Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I woke up having a strange craving for pickles. God, I hate being pregnant, this baby better be worth it. I looked at the time, it was four something.
"Great," I harshly whispered.
I walked out of my room and saw Emma and Vic sleeping together. They were both laying on their side, turned to each other, and holding each other. It was really cute. You could see them both smile.
I walked over to the kitchen and heard Nicole speak, "Did you hear them?"
"Why are you still up?" I asked, concerned.
"I couldn't sleep! Emma and Vic were going at it!"
"What?" I asked, confused.
"They were doing it!"
"Oh that's what that noise was? I thought... I don't know what I thought," I said, embarrassed.
"Anyways, why are you up?" Nicole asked, noticing my embarrassment.
"Cravings, I want pickles."
"I don't think we have any."
"What!? I'm hungry for pickles!" I exclaimed.
"Well you're gonna have to wait until the morning."
"It is morning!"
"When people are normally up."
I growled.
"Calm down, it's not the end of the world."
"But I want pickles!"
"Go back to bed!" Nicole ordered.
"Fine," I muttered, trudging back to my room.
I woke up and checked the clock, it was 8:32 AM. I walked out of the door to see if Emma was up yet.
She wasn't. I was pretty surprised, I mean, she's usually up by six. It might be because of Vic.
"Good morning," I heard Nicole mutter.
"Morning," I yawned.
"Still hungry for pickles?" Nicole asked, a smile spreading across her face.
"Yeah," I said, "Want to go get some food?"
"Yeah sure," Nicole shrugged.
We stepped out of the door and walked to the breakfast room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one is so short ._.