The Diamond That Changed Everything

Chapter 3


As I entered my house, I just realized how late it was. I looked at the clock in the kitchen, which read 5:24. "Asha! You're a little bit late!" my aunt exclaimed, staring at me. "I'm sorry! I didn't realize how late it was..." I told my aunt, feeling guilty. "It's alright. As long as you're safe, it's okay," my uncle said. I sighed, and sat down at the dinner table. "Here you go," my aunt exclaimed, placing a bowl of spaghetti topped with tomato sauce in front of me. I politely waited until my aunt and uncle had their bowls, and then I started to eat. I ate quickly, but a tad bit slower than when I ate lunch. "Thanks for the meal!" I thanked as I rushed upstairs to jump in the shower. After my warm shower, I put on my white nightgown and lied down on my bed. I took another glance at my clock to see if it was late or not; 7:03. Bored, I grabbed my remote and flicked on the tv. I watched tv for two hours, but then I began feeling sleepy. I turned it off, and placed the remote on my bureau. I closed my eyes, and started to sleep. The dream I was in was the same dream as I had when I took my nap, but there was some different things about it. I was in the same location; the beach. But, when I got to the part where I picked up the glittering object, it wasn't a diamond. It was a blue color; an aquamarine! Then, I saw another gleaming object a little bit farther away. I ran towards the other object, and picked that one up. This time, it was a yellow color; I gazed at it in shock and amazement. Two gems!? They weren't even diamonds! My dream spiraled into darkness, ending abruptly. I woke up to sunlight shining through my window. What was that all about? My dream had always been the same, with the diamond and the beach. But this time, it was different! Why was there an aquamarine and a topaz instead of a diamond? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I'll dwell on my weird dream change later. My belly growled with somewhat hunger. What time was it? My clock read 7:00. 7:00!?!? I'll have to hurry to catch up to my friends when I go to school! I hurriedly made my bed, and fixed my hair with the help of my mirror so that it wasn't tangled and messy anymore. I quickly opened my bureau, and dressed up in a bluish-white t-shirt with skinny black jeans. I ran downstairs to greet my aunt and uncle. "Hey guys!" I greeted. "Hi Asha!" my aunt and uncle both replied at the same time. I quickly grabbed a bowl and poured in cereal and milk. I sat down next to uncle Alex and aunt Lauryn and started munching on my breakfast. "Did you have a good night's sleep?" my aunt asked. I nodded in response. I finished my breakfast and then hugged both my aunt and uncle. "See you guys later!" I waved as I rushed out the door to meet my friends. "Hi Asha!" Rasefar and Kyla greeted me. Zak was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and Rena smiled and waved to me. "Took ya long enough!" Ander exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, and started walking to school with my friends following. We struck up some small chatter, but we didn't talk much to each other. We never really talk a lot on our way to school. Rena walked besides me, and whispered, "Hey Asha...can I show you something?" I was curious at what she was going to show me, so I nodded. "Well...I had a dream last night..." Rena reached into her pocket, and pulled out a beautiful blue gem. "This gem was in it and I found it under my pillow!" Rena said to me with a puzzled expression. An aquamarine! The same exact aquamarine I saw in my dream! My eyes widened in shock, and I guess Rena noticed it. "What's wrong?" she asked. It took me a moment to regain my senses, and I stuttered, "'s just...I saw that aquamarine in my dream too!" "That's...weird..." Rena mumbled. At that moment, I began to wonder if one of my friends had a yellow gem. If Rena had an aquamarine that appeared in my dream, then someone should have a yellow gem that was found in that dream. "Did any of you find a gem," I pointed at Rena's aquamarine, "like this?" I asked the others. Ander, Rasefar, and Kyla shook their heads, but Zak hesitated. "Well....I ended up finding this," he held out a yellow gem; a topaz, "under my pillow," Zak finished. This time, I wasn't taken aback, but instead, very intrigued. Why did Zak and Rena have the gems that I discovered in my dream? Everyone was watching me closely, probably waiting for a reaction. "...alright. Let's get to school. We can think about this later!" I sighed. While we walked to school, Rena came up with a good question. "Should we tell anybody about these?" she inquired. I thought about it for a moment, and exclaimed, "Well, it's fine if you don't tell anyone, but I'm going to tell Mr. Zeldena; he's the most trustworthy teacher, and besides, he'll definitely listen to what I have to say!" Mr. Zeldena is 27 years old, has brown hair and blue eyes, and teaches a class in which you learn advanced spells. He's my favorite teacher too, because he's extremely nice, and teases students, including me. He also rarely yells at people (unless they deserve it). "Yeah, I think that's a good idea," Zak agreed. After that, we were silent. Eventually, we reached school; Mountainridge Middle School. My school is very old-looking; it's made of dirty bricks that has scratches all over them. It's also medium-sized, and radiates a friendly aura. I took a deep breath, and walked inside.