan?” She asked, jumping down and grinning broadly at me.
“Oh, oh yeah sure, sounds great.” I said wearily, unsure of what I was agreeing to, since I wasn’t paying attention.

“Oh! Lets get going then!” She skipped down the hall, stopping in the doorway of her bedroom. I followed, walking in and sitting down on the bed. She then started to strip, pulling off her sweatshirt and tugging her hairband out of her hair. Wait, were we going to-? I thought to myself as I watched her.

“We don’t have very many fun dress-up clothes, so we’ll have to improvise. Oh, this is going to be so much fun!” She beamed, taking a train case off the shelf.

Well, not exactly what I had in mind, but I guess this would work too.

“Hmmm, maybe we should do this later, when Hazz comes home. It'll be more fun with all three of us.” She said, putting the train case on the floor. “We can watch movies until he comes home.” She chirped before she crawled on all fours towards me. I gulped, looking away and bringing aunt Layne to mind.

After selecting a random movie and dubbing it boring Liv had pulled out a book and was now reading beside me while I tried to sit through the terrible movie. She moved her legs slightly so her knee was barely touching mine. Even at the slightest touch it felt like electricity was running through my body. I focused on that tiny point where we touched and smiled, glancing over at Liv, who was on her back, smiling at her book.
“I’m going to go get some water.” I told her, getting up and making my way to the kitchen. I placed my hands on the counter to steady myself, then spun around and nervously ran my hands through my hair, exhaling deeply.

“You ok mate?” Harry asked, walking past me and shaking off his coat.

“Oh, hey. Yeah, I'm fine.” I stuttered, walking over to the bedroom.

“Harry!” Olivia’s face brightened when she saw him walk in the room. If only she did that for me. I thought grumpily as I watched them kiss, smiles playing on both of their mouths.
“So, Nialler, when did you come by?” Harry looked over at me, Olivia still in his arms.

It’s as if he knows, and he’s just taunting me.

“Oh, I remembered what I was coming to say. The boys are coming to stay with us. You two don’t mind if Zayn stays with you two, do you?” I said, bringing up a whole different topic.

“No, that would be so much fun!” Liv answered. “When are they coming?”

“Oh tonight. I forgot to tell you last night at dinner.”

“Oh, I’ll go get the guest bedroom ready then.” She said, skipping off.

“It’ll be fun with them here. Like old times, ya know?” I grinned at Harry.

“Yeah, I'm excited. We should all do something tomorrow. Is Eleanor coming?” he replied as we walked out of the bedroom.

“Yeah, Her and Lou are staying with me. I’m not sure where Liam is staying though.”

Olivia’s POV

“Vas happenin?” Zayn called out, dropping his bags in front of the elevator and running up to Harry, enveloping him in a big bear hug.

“Oh god Zayn, you couldn’t have moved your bags out of the way?” Liam yelled, throwing his bags over Zayn’s and hopping over the pile of luggage that had accumulated in front of the elevator.

“HAZZA!” He screamed, running as fast as he could up to Harry and Zayn, knocking them over as he jumped on them. I smiled down at the laughing pile of boys, who were all trying to pants each other.

“Hello Liv!” Liam called out from the bottom of the pile, waving frantically (or trying to)

“Hey guys.” I laughed, grinning from ear to ear. I watched the boys attempt to get up from the ground but end up falling down on their butts. Sitting there, I pursed my lips, looking away and trying not to laugh. It took them a good minute before they made it up.

“Hazz, why don’t you show them their room?” I told Harry, walking over to where their bags were sitting and bending over to pick one up. I helped them bring all their stuff to their room before quickly showing them around the large loft.

“I’m going to bed now.” Zayn yawned, covering his mouth.

“Already? Is Zayn a bit of a tired one tonight?” Harry smirked at Zayn, who was now flopped out onto the bed.

“Let me sleep.” He mumbled incoherently.

“Well, I suppose I may as well head off to bed myself, save some room for me sleepy head!” Liam yelled at Zayn, who was splayed out, taking up all the room on the bed.

“Night boys.” I waved, before walking out of their room and into mine. I stripped off my clothes, changing into pajama pants and an oversized shirt. I then took the pins out of my hair, placing them on the counter as I brushed my teeth. As I was almost finished Harry walked in, picking up his toothbrush and brushing his teeth in the adjoining sink. I gave him a quick pat on the arm as I walked into the bedroom, and slowly got into bed. Before I knew it, Harry was in bed beside me, wrapping his toned arms around my waist and pulling me closer. He then proceeded to kiss my neck, sucking slightly as his hands made their way up my shirt.

“Not tonight Hazz, I'm too tired.” I moaned in response, pushing his roaming hands away.
“C’mon love, it’s been three days. I have needs too.” He replied, relentlessly trying to worm his hands up my shirt.
“Harry, no.” I replied firmer this time, taking his hands and moving them away.
“Fine.” He snapped, pulling his arms away from me and rolling over, before moving to the other side of the bed.

I sighed, pulling a pillow over to me and wrapping my arms around it. Harry always got like this whenever I wouldn’t do something for him, and it was starting to bother me. Why couldn’t he understand that I wasn’t looking for a relationship where all we do is fuck all day, every day? I wanted something more real, something more authentic. And I was starting to think that wasn’t the type of relationship I was going to get out of Mr. Styles.
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