
One of One.

Liam felt awful, truly awful and he was sure he ruined any and all chances he ever had with Harry the second the ball was flying in the air. He’s never been good at sports so when the gym teacher told the class they’d be playing kickball Liam almost wanted to lie to get out of it. But to Liam, lying is worse than kickball. Of course now that he’s actually hit the girl he’s been crushing over for four years the first kick of the game, he wishes he would have just asked to write an essay about the fundamentals of the game. He’s been apologizing nonstop to Harry who keeps waving him off like its fine but it’s not, he bloody kicked the ball to her face! Somehow she still looks incredibly fit with blood pouring from her nose and Liam is sure that’s not a thing that’s supposed to be attractive and really he should be getting her ice and not thinking about how good she looks with her head tilted towards the sky and her long curly hair cascading down her back.

The coach finally has enough and makes Liam leave Harry’s side telling him to stop worrying over her but the couch just doesn’t understand but Liam isn’t about to confess his undying likeness over Harry in front of everyone. So Liam apologizes for the millionth time and hopes she doesn’t hate him too much and joins the game (why he’s still in the game is a mystery to Liam). Somehow Liam managed to keep the kickball out of the range of anymore faces for the rest of the class which is just his luck, he would only hit Harry’s face out of the whole gym class. When class is over and everyone is done changing Liam thinks maybe apologizing wouldn’t be such a bad thing but before he could even catch Harry’s eye, she’s running into Louis’ arms and oh there’s that pang in Liam’s heart.

Everyone knows Louis and Harry are a thing, it’s pretty obvious to anyone who can see that the two are together. They are always together, they are always laughing at each other and talking and touching and hugging and they’re just so together and it makes Liam sick. Louis is a right twat. He’s loud and obnoxious and he’s horribly cocky and he’s always joking and making fun of everyone and everything he doesn’t understand. And yet he’s friends with everyone, everyone worships the ground he walks on and Liam doesn’t get it because Louis is a twat! Honestly Liam doesn’t see why Harry even likes him; he isn’t that special or anything. Okay so maybe Louis has really great hair and maybe he’s the captain of the football team and maybe he is funny and maybe Liam is jealous but Liam is great too.

At least Liam thinks he is, sometimes, and Zayn still manages to stick by his side. And if Niall isn’t too busy fawning over Zayn then sometimes she pays attention to Liam too. Liam is just…Liam. He’s average looking; shaved head because he can’t be bothered with doing things with his hair, he’s got okay brown eyes and yeah maybe he’s got a nice body but he doesn’t work out nearly as much as he should. Liam is also a nerd, like sit in the front of the class raises his hand all the time, teacher’s pet, knows everything nerd. He likes to read comics and he likes to watch cartoons and he knows more about Batman than anyone ever should. Liam is also a really good person; he has never done anything bad (except maybe make fun of people in his mind but he always apologizes as if they’d heard), he studies hard and gets phenomenal grades, he helps his mom around the house, he has a part time job and he volunteers as a fireman.

So maybe he doesn’t have feather hair or a bright smile and maybe his jokes barely get a chuckle from Zayn and maybe he isn’t into sports. But damn it, Liam is a good guy and he thinks he can make Harry laugh like Louis can. He thinks he can make her smile and he thinks he could make her blush and he thinks he could be a really good boyfriend. Unfortunately all it will ever be for Liam is daydreams in his spare time and what if’s and getting mad at Louis who really isn’t a twat at all. Because Harry is out of his league and he shot any chance he ever had with her out the window the second the ball hit her nose.


Ever since Liam kicked the ball to Harry’s face things have been strange. Liam has noticed that Louis and Harry have been looking at him more now. The two would glance at him then look at each other and whisper in each other’s ears then look back at Liam. Sometimes they would stare for a while other times they would laugh to themselves. In gym class, the only class Liam has with Harry (fortunately and unfortunately) Harry stares at Liam with sometimes a look of pity and sometimes with a pretty little smirk. Anytime Liam notices Louis’ presence, usually in the canteen or halls since they don’t have classes together, Louis is glaring at Liam. Between the glares and the smirks, Liam is sure Louis is going to kick his ass.

