Status: done as of 3 April

Picking Up the Pieces

Shuke ♥

"You asshole!" Luke yelled. "You don't just kiss other people's girlfriends!"

Barely five minutes ago, Luke had asked Vic who was in the back lounge, to which Vic replied "Tony, Zoe and Shane. Probably talking about how Shane kissed her at the club last night." When I left the back lounge, he proceeded to punch me in the nose, and when I asked "WHAT THE FUCK", he punched me again, this time in the chin, splitting my lip.

"I told you, I was drunk!" I argued.

"Regardless, you should've known better! Two shots is not drunk, Shane."

"I've never had tequila before, Luke. And I said I was sorry! Tony's totally fine with it!"

"Of course he is, he's Tony. But I'm going to give you the punishment you deserve," he growled. He gripped my shirt with tattooed knuckles and drew his other fist back.

I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself for the impact. I whimpered and winced, expecting the force of Luke's fist colliding with my face.

I heard the distinct crunching, echoing sound of a fist meeting a jaw at full force, but I didn't feel anything. Cautiously, I opened one eye. Upon seeing the scene before me, both eyes grew to the size of dinner plates.

Luke sat on his knees on the floor, cradling his head in his hands. Standing in front of him, breathing hard with clenched hands, was Tony.

Zoe stood behind him with a shocked look on her face. She quickly pushed past Tony and got down on her knees in front of where I sat on the couch.

"Shane, look at me," she said delicately. Let me clean you up."

****Luke's POV****

"The fuck, dude?" I mumbled, looking up at Tony with a hand on my jaw.

"I could say the same to you," he shot back. "Why did you hit Shane?"

"He kissed Zoe! You guys are acting like it's no big deal!" I replied.

"It's not, Zoe and I made up, I forgave Shane, end of story. I suggest you do the same!"

"He kissed your girlfriend, sober!"

He squatted down so we were at eye level and patted my knee. "Look, Luke. I know this isn't about the kiss. Why are you being such an ass to Shane?"

Oh shit. Should I tell him? Tell him that I like Shane as more than a friend, and the thought of it terrifies me and excites me at the same time?

Might as well, I'm in deep enough shit already.

But I didn't even have to open my mouth. Tony has always had this magical superpower to tell how people are feeling just by looking at him. Kind of like a therapist or a psychic. His face softened as he moved to sit crisscross applesauce in front of me.

"You like him, don't you?" He whispered.

"Of course I like him, he's my best friend," I huffed nervously.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "You guys need to sort this out. Now." He stood up and brought me with him to the back lounge, where Zoe was petting the hair of a distressed-looking Shane, whose head rested on her lap, on the couch.

"Sit," Tony commanded, pointing to the couch perpendicular to where Shane was.

I did as I was told, and both Shane and I kept our gazes locked on the wooden floor.

After whispering some comforting words into his ear, Zoe sat up as Shane moved to sit properly.

She joined Tony at the doorway. "Sort this out," he stated. “You’re best friends.” He closed the door behind him as they both left.

I took a deep breath and looked up at Shane. “I’m sorry I was a dick, man.”

“It’s fine,” he squeaked, still looking at his feet.

“No, it’s not. I’m really sorry. I feel terrible and I don’t know to make it up for you, I’m just really sorry,” I rambled nervously. “I guess I was just jealous.”

He perked right up at that. “Jealous of what?”

Now it was my time to squeak. “Becausezoegottokissyouandididn’t.”

It was silent between us for a couple minutes, me blushing like a fucking tomato and him smiling smugly.

“Really?” he whispered.

“Yeah......” I played with my plugs, a nervous habit.

“I like you,” he chirped.

I couldn’t help but grin. “I like you too.”

Now we were both blushing and smiling like little girls. After a couple awkward minutes I asked him if he’d like to watch a movie with me in the back lounge tonight (a tour bus date), to which he nodded enthusiastically.

“Come on, I’ll cook you some apology breakfast,” I suggested, standing up.

He did the same, but pulled me into a tight hug. I ruffled his hair as we separated and walked to the kitchen.

I was just finishing his chocolate chip pancakes when he realized he’d forgotten something.

“Oh, and Luke?” he asked from beside me.

“What?” I turned to look at him only to be greeted by a bitch slap to the face. I gasped and rubbed my already sore cheek.

“I guess I deserved that,” I mumbled, turning back to the pancakes.

He scoffed. “Goddamn right you did.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this took so long :/


enjoy the Shuke, more Toe (pronounced Toe-y) coming up.