The Diamond That Changed Everything

Chapter 1


"Asha! C'mon time for lunch!" my aunt, Lauryn, yelled. "Aw just wait for like five more minutes!" I yelled back. I wanted to keep playing games with my old childhood friends; Rasefar, Kyla, Zak, Rena, and Ander. It was rare for all of us to hang out together at one time because our families were always busy. Ander stifled a laugh, his green eyes brightening. I glared at Ander, but he knew I wasn't mad at him. Ander's been my oldest friend, and we go way back; like preschool. He knows my family very well, and he knows that my aunt and uncle are the legal guardians of me. He also knows that my real parents died, and that the causes of their deaths were unknown, even to my aunt and uncle. I'll only tell people this if I trust them greatly. My other friends have known this as well, and are just as close friends to me. It's just that I've known Ander the longest. "No! You have to come here right now!" I heard my aunt shout. It's not like I hate my aunt and uncle, but they're really protective over a 12-year old. I groaned, and Kyla smiled. "Maybe next time!" she said. "I bet we'll see each other again soon," Rasefar agreed. "Besides, my parents said I had to be back at the house...." Zak glanced at his watch. "Now," he finished. Rena nodded her head in understanding. I sighed, and waved goodbye to my friends. "See you guys later, then!" I said as I dashed back to my house. My house isn't very fancy; it's a plain tan color, it has a couple of windows, and it isn't very large. I headed into the house, where I saw my aunt and uncle. They looked mildly annoyed, but definitely not angry. For some reason, they never got angry with me. Not even once. My uncle, who's name is Alex, has dark brown hair and hazel colored eyes. My aunt, on the other hand, has light green eyes and light red hair. "What took you so long?" my aunt asked. "I just wanted to be with my friends for a little longer!" I protested. "You know it's very rare for all of us to be together!" "Yes, we know," my uncle replied. "But were you practicing magic again?" I gulped, and looked away from their eyes. "Well....maybe just a little..." I mumbled. My aunt and uncle are very sensitive to magic, and they hate when I ever talk about it. They haven't told me the reason why yet. My aunt opened her mouth to say something, but my uncle cut her off. "It's okay. We did put restrictions on you using magic, but you're getting older and you're getting more capable of handling magic. Just please...don't harm each other!" my uncle said to me. My eyes lit up in joy. "So that means I can use magic without getting in trouble, right?" I confirmed. My uncle nodded. "Just don't hurt yourselves," my aunt added. "Okay! So what's for lunch?" I said. "Just some leftover food from last night," my aunt answered. She placed a plate of roasted chicken in front of me. I started to dig in, but because I was so hungry, I finished it in no time. "Thanks!" I exclaimed as I ran up the stairs to my room. My room was an aqua blue color, and there was a laptop, a tv, some books, a bureau, and a medium-sized mirror in it. My tv was right in front of my bed, so I could see it clearly. And yes, my aunt and uncle did spoil me quite a bit when I was younger. I grabbed my laptop and flopped down on my bed. I really wanted to go back outside, but nothing's fun without my friends. I started playing a game on my laptop and listening to music, but it got boring fast. So, I shut my laptop, put it on the bureau, and lied down on my bed. I planned to take a short nap because that's what I always do when I'm bored. I closed my eyes, and drifted off into sleep.