That’s the only viable option Liam has thought of. Louis is pissed off Liam hit his girlfriend and now he wants revenge. Because of this assumption Liam has been on edge since the incident, nearly a week ago, and he’s been practicing his boxing more than he ever did when he even took lessons. He knows Louis is fit but he hopes he isn’t as fit as he boasts about and he just hopes his years of boxing lessons will help him win the fight. Liam hates fighting, really he hates any form of confrontation but he won’t just let himself get beat up. So he’s on edge because he knows Louis is plotting something (he won’t blame Harry, he could never blame Harry), he just doesn’t know when Louis will actually strike.

Liam is volunteering at the fire station one weekend (three weeks after the kickball incident) and is chosen to get a cat stuck out of a tree (he can’t believe how cliché this is). He drives the company truck over to the location the chief fireman gave him and nearly died at the sight of Harry anxiously starring up at the tree (if he thought it was cliché before, his life just turned into a teen film). He gets out of the car and wipes his hands on his khakis because damn it he’s nervous and when he’s nervous his palms sweat.

Harry whips around at the sound of footsteps, her hair catching in the breeze (Liam is sure he’s being filmed) and Liam nearly chokes by the sweet smell of her hair.

“Liam! What are you doing here?” Harry asks sniffling.

Liam can tell she’s been crying and his heart nearly melts, “I’m here to get a cat stuck from the tree.”

Harry cocks her head to the side, “You’re a firefighter?”

“Volunteer.” Liam says shrugging. “So what’s your cat’s name?” Liam asks glancing up at the tree to see a kitten clinging onto a high branch.

“Dusty.” Harry replies. “Are you going to be able to get her down?”

Liam nods, “Of course Harry.”

Liam gives Harry a reassuring smile before getting the ladder from the bed of the truck and placing it against the tree. As Liam climbs the tree he can hear Harry sniffling from her spot on the ground and he’s sure he can hear her muttering about being safe, obviously talking about the kitten but Liam lets himself think she’s talking about him. Once he can reach Dusty, he carefully places his hand under her belly and pries her from the tree. It takes a bit to get her unstuck from the tree, her claws are quite long and she doesn’t trust Liam. He eventually gets her off of the limb and cradles her to his chest as he climbs back down. He finds himself whispering sweet nothings to the kitten as if she can understand him but he doesn’t let himself be bothered by his sensitivity. After getting back on the ground he hands Dusty over to a teary eyed Harry. Harry kisses the kitten’s nose and cradles the kitten to her chest, Liam looks for a little too long at Harry’s tight tank top clad chest before moving to put the ladder away.

When Liam turned around he barely had any time to process the fact that Harry was so close to him before an arm was wrapped around his shoulder and was hugging him close, but not too close so they wouldn’t crush Dusty. Liam tentatively wrapped an arm around Harry and squeezed her hip just a bit as she pulled back. Liam has never seen her look shy before but he had to admit shy looked good on her; her sparkling emerald green eyes were looking everywhere but Liam and she was fidgety and she kept switching her weight from her left foot to her right.

“Thank you so much Liam for getting Dusty down. I really appreciate it. I know it’s kind of old fashioned to call the fire station for this kind of thing but I didn’t know who else to call. I mean Louis is afraid of ladders and he kind of hates Dusty so he’d probably just mock me for being so worried.” Harry admitted shrugging and tucking her bottom lip into her mouth.

Liam gulped at the sight and shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “It’s not a problem Harry, really.” Liam shrugged again. “I don’t see how Louis could hate Dusty, she’s adorable.” Liam told her, scratching just behind Dusty’s ear before pulling away again. “Anyway, I should head back to the station. I would look into getting her claws trimmed if I were you. That way she won’t get stuck in any more trees.”

