The Diamond That Changed Everything



It was morning, and weak sunlight was just beginning to our through the windows. A loud crying began to start, and a man's voice exclaimed, "Congratulations! It's a girl!" A woman with straight fiery red hair and piercing green eyes looked at the crying baby, her eyes shining with pride and joy. The man next to her, with curly short black hair and dark brown eyes, smiled at the little one. Another man, this time clearly another doctor, stared at the baby, betraying no emotion whatsoever. "So what shall we name her?" the new father asked to his wife. The mother thought for a moment, and then with her eyes brightening, responded, "We should name her a name that signifies hope. I think we'll call her Asha; she'll bring hope even at the darkest of moments!" "That's a beautiful name..." sighed the father happily. The strange man who was staring at the baby intently suddenly spoke. "I'll take the baby; it could have some breathing problems or something even worse," he said in a brisk, curt tone. The woman gave him a puzzled look, and replied, "I don't think she has any breathing problems, she can cry and I can hear her breathing perfectly fine!" Changing in an instant, the seemingly calm man's eyes flashed with what looked like fury, and he growled in a low voice, "Give me the baby!" The father, who was suspicious of him right when he began to talk, darted in front of him with lightning fast speed. "Over my dead body you'll get Asha!" The unidentified man took off his doctor disguise, and be actually had slick black hair and beady black eyes that were full of hatred. As he lunged for the baby, the father crashed into him with some sort of blue energy surrounding him; sort of like a shield protecting him. The man with the slick hair pushed back with a reddish energy, like he was expecting it, with the same strength as the father. The father snarled, "You're Dralazar, , aren't you!? There's only one person with that kind of blood red aura, and that's you! What do you want with my baby!?" The man who was supposedly Dralazar snickered. He taunted, "I'm so pleased to hear that my name is known throughout the whole world! But I'm guessing you know my little secret, huh? Isn't that correct, Jared Harper? Oh and with the baby...I bet even someone as dull as you sensed her immense power!" The father, or Jared, narrowed his eyes. They both broke away from each other, and Jared's energy began to fade. "I see you have a wife now. Valeria Rose, isn't that right?" Jared angrily pressed his palm onto the ground, and strange markings started to form. A large silver wolf and midnight black bear appeared instantly. "I see you you trained in the summoning arts, I presume?" Dralazar commented casually. Jared commanded the gigantic animals to attack. The silver wolf and black bear clashed with Dralazar, but the man had also quickly summoned a giant tiger with strange back markings all over its body, bigger than the bear and the wolf combined. While they were both distracted, the mother, or Valeria, murmured something to her daughter. Suddenly, Asha disappeared. Even though the tiger was big and powerful, it was also a little bit clumsy. It was clear who would win. The wolf and the bear felled the tiger, and it looked like Dralazar was beaten. But, looks can be deceiving. Dralazar instead smirked, and said, "You are indeed strong, Jared. Most people don't get to see my summoning skills. But you are cheating in a way, because I know your talent. But now, this is my final act!" He began to mumble something under his breath, and moved his hands in rapid, yet complicated, motions. The air immediately started to feel heavier than before, and both Jared and Valeria felt some sense of danger. Valeria yelled something, but what Dralazar was doing was already in full swing. Suddenly, a colossal blast of dark energy burst, imploding the whole hospital into pieces. Dralazar was the only one left standing. He surveyed the area, with rubble and debris covering what was left of the room. "I don't see their bodies...but they couldn't have survived that. Valeria was weak after birth, and Jared was pretty much out of energy after he attacked me. It was though, pretty impressive that he lived that long..." Dralazar said to himself. He searched for the baby, but to no avail. "The girl's either dead, or Valeria used the last of her magic to send her elsewhere...until we meet again Asha! Even if it's in another world!" Dralazar cruelly laughed.