Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


Vic was happy, so I was happy. I haven't met the girl that he's with, but I wanted to.
Yesterday Vic called and told me the girl's friends went back home but she stayed with him, I was happy for him, I really was. I hope this relationship will work out, last time Vic went through a break-up, a BAD one, he started hitting the bottle and I hated seeing it.
I told Vic that I was going to come over to congratulate him.
I thought about how this was going to go, I wondered how the girl is, is she a bitch? Is she a slut? Is she nice? Who knows?
I was at the door of his apartment and I knocked on the door.
"I'll get it!" I heard a musical voice yell.
The door opened and on the other side was a pretty ginger-girl with cloudy-blue eyes and a cute button nose. She smiled, showing her sparkly-white teeth, "You must be Tony!"
"Yeah, you're Emma?" I asked, completely out of touch with what I was going to say.
"Oh is that Tony?" Vic asked.
He walked over and wrapped his arms around Emma's shoulders and kissed her cheek.
"Hey Turtle," Vic laughed.
"Turtle?" Emma asked.
"It's a joke, Tony loves turtles," Vic answered.
I smiled at the pretty girl.
"Come in!" Vic demanded.
I stepped through the door of the apartment. It's a one bedroom apartment, so they're definitely sleeping together.
"So," Emma started, "You're friends with Vic?"
"Best friends," I answered, still searching for right words to say.
"That's cool."
The visit there was fun, but I really wanted to get out of there.
"Alright, goodnight Tony!" a drunk Victor said, patting me on the back.
"Goodnight," I didn't have a lick of alcohol, I knew that I'd have to be driving back to my place soon.
I walked out of the apartment and into my car.
His girlfriend was really pretty, like, insanely pretty. I wonder what would happen if they broke up...
What!? No!! This is Vic's girlfriend we're talking about! I can't think of her like that!
The rest of the drive home was like hell, I kept on thinking of Emma. She's too beautiful to get out of your mind.
Getting home wasn't the best either, I wasn't drunk, but I felt like it. I didn't know what to do, it was 11:57 PM, I just decided to watch Star Wars and hopefully fall asleep.
When my eyelids started to get heavy Emma was still on my mind.
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Ooooh is Tony in love with Emma??? I guess we'll find out :DDD