“Right, yeah, I’ll look into it. Thanks again, Liam.”


Liam would be lying if he said he was hoping Harry would talk to him more ever since saving her cat but he wasn’t surprised when nothing changed at all. Okay well Louis doesn’t glare at him in the halls anymore but he smirks and he looks so damn smug all the time and Liam almost prefers the glaring. It’s been a month since the kickball injury and really Liam thinks that’s more than enough time for Louis to get over the accident. Liam is pretty sure the time for Louis to kick his ass or attempt to anyway has run out because there is no way he is allowing Louis to lay a finger on him after all this time has gone by. So besides Louis smirking and looking too smug for his own good nothing has changed.

If he was being honest with himself he’d admit he was disappointed in that fact. He saved Harry’s cat’s life! A cat who obviously meant a lot to her and all he gets is a thank you and a hug which Liam should be more thankful for, really. And okay maybe he let himself fall asleep to the image of Harry realizing that she’s actually madly in love with Liam as he saved her cat so she would try to get his attention in school. Obviously knowing that never happened and having Harry ignore him like she used to do, just proves Liam’s point further that she could never actually like him. He doesn’t let himself really think too much about what’s changed (how often he daydreams) and what hasn’t changed (Harry never giving Liam the time of day) but sometimes he can’t help it. When he’s supposed to be having guy night with Zayn (who invites Niall, Liam shouldn’t be surprised really. Zayn can’t go two seconds without the blonde by his side), he tells the couple about rescuing Dusty and how he wishes things could change. Zayn was nicer with his sympathies but Niall wasn’t as nice. She threw her shoe at Liam, thank god it wasn’t a stiletto, and told Liam that if he wanted something to change he would have to be the one to change it.

She told him how shy girls are and how they never ever want to make the first move so if Liam wants anything to happen with Harry, Liam will have stop acting so pitiful and make it happen. Liam allows himself all of thirty seconds to toy with the idea of asking Harry on a date before he reminds everyone that she’s got Louis. Niall has no advice on how to take care of that and instead tells him about this great girl Danielle in her dancing class. Liam waves Niall off however and requests to watch Toy Story again to help lift his spirits. Zayn and Niall don’t care since they’ll be snogging before the movie even starts which leaves Liam alone in his recliner wishing he had Harry to snog before the movie even starts.


Liam contemplates his life and his choices to volunteer at the fire station when he gets another call for a cat stuck in a tree. When he arrives in front of Harry’s yard he wonders why God hates him so much to put him in this situation. The first time was fine, it went okay without too much awkwardness and really Liam was happy with the encounter. Having it happen a second time didn’t seem right and seeing Louis standing beside the tree made Liam’s stomach churn. Getting out of the truck and getting the ladder from the bed of it he walked towards Louis who has never looked so mischievous before.

“Well well well if it isn’t Mr. Liam Payne.” Louis states crossing his arms over his chest.

Liam fights back his eye roll, “Hello Louis, where’s Harry? Or rather, Dusty for that matter? Did you throw Dusty up the tree? I heard you weren’t too fond of her.” Liam screamed internally and wondered where all of that came from.

Louis simply laughed, his head tilting back and his eyes closing for a second, “You’re a funny one, Liam. I didn’t throw Dusty up the tree. She climbed the tree herself because Harry was too scared to trim the demon’s claws. So Dusty climbed the tree and I dared Harry to get her down so now they are both stuck up there.”

Liam’s eyes grew wide and he immediately glanced up at the tree and sure enough Harry was wrapped around a limb with Dusty just a few inches away from her.

“Shit.” Liam rarely cussed in his life but now seemed like the right time to do so.

“My thoughts exactly.” Louis added, “Now if you would be so kind to get my lovely best friend and her stupid cat down, that’d be lovely.”

