Status: done as of 3 April

Picking Up the Pieces

Revenge of the Sith Day

On the morning of May fifteenth, I was awoken by the bright California sunlight flooding through Tony and I’s bedroom window. And as soon as my eyes were open, I was carefully slithering out of the bed, careful not to wake my sleeping turtle and heading toward the kitchen.

If you’re not aware, May 15 is the initial release date of Revenge of the Sith, Tony’s favorite Star Wars movie, and I was determined to make it special. I’d be making a full breakfast for the two of us- Star Wars style. I’d been up late last night thinking of all the possible ways I could relate Star Wars to food.

The first things I’d thought of were lightsabers, of course. They’re badass and cooler than guns. I’d decided on wrapping the lower part of a piece of bacon in foil for the hilt, and letting the bacon itself be the blade. Then, Millenium Falcons made out of pancakes, Princess Leia’s hair cinnamon buns, and oranges artistically peeled by yours truly to look like Death Stars. And to top it all off, a caramel-chocolate mocha (Tony’s guilty pleasure) in his favorite Darth Vader mug.

To call me the best girlfriend ever would be an understatement.

About an hour and a half later, I was just finishing up. Right on time, too, as I heard Tony’s sleepy footsteps leaving the bedroom.

“Happy Revenge of the Sith Day!!!” I yelled once he came into view.

A huge smile spread its way across his face and he picked me up and spun me around in a tight thank you hug. “This is awesome, babe! You’re the best.”

I flipped my hair in agreement once he set me down. “I know.”

We both served ourselves hearty portions of the intergalactic breakfast and sat on the picnic table (which I’m told was stolen from a park in Mission Bay) in the backyard. Tony basically inhaled his pancakes, meanwhile I ate my cinnamon bun as ladylike as I could, taking in how awesome the moment was.

Three months ago, I was sharing a studio apartment with three other people and sleeping in a closet, selling my belongings and working two jobs just to make ends meet. I was lonely, bitter, and just sad. I didn’t really do much besides wait for another tour to start.

And now, I’ve learned a lot of things in this short time that’s gone by. First, people change. Forgive and forget is the golden rule. Second, it is possible to get past border patrol with two pounds of weed stuffed into your colleague’s underwear. Third, and most important, post-tour depression is much better when you’re not alone.

My Ghandi moment was cut short when my phone buzzed repeatedly. Someone was calling me. I excused myself from the table, not that Tony was paying attention, and walked a couple steps to lean on the wall of the house.

“Hello, this is Zoe Green, right? The manager for Pierce the Veil?” The person on the other end asked. It was a man, obviously, most likely in his forties or early fifties.

“Uh, yeah,” I answered. “Can you?”

“It’s Kevin Lyman, founder of the Vans Warped Tour. How’d you guys like to join us this summer on main stage?”

H o l y s h i t . The jesus of my childhood is asking my band to play mAIN STAGE.

“SOUNDS FUCKIN AWES– I mean, yes. We would love to. I’m sure the boys would be very happy to play Warped Tour.....main stage....all summer.....”

He laughed heartily. “I enjoy your enthusiasm! I’ll email you the paperwork as soon as possible. Thank you.”

“No, thank you.”

I hung up the phone and when I got back to the table, Tony was looking at me with a curious expression. “Who was on the phone?”

I shrugged mischievously. “Nobody.” He shrugged back and I waited for him to take a sip of his latte. “You’re playing main stage on Warped this summer,” I added casually.

As expected, Tony spit his coffee out all over the table, sputtering and coughing while I laughed hysterically.


He continued squealing like a little kid and picked me up and twirled me around once again. “ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!”

He better, because I’m not going anywhere.

Number four on the list of things I’ve learned: I am never going to stop loving Tony Perry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my god, you guys. I can't believe this is over. It's been awesome, thanks for reading, commenting, subscribing and recommending ^.^
But I'm writing a sequel, don't worry! It'll be up later this week, probably.

Also I'm seeing PTV and Issues in two days, and I have VIP. I'm so excited!!!! Idk if I'll even be able to talk to Tony though, all I'll probably be thinking is I wrote a sex scene about you..