Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I was packing my bag while looking out the window. I'm really going to miss this view. I'm really going to miss this city.
I'm really going to miss Vic.
He was out with the guys doing who knows what at who knows where.
I was packing one of my favorite shirts when Vic opened the door. He peeped his head in and smiled, "Hey darling."
I laughed, "Hello gorgeous." I walked over to him and kissed his lips as he started to walk in.
He pulled away and locked the door behind him.
"Why are you locking the door?" I asked.
"Because, I got in a fight with some black guys at a bar and I'm scared."
"Baby I'm sure they're afraid too. You don't want to get a Mexican mad," I laughed, kissing Vic.
When he pulled away he looked at the half packed suitcase on the table. "What'ya doing baby?" he asked.
"Packing, for when I half to leave," I answered, gritting my teeth.
"Oh." Vic walked over to the table and I followed him. "Kinda sucks that you have to leave," he said, breaking the silence.
"I know," I muttered, kissing his cheek.
Vic placed his hands on my hips and moved me so I was in between him and the table. He inched closer to the table so I had to do the same until my back was pressed against it. Vic trailed his hands up my upper body and stopped at my shoulders. He started to push me on the table lightly, obeying his movements I bent backwards so my back was inches above the table while my feet were still on the floor. He started to unbutton my plaid tight fit flannel shirt and slipped it off of me. He bent over so his body was pressed against mine and my back was pressed against the table. My feet slipped off the floor so I wrapped my legs around Vic's waist. I slipped his shirt off, showing his caramel-colored skin. He put his lips on my neck, sucking on my skin and biting it. I put my hands on his head and pulled at his hair every time he'd bite me.
We were having a really fun time until the door opened and we heard Mikes voice, "Whoa! Are you guys doing it or am I seeing a human version of a caramel mocha topped with whipped cream?" he exclaimed.
"Go away," Vic said while his lips were still on mine.
I pushed him away and grabbed my shirt, pulling it back on and buttoning it. I picked up Vic's shirt, too, and threw it at him. He grimaced and pulled it back on over his head.
"No no, you guys can keep going," Mike winked. "I'm just really fucking stoned and I have the munchies and there's like NOTHING to eat at my house." Mike just let himself in the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Bravo, though, Vic," he said, with his face still in the fridge.
"Bravo? For what?" Vic asked, confused.
"You seem to know what you were doing, Emma was OBVIOUSLY orgasming. If I hadn't barged in she would be screaming your name to the heavens, Victor."
Vic put his arms around my waist and pressed his body to mine. "Okay then, let's finish what we started," he said, with a really creepy smile.
"Um no," I said, pushing him away.
"Hey, if it's because I'm here you won't even notice me. I'll be like a fly on the wall," Mike said with a mouthful of sandwich. "I'm almost done eating my sandwich," he added.
Vic hugged me again and kissed my lips, venturing his lips down to my neck. I tried to pull away but he just held me tighter.
"Stop it Vic," I laughed, trying to push him away.
"No," he said, his lips still on my skin. He started to unbutton my shirt again.
"No Victor." I glanced at Mike and he pretended not to look at us. "Not while Mike is here."
Vic sighed, "Mike go away."
"Fine!" Mike snapped, "Nice to see how loved I am!" He stormed out of our apartment making fake crying noises followed by laughter.
Vic started to put me on the table again but I just pulled away again. "Let's just watch TV," I said.
"Fine," he said, his face filled with disappointment.
We walked over to the couch and cuddled while laying down. Vic was playing with my hair and before I knew it I fell asleep.
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Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I went to my friends house :3