Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


It was almost midnight and I was worried. Vic has been gone for almost two hours. Where did he go?
I quickly grabbed my phone and called Vic for the thousandth time. No answer. I regretted every word I said to him.
I thought about all the possible places he could be, I only had Tony's number, so I called him.
"Hello?" a tired voice said.
"Hey, it's Emma, did I wake you up?" I asked.
"Yeah, but, you're fine. What do you want?"
"Vic drove off almost two hours ago and he won't pick up the phone," I was almost in tears.
"I'll be right there," Tony said.
About twenty minutes later Tony walked through the door.
"Hey," I greeted.
"Hey," Tony echoed, "So why did Vic drive off?"
"We got in a fight," I muttered.
Tony's eyes got huge, "So he's mad?"
"He can't drive when he's mad! He's always completely out of focus!"
"What?" I was starting to cry. What if he got in a car crash or something?
There was a silence between me and Tony until my phone rang. I quickly hopped to my phone hoping it was Vic. When I reached it the caller ID said "Victor<3" so I was excited.
"Hello?" I said, my voice getting caught in my throat.
"Hi," an unfamiliar voice said, "You might want to come down to the movie theater."
"Why?" I asked, absolutely confused.
"There's someone you might want to see."
"Okay," I hung up and Tony looked at me expectantly, "Can you drive me down to the movie theater?" I asked.
"Yeah sure," Tony got up and grabbed his keys.
I put on my favorite purple sweatshirt and walked out the door with Tony.
When we got in the car he immediately started driving, and before I knew it we were at the movie theater.
"Oh my God!" I exclaimed.
There were ambulances everywhere. My eyes got teary, thinking the worst.
Tony pulled me into a hug, petting my hair reassuringly.
He held me for a good five minutes before the same voice from the phone talked, "You must be Emma."
I pulled away from Tony and looked at the person, it was a paramedic, "Yeah," I said, "Where's Vic?"
"Follow me," the paramedic started to walk over to one of the ambulances.
I followed the guy, with Tony close behind.
He led me in one of the ambulances and what I saw just made me cry.
It was Vic, on a stretcher. He had blood dripping down from his lip and he was hooked up to a medical machine. His eyes were barely open, and he was paler than usual.
I knelt down beside him and another paramedic-a girl-started talking, "You were the most called on his cell phone, so we figured you were pretty important to him."
I nodded to the girl and took Vic's hand, "Vic?"
His eyes started to budge, "Emma..." he mumbled.
I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead. I shut my eyes really tight to try to stop my tears.
"Don't cry," Vic muttered, "I'm fine... I'll be fine."
I could tell Vic was having trouble breathing.
"I'm sorry for... all that I said to you."
I started to cry harder.
"I completely... regret yelling... and... if you want to go back... to... to Jordan... I understand."
"No! I want to stay with you! I don't know what I was thinking!" I exclaimed.
I kissed Vic's lips, I didn't care that they were bleeding, I just wanted to be closer to him than ever.
"I... I love you," Vic muttered.
I looked him deep into his eyes, this was the first time he ever told me he loved me.
"I love you too!" I kissed him over and over again. I held him tighter to me and started crying again, my tears dripping into his hair.
My world started to crash around me. All I could hear was the beeping of the machine. All I could see was the subconscious Vic.
"We'll be driving to the hospital soon," the female paramedic said, "You can stay in here with Victor if you want."
"Okay," I said, still holding Vic.
The ambulance started driving and I sat down next to Vic and held his hand. He kept talking but barely completed a word or a sentence. I held his hand to my lips, his skin brushing against my lips. I closed my eyes and waited until we were at the hospital.
Everything was a blur until Vic got settled in a room. I held his hand while his eyes began to drift closed.
"Don't worry, he's just sleeping," the doctor must have seen me begin to worry.
I sighed reassuringly, kissing Vic's hand.
"Hey, Emma?" Vic asked, "Can you go over to the guy I hit and tell him I'm sorry?"
I nodded. I asked the doctor to take me to the other person's room.
I walked into the other room to find a guy probably a year older than me lying in a bed. He was stunning, even after a car crash. He had raven black hair and icy turquoise eyes.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," the guy echoed.
"Um, I came to tell you that Vic, the guy who hit you is really sorry."
The guy chuckled, "It's okay, I hold half the blame anyways."
He had a really high voice, he would be a great singer.
"I'm Emma, by the way."
"I'm Kellin."
I nodded, "Well, Vic probably needs me so I gotta go, bye!"
I walked back to Vic's room to see Vic watching TV.
"Hey," Vic greeted.
"Hey," I went over to him and sat in the chair next to him, "So how are you?"
I kissed his forehead and then his lips, "I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too," he whispered back.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you guys didn't realize yet it's Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens :D