Give Them Blood, Blood, Gallons of the Stuff

Hell, ***ing Hell (Part 3) a.k.a Coming Down

~Frank's POV~

Bouncing down the stairs, i squeeze Gerard's hand. He has an adorable smirk on his face, his soft lips open slightly and he begins to speak.

"Ca-" he behins, then stops, his eyes lowering to his feet.

"What is it?" I lift his chin up with two fingers.

The smile creeps back onto his face again and he let out a soft giggle.

"Can we listen to the Misfits in the car?"

I chuckle.

"Maybe some Black Flag too?"

We hop into the car and i crank the stereo so high that we have to yell to hear the "I love you's" that we're constantly exchanging.

I love Gerard, i really do. Do you believe me?

~Gerard's POV~

I'm finally okay.
Thank you Frank. I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dear readers,
wow it's been a while. i have had many ups and downs with my personal life. i'm sorry it took me so long to complete my story. this was my first fan fiction, and it was terrible. it was short and lacked despcription, there was no emotional bond between the characters. in my next fab fic (watch out, chapter 1 out soon!) Gerard and Frank start off not knowing each other. it is much longer and i know it will be a hell of a lot better than this.

I named this chapter with the "a.k.a Coming Down" because of the music video for the Five Finger Death Punch song, Coming Down. It's this two teens, who are both contemplating suicide. In the first scenario they both end up killing themselves but in the end, a friend shows up and they end up living. I thought this would connect because without Frabk, Gerard would've been dead.

So again, sorry for the wait and for the terrible story. Thsi is the beginning of a new road for me. a road into writing and art. Thank you all for reading this, and giving me feedback.

-the author, delaneysaurus a.k.a Delaney.