Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I walked in the room Vic was in. I saw Emma holding his hand and lightly crying. I don't think Emma has slept the whole entire time. I was surprised that I could, with all this shit going on with Vic.
I'm pretty sure they made up after the fight. I'm not exactly sure what they fought about, but it wasn't really important.
I saw the other guy in the accident, too. He was nice, turns out he's in a band and he's working on his first album. I can't remember what the band was called but he was a fan of Pierce the Veil.
I was still in Vic's room.
"Hey," I muttered.
"Hello," Emma nodded.
"How's he doing?" I asked, indicating Vic.
"Better, we talked a little," she smiled, "He's a little delusional, he asked me why there was a penguin next to him."
I laughed, "You sure that's not just Vic being Vic?"
Emma laughed. She looked down at Vic and kissed his forehead.
They were cute together, they really were. But I still can't get the thought of her with someone else out of my mind.
Vic started to wake up.
"Good morning Sleeping Beauty," Emma smiled.
Vic smiled back at her and Emma kissed him.
"Well, I'm gonna go out to the lobby, I think Mike called and said he's gonna visit," I said, awkwardly exiting the room.
I walked down to the lobby and saw Mike there.
"Hey!" Mike called. He was holding a giant teddy bear half the size of him.
"What... The... Fuck?" I asked.
Mike held the bear up, "It's my gift to my big brother!"
I smiled, "They're on the second floor."
"They're? Who's the other one? Is Jaime here?" Mike asked.
"No, he's with his girlfriend, Emma."
Mike nodded and walked to the elevator, "Come with me!" he said, beckoning me to go into the elevator.
I led Mike into Vic's room and he gave the bear to him.
"Thanks," Vic said, laughing.
Emma laughed too, taking the bear, she snuggled it, "It's so cute!" she laughed.
She set the bear next to Vic's bed.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked behind me to see a doctor, "Oh hey."
"Hi, can I talk to you and Emma?" the doctor asked.
I nodded and pulled Emma aside with me and the doctor.
"How's Vic?" Emma asked, concern filling her face.
"Better, it's not that fatal, just a few fractures and a broken wrist."
Emma's eyes got huge, "What!? Where are the fractures?"
"In two of his rib-bones," he sighed.
Emma started tearing up and I held her close to me. Her tears were staining my chest, but I didn't care. I liked being close to her. But apparently she didn't. She pulled away from me and looked back at the doctor.
"When will he heal?" she asked.
"Give it a few weeks," he answered.
"Does Vic know?" I asked.
"Victor? No, he doesn't," he looked at us expectantly, "Who wants to be the one to tell him?"
"I'll tell him," I volunteered.
I walked in Vic's room with Emma close behind.
"Vic?" I asked.
"Yeah?" he answered.
"We found out what happened to you."
I sighed, "Two of your ribs are fractured and your wrist is broken."
Vic's eyes got huge, "Really?"
"Oh honey," Emma said, hugging Vic.
Vic kissed Emma's head, "I'll be fine baby."
Emma started crying again.
The doctor walked in and looked at Emma and Vic, "Hi."
"Hey," Vic said, as if nothing happened.
"Has your friends told you?"
"Okay, I'm going to prescribe some pain killers and I recommend avoiding movement in the torso area, in fact I'd rather you stay in like a bed or a couch or something, just lay down. You can still get up to go to the bathroom and stuff, but I'm gonna warn you that it will hurt to walk."
Vic nodded at these instructions, "When can I leave?"
"In a minute, I just need to finish writing this prescription."
"Baby can you put my shoes on me?" Vic asked Emma.
Emma nodded and slipped Vic's shoes on his feet.
He started to get up but was obviously having trouble, so Mike and I went to him and helped him up. We were on either side of him and Vic put his arms around our shoulders. Emma grabbed his teddy bear and followed us out of the room.
We saw the other guy in the accident walk out with the help of two guys-I'm guessing they're his friends-in the hallway.
"Hey Kellin," Emma waved.
"Hey," the guy-I'm guessing his name is Kellin-answered, "Is this Vic?"
"Hey man, sorry about hitting you," Kellin said, looking at Vic.
"That's okay, I'm sorry too," Vic returned.
Kellin nodded and started walking the other way.
"I wonder what happened to him," Emma thought aloud, "Probably something similar to Vic's injury."
Mike, Vic, and I nodded.
We got to the lobby and saw the doctor. He smiled when he saw us, "Hey, just finished writing out your prescription, just need you to sign here," he gave Vic a piece of paper and a pen and Vic signed it, "I want to see you again sometime next month, okay, bye."
"Bye," we all said.
I ended up driving Vic and Emma to their place, with Emma and Vic in the back and the giant teddy bear in the passengers seat. It's kind of creepy, Emma buckled it in the seat so it looked like it was imitating a person. Fucking creepy.
Emma and Vic didn't really say much, although I did hear a lot of kissing noises.
Mike followed me in his car so he could help Vic walk, he also got the pain killers while we got McDonalds for everyone.
When we got to Vic's apartment Mike and I helped Vic on the couch and Emma knelt beside him.
"Thanks guys," she said while still looking at Vic.
"No problem, anything for my big brother!" Mike said, acting like a three-year-old.
Vic laughed, "I'm only older than you by eleven months, don't try to make me feel old."
Emma smiled and kissed Vic, "You're not old."
"I'm older than you."
"Well, yeah, but you're not like thirty or something."
We laughed and then Mike and I left.
"I feel bad for Vic, he's not gonna be able to have sex," Mike said, breaking the silence.
"Um, okay?"
"I mean, you need to move your torso right?"
"So how is he gonna have sex without moving his torso?"
"I don't know Mike, maybe he'll just get blowjobs and stuff like that."
"Ew, Tony don't think like that."
I punched Mike playfully in the arm and then we both went our separate ways to our cars.