Status: Whispers are louder than words...

Whisper to Me Softly


His first visit was in my dreams.

It was hard to believe he was real at first.

I remember that he was my age. Had curly, dark brown hair, and a white t-shirt with a blue blazer. His jeans were black and smooth, along with his thick British accent. I had to admit, for a ghost, he was pretty hot.

Of course, at first I didn't know he was a ghost, I thought he was just another random person I made up in my infinite imagination. Well, that my subconscious made up, I guess...

This is exactly how it happened:

***Three Days Ago***

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm on my phone. The annoying thing. The sheets clung to my naked body and I looked over to see my current boyfriend sound asleep. I smiled and ran my hands through his hair, careful not to wake him.

I got up and let the sheet fall into place on the bed as I made my way toward the bathroom. I turned on the light and shut the door, letting my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness that filled the room.

"Wow, you have a nice body." I heard a voice say. It was garbled, and more like a whisper than an actual voice, but nonetheless, I still heard it. I grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around me.
"Who said that?" I asked, loud and clear. An image warped in front of me and I realized it was the guy from my dream.
"You're real," I whispered. He smiled.
"Not entirely," he replied, then he froze.
"Wait, you can understand me?" he asked, hope filling his strikingly handsome features. I smiled.
"Yeah, have been able to since I was little." I said, turning on the water and making it hot.
His face brightened.

"Do you think you can help me?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes. They always think I can do some kind of superhero thing and bring them back. At first you feel sorry for them and try to find some way to help them like that, but after a while, it gets kinda old.

"I really don't know what you expect me to do." I said, half expecting him to shoot out a line of "But"s. He didn't. He shrugged and his face fell. I hadn't felt truly and completely sorry for a ghost in a long time but for him I did.

I sighed and rubbed my head with the tips of my fingers.
"Fine, but let me get through the shower first." he smiled again and I heard a knock on the door. The boy didn't disappear as I opened it and I half glared and Jeremiah saw my face.
"Everything alright?" he asked, and a smiled found it's way to my face.
"Of course, why wouldn't it be?" I replied, dropping my towel and watching his eyes trail along my body. I smiled wider as he brought me to his naked body.

As soon as Jeremiah and I got done in the shower, and I had put on clothes, the boy was waiting for me in the kitchen.
"Wait until my boyfriend leaves," I whispered to him. He nodded and disappeared.

It was an hour before Jere left and we mostly hung out on the couch until then. I didn't have to go to work for another hour or so.

The boy showed up soon after the coast was clear. He sat down on my couch and I sat across from him. He smiled at me.
"So, you know how to have a good fuck." That was the first thing he said. I knew then, that I wasn't going to like this cocky jerk.
"Yeah...stop trying to see me naked. That would be nice." I replied. He shrugged.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"It's Liss. Liss Fortune." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"My names Harry. Harry Styles." he said, looking expectant.
"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" I asked, and it clicked. He was obviously famous. His aura oozed overconfidence.
"I'm from a famous boy band. I'm assuming you've never heard of me?" he asked. I shook my head no. He sighed, like he knew this would happen.

"Well, the news of me dying should be all over the internet by now and-" he was cut off by a sudden loud bang. It resonated throughout the flat. I took my eyes off of Harry for a moment and looked around, but when I turned back toward him, he had disappeared.

"H-Harry?" I stuttered. My voice sounded brittle and weak. Another loud boom sounded. A dark, mist-like substance came into my flat through my ventilation system. The mist turned thicker and became almost a fog. It swam through my flat, as if looking for someone. Harry. The fog stayed close to the ceiling and I fell to the floor, crawling slowly backwards into a safer area. It was like the fog could sense my movement and it flew through me.

It was a weird sensation that went through my body. I had never felt anything like scared me. When the feeling left, I felt dizzy and piercing pain went through my head. I opened my eyes to find my vision blurry and a silhouette of a man standing in front of me. I saw the edges of curly hair and muttered something.
"Harry?" I said, before my legs gave out and my body went limp. The unconsciousness took over my brain and I fell. The impact of the floor didn't hurt me and I wondered why.


When I opened my eyes, I was laying in a bed. That was weird...I don't remember falling asleep. I could feel a small pain in the back of my head and rubbed it with a little pressure.
"You're awake." I heard someone say. It wasn't that boy, Harry's voice, so when I jerked my head up to see who it was, I was surprised to see my brother's face. Well, Niall Horan isn't my biological brother, but he was close to it.

"Niall? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in over 6 years!" I said. He sighed.
"I need your band mate just died and I'm pretty sure you can see him." Niall said. I rubbed my temples.
"And what makes you so sure?" I replied and I knew by the smirk on his face, he knew I would ask that question.

"Because...he left this world with some unfinished business. He wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun. We are talking about Harry here." Niall said, and suddenly, I still wanted to be unconscious, because I could tell I was about to get myself in some deep shit.
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So, here's the beginning! Tell me what you think!! I think I like it so far...but I'm not sure...anyway! Comment, subscribe, and shoot me a friend request! I'll gladly accept!