Status: done as of 3 April

Picking Up the Pieces

Admit It...

***Tony’s POV***

She is my world, the most precious thing.

She is all I see, and all I ever want to see.

She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

She is Zoe Green, and she is the most beautiful, perfect human being on this planet.

And now, she is mine and I am hers.

I’m so lucky to have her. I am never, ever letting her go. Not again.

I love every single little thing about her. From her big, blue eyes and the freckles on her nose, to her long black hair that spills over her collar bones, to her ribs and her hips and legs all the way down to her toes. I love the way she smiles at me when she thinks I’m not looking, the way she bites her lip when she’s nervous or worried. I love the sound of her voice, and the way her nose crinkles when she laughs. I love it even more when I’m the one making her laugh.

I love her lips, they’re not too big, but not too thin, just like her body; perfect. And I love kissing them, too. I love the way her body molds perfectly with mine, and how our hands and our lips fit just right. It’s like we’re made for each other. I hope we are.

What did I do to deserve such an angel like her? I am not worthy of the love of Zoe Green. But here we are, in each other’s arms, her beautiful face sleeping soundly on my chest.

I never want this moment to end. I never want her to leave my arms.

Yesterday, when I saw her kissing Luke, I felt something I’ve never felt before. I felt incredibly angry, yet sad and hurt and envious and confused at the same time. Seeing her with someone else- it was crushing. I’m the only one who should be kissing her, holding her, making her moan my name.

It was in that moment that I knew. It had taken a long time to admit it to myself, but now I was absolutely certain:

I am in love with Zoe Green.

I think I have been for a long, long time. In high school, god, I was such an ass to her, but I did it because I was scared- scared of having her find out, because I knew she wouldn’t feel the same, and scared of my ‘friends’ finding out, because they’d torture her for it, and force me to bully her more.

I was a stupid, stupid kid, and the fact that she has forgiven me is still unbelievable.

For seven years, I tried to get over Zoe Green. I had countless one night stands and a ton of girlfriends, but none of them got her out of my head. I wrote songs about her, hoping that writing down my feelings would make them go away. But they continued. After seven years, I was ready to give up on love. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find her. I was falling apart. I was just numb, to everything.

And now, fate had led her to me, and I had made her mine. Finally mine. I’ve grown up now, I’ve learned my lesson. I will never hurt her, or let anything happen to her. I will never let her go, for as long as I shall live. Not because I’m keeping an age-old promise to her mom, but because I am hopelessly in love with her.

I am in love with Zoe Green, and I pray to god that she feels the same.
♠ ♠ ♠

also i was feeling nostalgic the other day and i looked through my photos from the cwts tour



okay bye now