Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I could tell Vic was in serious pain, with all the groaning and holding his stomach area. I wanted to see how long it would take him to tell me and swallow his pride so to say, but I just couldn't bare to see him in so much pain, so I took action.
"What are you doing?" Vic asked as I got a thermometer.
"Checking your temp," I stated.
"Because you don't look so good."
"Darling, I'm fine," he sighed.
"Just do it, okay?" I demanded.
Vic rolled his eyes and put the thermometer in his mouth under his tongue.
After like probably twenty or so seconds the thermometer beeped. I took it out of his mouth and I checked the temp.
"Well?" Vic asked.
"Ninety-nine point three," I told him.
"Huh, I guess I am sick."
"Yes, now lay down."
Vic reluctantly laid down on the couch and I tucked a blanket around him. I hugged him and asked him if he needed anything.
"No baby, I'm fine."
"Alright," I sighed.
I got on the couch and cuddled with him. Things were peaceful and quiet until Vic suddenly bolted off the couch and ran to the bathroom, despite the pain. I heard some vomiting noises from the bathroom, and I wondered if this wasn't the first time he puked. He walked out of the bathroom with much struggle and made his way back to the couch.
"You're seeing the doctor tomorrow so we can see about you getting off those pain killers," I told him.
"You need anything?"
"Honey, I'll be fine, okay?"
"You just puked, that's not fine."
Vic rolled his eyes.
"Wanna take a bath?" I suggested.
"A bath?"
"Yeah, obviously you can't take a shower considering it hurts to stand."
"Um," Vic was a little embarrassed, but he had an idea come to his mind, "Only if you get in with me."
"What?" I asked.
"You heard me," Vic gave me a seductive look.
I rolled my eyes and got up and held my hand out, "C'mon, let's take a bath."
Vic smiled and took my hand and got up. I led him to the bathroom, helping him walk. When we got in the bathroom I started to get the water ready while Vic started taking his shirt off, showing his chest.
I guess I stared for a little bit because Vic smiled and said, "Like what ya see?"
I rolled my eyes and smiled. It took forever for the water to get "just right" for Vic because every time I'd think it's fine he'd say "too cold" or "too hot". It didn't bother me much, he's just being cute.
When I finally got the water right Vic only had his boxers on, so I started taking my clothes off. Of course Vic was staring too, but I just rolled my eyes.
After we were naked Vic climbed in the tub with my help and I climbed in after him. The water was warm and the tub was big enough for both of us to lay down in it. Vic put his arm around my shoulders and held me closer to him. He put his head in the crook of my neck and started kissing my skin and lightly biting it, but I just decided to be a tease and push him away.
"What?" he asked.
"I didn't say anything," I smiled, dripping soap on a washcloth.
I took Vic's left arm carefully and rubbed the washcloth on him. Then I went to the next arm, which he was fully capable of doing by himself but I wanted to do it. Then his chest, belly, back, and so on.
I was running my shampoo covered fingers through his hair when he spontaneously kissed me. I smiled. "What was that for?"
"I don't know, I just felt like it," Vic smiled.
I rolled my eyes and continued washing his hair. When his hair was absolutely covered in shampoo I rinsed his hair off. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't get soap in his eyes.
"Okay, now it's my turn to wash you!" Vic exclaimed.
"I think I can wash myself," I retorted.
"Well, I still want to do it."
I rolled my eyes as he started putting soap on a different washcloth.
He took my arm and started washing it, going in the same order I went.
He was running his fingers through my hair and I decided to kiss him. He smiled. "What was that for?"
"I felt like it," I said, mocking his voice.
He giggled and started rinsing my hair.
"We're done, want to get out?" I asked.
It took a minute for Vic to answer, "No, I want to stay in here with you."
"Okay." I got comfortable and cuddled up against him. He kissed my forehead and I smiled, closing my eyes a little.
After a few minutes we both got cold so we decided to get out and get dressed. After we got dressed we took our usual spots back on the couch and fell asleep.