Best friend, that’s all Liam could think about as he put the ladder against the tree and began to climb. If they were together, Louis would call Harry his girlfriend right? And if they weren’t then why were they always so close and touching each other? There had to be something going on, there had to be. Liam couldn’t think of the possibilities if they weren’t because then he might have a chance with Harry and that’s far too much for Liam to think about especially when he has to get Harry down from a tree.

“Harry,” Liam spoke softly, trying to get the girl to open her eyes, “It’s me Liam and I’m going to get you down, alright?” Harry nodded her head, “Do you think you could climb down for me? Do you think you could do that?”

Harry shook her head no, “Can’t. Too scared. Don’t want to move. Scared.”

Liam reached out and tentatively placed a hand on Harry’s thigh, “It’s alright Harry, I’m going to keep you safe. I’m going to need you to open your eyes for me though alright? I won’t make you climb down but I need you to open your eyes.”

“I don’t want to see the ground.” Harry spoke her voice shaking.

“I know sweetheart and I won’t make you. Just open your eyes for a little bit, alright? Please Harry, let me see those pretty green eyes of yours.” Finally Harry’s eyes fluttered and Harry smiled at her, caressing her thigh. “Good job babe, now I want you to slowly move so your legs are on the first step of the ladder. Good, you’re doing so great Harry. Now move a little down, don’t worry I’m right here and I won’t let you fall.” Harry, who looked scared beyond belief moved so she was on the edge of the branch. “Okay now, this next part might be a little scary but I’m right here. Can you put your feet on the second step?” Liam who didn’t want to lose eye contact with Harry for too long looked down long enough to make sure Harry did as she was told. “Great job, Harry. Now, can you climb down one more step? Awesome, you’re doing so great Harry, you’re so brave. Okay again this next part might be a little scary but I want you to trust me, got it?” Harry nodded, “Okay I want you to wrap your arms around my neck.” Liam put his hand on Harry’s hip to make her feel secure as she did as she was told. “Good, now move your legs around my waist. Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ve got you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Harry did as Liam asked and clung to him as tightly as she could.

Liam carefully reached out and grabbed Dusty, placing her on Harry’s shoulder, hoping she wouldn’t fall off, and placed his hand on Harry’s back as he slowly climbed down the ladder. Once they were safely on the ground, Liam expected Harry to get off of Liam and go straight for Louis; instead she stayed clinging to him. Louis who was uncharacteristically quiet during the whole event took Dusty from Harry’s shoulder and nodded at Liam and walked inside. At a loss for what to do, Liam walked over to the bed of the truck and carefully placed Harry on the bed of the truck. Even with her sitting there she still didn’t move away from Liam, not like Liam really minded, but he was incredibly worried about her.

“Sshh, baby you’re alright, you’re safe now. It’s okay.” Liam whispered rubbing his hands up and down her back.

Harry nuzzled her face further in the crook of Liam’s neck and really Liam shouldn’t be enjoying this so much. Unsure of how to really calm Harry, Liam kept one hand on the small of her back and let his other hand to run through Harry’s curls (they’re softer and bouncier than Liam imagined). Liam kept running his hand through Harry’s curls and kept rubbing patterns in the small of her back until finally she started to detach herself from Liam. The second she started to Liam wanted to tell her to stay and to never move and really Liam could work with her around him, it was something he could live with. Instead he smiled at her with what he hoped to be reassurance and wiped away some fallen tears.

“Hey,” he spoke softly. “You alright now?”

Harry bit her lip and shrugged, “Yeah,” she replied her voice still wavering. “I’m sorry I got stuck up there. I’m usually not that bad with heights.”

“Hey now, it’s quite alright. You’re safe now and that’s all that matters.”

Harry smiled a little and nodded, “Yeah, thanks a lot Liam. You’re really good at this kind of stuff.”

