Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I woke up still cuddled next to Vic. His breathing pattern was quiet and peaceful and was going in a steady rhythm, just like his heartbeat. I checked to see what time it was, it's 11:42 AM. I kissed Vic's bottom lip and he held me tighter in his sleep. I'm not sure but I think I might have heard Vic murmur in his sleep. I love his voice when he's tired, or half asleep.
I snuggled my head into Vic's neck, kissing it. I pulled my head out of his neck and started to get out of bed. I tried not to wake him up so I moved very carefully. Once I got out of bed I looked back at Vic to see if I woke him up. He was still sleeping. I slipped on my pink polyester short-shorts and white tank top and bent over to kiss Vic.
I stepped out of the room and walked to the kitchen. There was a pile of dirty dishes on the counter, so I decided to be a good girlfriend and wash them.
I was working on my fourth bowl when I heard the bedroom door squeak open. I pretended that I didn't hear it and I wanted to see how Vic would greet me.
I heard footsteps towards me and I felt a slap on my ass. "Morning baby!" Vic greeted.
"Good morning honey," I chuckled.
Vic grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face him. I noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt. He brought his face closer to mine and put his lips on my lips. He trailed his hand down my back and grabbed my butt. He gripped it pretty hard, and that made me jump.
Vic laughed and put his lips on my neck. He pulled away and asked, "What'ya doing baby?"
"Washing dishes," I answered.
"Thanks darling!" He kissed my cheek and slapped my ass.
"Ooh!" I squealed, putting my hands on my butt.
Vic smiled and cupped his hands under the still running faucet. Uh-oh, I know where this is going.
I started to run out of his way and he chased after me, still with water in his hands. I stopped to catch my breath and Vic threw the water at me. I screamed and ran back to the faucet. I unhooked the mini hose thing from the sink and pushed the nozzle, spraying him. Vic put his hands up to shield himself from the water and pried the nozzle out of my hands. He was soaking wet, so I guess this is his "revenge" against me. He sprayed me and I took a plate from the drainer to cover myself, but this wasn't really helpful, he just sprayed my belly. I moved the plate down in front of my belly but he just started spraying my chest. My tank-top was pretty see-through without being wet, so now my pink lacy bra was really visible.
I started to run out of the kitchen but I slipped on the wet hard floor. I screamed and Vic crouched over me. "Oh my God are you okay?" he asked, concern filling his face.
I nodded, putting my hands on the back of his head, pulling him closer to me. I kissed him, and he kissed me back. Our lips moving together in perfect rhythm. He placed his right arm on the other side of me and his torso was over mine. His nose was pressed against my cheek, his nose ring feeling like ice against my skin. Vic tugged on my bottom lip and brought his body closer to mine. He was pressed against me, his bare wet skin soaking my tank top even more.
I pulled away from him. "My shirt is uncomfortable, it's so wet!" I exclaimed.
Vic pulled my tank top over my head. "That better?" he asked.
"Ah!" I exclaimed, putting my hands over my bra.
Vic laughed and put his lips on my neck. I pushed him away and got up off the floor. "What are you doing?" he asked.
"Getting dry." I walked over to the bathroom and got two towels, I threw one at him and wrapped the other one around me. I plopped on the couch and Vic sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I tipped over on my side and he did the same behind me. He draped his towel over both of us and nuzzled his nose in the back of my neck and kissed it.
I was about to fall asleep until I heard my phone ring. Vic picked it up and handed it to me. I took it and answered, "Hello?"
"Hey," Elizabeth's voice said. "When are you gonna come back?"
I thought for a minute before I answered, "Two weeks."
"Have you told Vic yet?"
"No." I glanced at him.
"Well you should!"
"I will, okay?"
We talked for a little bit more but I had to go so we said goodbye and hung up.
I was cuddled against Vic, his eyes were starting to drift shut. I kissed his lips and he smiled.
I was in wonderland, but only one thing was going through my mind. How am I supposed to tell Vic that I have to leave soon, away from him?
I brushed the thought away and closed my eyes, my head in his neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Waterfight :D