Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I went over to Vic's place to see if that girl was still there.
She wasn't.
I just let myself in because I knew Vic wouldn't mind, "Hey! Vic! It's Tony!"
"Oh hey Tony!" Vic said from the other room, "I'll be out in a second."
Vic walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his head, "That's what girls do," I said, indicating the towel.
"Ah why are you looking at me! I just got out of the shower! Pervert!" Vic said, imitating a female voice.
I laughed, "So how was your night with that one chick?"
"Oh man it was great, for someone who's not famous she really knows what she's doing," Vic winked.
"Um, okay?"
"I got her number! She's really sweet! I'm gonna go see a movie with her tomorrow!"
I could tell Vic was happy, so I just smiled, enjoying his happiness.
"Should I text her? I don't want to seem desperate!"
I nodded, "Go for it dude."
"Okay!" he quickly pulled his phone out and texted her, "I said 'Hey'."
"Wow, so smooth," I said, sarcastically.
Vic flipped me off, "Oooh! She texted back! She said 'Hey' with a smiley face!"
Vic texted something back and kept on staring at his phone.
"Do you want to hang out with the guys? I'm really bored."
Vic looked up at me from his phone, "Yeah, sure, let me comb my hair real quick."
We were at a bar, drunk, of course. I was with Vic, Jaime, and Mike. We were joking and laughing about current news. We brought up the whole "having a black president thing" and Jaime joked and said maybe we'll move to Mexicans and Vic would be president next. Just stupid drunk talk.
"Hey what time is it?" Vic slurred.
"Uhh," Mike checked his phone, "9:52 PM."
"Shit! I have a date with Emma tomorrow! I gotta go, bye guys!" and with that, Vic walked out the door and called a cab.
"Vic has a date?" Jaime asked.
"Yeah, he's going to see Paranormal Activity with that chick he took home the other day," I answered.
"Aw!" Mike started, "I'm happy for Vic!"
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~~~xoxo Emma