Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


Today was going to be the day. The day I give her the necklace. I've been waiting for the perfect moment, and this time I've got it. I'm gonna take Emma to the beach, like how our first date was, then I'm gonna give her the necklace. The amethyst and diamond mixture will bring out her beautiful cloudy blue eyes.
It's 8:57 right now and the sun is starting to go down, I figured sunset would be the perfect time.
Emma and I were cuddling on the couch. She was practically sitting on my lap and we were holding hands. She kissed my nose. "What's on your mind honey?" she asked.
"Nothing, but I'm bored, wanna go somewhere?" I asked.
"Like where?"
"The beach."
"Yeah sure, I bought a new bikini when I went shopping with Kasey." She got off my lap and went into our room.
She came out wearing a black bikini. It went perfect with her milky-white skin. I walked over to her to get a better look. It was frilly at the top and it looked really sexy on her. I placed my hands on both sides of her waist and brought her closer to me, kissing her plump lips. I trailed my hand down her back and grabbed her ass. She jumped. "Victor!" she exclaimed.
I laughed and went to our room to get my swimming trunks on. I didn't bother putting a shirt on but Emma put a pair of shorts on over her bikini bottoms.
"Aw! You're ruining the fun!" I whined.
Emma rolled her eyes and started to walk out. I led her to the car with my hand on her ass. I opened the door for her and I got in and started driving.
When we got to the beach I let Emma out and she took her shorts off and ran straight to the water. I guess we're going swimming so I took the necklace out of my pocket and set in in the car. I ran after her and started to slow down once half our bodies were submerged in water.
"Beat ya!" Emma laughed while splashing me.
"Hey you got a head start!" I yelled, splashing her back.
Emma laughed and started to run to me but she tripped and dove underwater.
"Emma!" I exclaimed while diving my hands underwater trying to find her. She wasn't anywhere and I started to panic until I felt someone jump on my back. I turned around and to my relief it was Emma. "God dammit!" I yelled, smiling.
Emma laughed and kissed my cheek. "Scared ya didn't I?"
"Yes!" I turned my head and kissed her lips. "Don't ever do that to me again," I whispered, my lips centimeters away from hers.
I tipped back and Emma quickly jumped off of me. I fell into the water and felt hands on my chest. I opened my eyes under the water and I saw Emma floating above me. She had her eyes open too and she kissed me. When she pulled away she floated up over the water and I floated with her. We both took big breaths of air. She walked over to me, and I placed my hands on her hips, pulling her closer to me. I tilted my head and she tilted hers the other way. Our lips collided and her wet body was pressed against mine. I put my hands on her bare back and started to unhook her bikini top.
"Vic," she placed her hands on my hands and pulled them took them off her back.
"Sorry," I looked down at the water. There was an awkward silence between us until Emma wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek repeatedly.
"You're okay," she whispered. She started to sink down until only her head was over the water.
I sunk down too and inched closer to her. We swam for a little bit then we got bored so we ran back to the beach and I laid down a towel for us to sit on. I also got the necklace out of my car and slipped it in my pocket when Emma wasn't looking.
My head was in her lap and she was playing with my hair, twisting it around her fingers. When she was done braiding a piece I sat up and took her hands in both of mine. I looked deep into her eyes and took a breath, "I know you're wondering about what your mom keeps telling you, about how I only want... you know."
Emma looked at me passionately, "I know it's not true." She was starting to tear up now.
"I know, but I don't want you to think it is..." I paused for a second, "I love you Emma, and I always will."
A tear trickled down her face. "I love you too," she whispered.
I kissed where the tear was on her cheek. I let go of her hand and reached in my pocket for the necklace. I opened the crimson box so she could see it.
Her eyes got wide. "Victor..." she said, her voice trailing away. Another tear running down her cheek. "You didn't have to do this."
"Happy anniversary," I muttered.
She threw her arms around my neck and placed her head on my shoulders. I kissed her neck and hooked the necklace around her neck. She pulled away so she could admire the necklace. "It's beautiful," she whispered.
"Not as beautiful as you." I kissed her, our lips perfectly matching this perfect moment.
She pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "Vic, I have to tell you something," she said with a stern tone I didn't like.
"What?" I asked, concern washing over me like a tidal wave.
"I... I have to leave soon."
I felt my world crash around me. Emma? Leaving? "Why?" I asked, feeling my eyes getting wet with tears.
"Because of college. I'm so sorry baby! I'd stay if I could. Just remember that I'll always love you!" Emma was bawling now.
"Darling!" My voice was getting caught in my throat. I couldn't bare it if Emma left. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. I kissed her, trying to enjoy this moment with her. I could feel her tears on my skin and I'm sure she could feel mine. I inched closer to her until I was so close I wouldn't be able to move without toppling her over. I fell back while still kissing Emma and she was over me. She pulled away and looked at me. Her hair was covering her eyes so I took my hand and tucked a strand behind her ear. Her eyes are beautiful, I felt like I could get lost in them forever. I wish I could, I wish she didn't have to leave. I started crying again and Emma kissed me.
She rested her head on my chest. "It'll be okay," she whispered.
We just laid together like that for what seemed like forever watching the sunset. I didn't want this moment to ever end.
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asdfghjkl; the feels