Liam shrugged and made a move to give Harry some space but Harry reached out and tugged Liam back in. Liam really should be asking Harry more questions about her health but Harry fucking Styles just grabbed his shirt and pulled him into another embrace, questions can be asked later. Harry tucked her head into the crook of Liam’s neck and sighed, her breath tingling against Liam’s skin in the best possible way.

“I have to admit, I never imagined finally being able to hug you to be quite like this.” Harry whispered.

“What?” Liam sputtered out, Harry wanted to hug him?

“Yeah god Liam, I’ve wanted you for the longest time but you’re Liam…you’re just this incredibly smart, charming, golden hearted guy and I’m just Harry and everyone thinks I’m dating Louis but ew. I’ve been secretly pining over you for the longest time but I never thought I had a chance because you’re so cute Liam and you’re so good and I’m just me. When Louis came up with this plan of rescuing me I didn’t quite think I’d have to get stuck in a tree but I’m kind of glad I did.”

Liam was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that Harry likes him, like she actually likes him. Harry with her curly curly curly hair and wild green eyes and full pink lips and long legs. Harry with her big smile and dimple, Harry with her addicting laughter and charm. Harry, a girl who up until this point has only been a dream, actually likes Liam.

“This isn’t some prank is it? I mean Louis didn’t put you up to this because I gave you a nose bleed?” Liam asked.

Harry moved away from Liam and laughed, “No, definitely not. I’ll admit he kind of wanted to hurt you when it happened but I talked him out of it.” Harry shrugged and became shy again, “Look Liam, I really do like you okay? I’ve been kind of hoping and praying you’ll make a move and I resigned myself to thinking you didn’t like me but Louis came up with this ridiculous plan when he found out you rescued Dusty and although I am genuinely terrified of heights I gave in and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, really I’ll be fine. I mean it’s not the greatest feeling being turned down but I’ll be fine. Maybe I’ll buy another cat to drown out my sorrows but I just wanted you to know how I feel.”

Liam’s mind is swimming with all of this new information and all he can really hear is Niall telling him that he is pitiful and if he wants anything to happen with Harry then he has to make it happen. Now is the time to make it happen and although Liam still has to digest everything he can’t let this moment pass him by so he cups Harry’s face and finally kisses the lips he’s been dreaming about for years. Harry’s lips are soft and the kiss is slower than Harry talks (pretty fucking slow really) but it’s perfect and although the pace is slow Liam has a hard time keeping up because he’s finally kissing Harry. He moves his hands to her curls and speeds the kiss up a little bit before pulling away and resting his forehead against hers. They breathe each other in for a second before Liam pecks her lips over and over again.

“Don’t buy another cat.” Liam told Harry. “Well you can if you want to, I mean I can take you kitten shopping for our first date but I was thinking maybe dinner and a movie would be a better option.”

Harry let out a giggle and threw her arms around Liam’s neck, the whole encounter making Liam laugh as well as he hugged her back.

“Dinner and a movie sound great.” Harry said once she finally pulled away, tucking a piece of her curls behind her ear.

Liam twirled a piece of her hair around his finger and smiled, “Friday? Let’s say 7?”

Harry giggled again and nodded, “It’s a date.” Harry jumped down from the bed of the truck and stood on her tip toes to kiss Liam again.

“Right so Harry, don’t climb anymore trees alright?” Liam asked.

Harry blushed and nodded, “Well I’ve got my guy so I don’t reckon I’ll need to.” She winked which definitely sent the butterflies in Liam’s stomach into a panic. “Right well I need to make sure Louis hasn’t killed Dusty by now. See you Friday Liam.”

Liam kissed Harry again, and again and one more for the road before finally saying goodbye. On the drive back to the station and even until the date that Friday night Liam couldn’t stop smiling because he’s the underdog who finally got the girl.
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I never thought I would like genderswap but I actually really enjoy writing it. This is my second time writing genderswap and I've actually written another one that will be posted sometime soon. Thank you so much for giving this a try. Comments would be lovely.

Ziam with girl!Liam
Zarry with girl!Harry