Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I hated seeing Emma all broken up over Jordan, which, I don't understand, Jordan's a douche. He prevented her from doing the things she wanted, like going to Los Angeles for the summer.
Wait! I know how to cheer her up!
I ran to Nicole in the other room, "Nicole! Nicole!" I exclaimed.
"Jesus! What!?" She asked, surprised of my exclamation.
"I know a way to cheer Emma up!"
"You do?"
"Yeah! We can take her to Los Angeles!"
"What!? Los Angeles? That's like a thousand miles away! How are we going to get the money?" She asked.
"Well, I didn't think of that," I thought for a minute, "We could ask for money from Emma's parents and pitch in ourselves!"
"You sure?"
"Yeah! Positive!"
"Haha, wait, that's what your pregnancy test said!" Nicole joked.
"Oh haha yeah!" we laughed to the point where I had to sit down because of baby cramps, "Ow."
Nicole looked at me with sad eyes, but she knew what would happen.

After literally BEGGING for money from Emma's parents, we finally had enough money for three tickets for a plane to Los Angeles, and a four star hotel, and extra little things.
Nicole and I walked over to Emma's room, she was painting, as usual.
"Hey Emma, what are you painting?" Nicole asked.
"A picture," Emma replied, smart-assy.
"Well duh! But of what?" She asked, obviously irritated.
"A heart."
"Yeah, I'm lacking inspiration so I'm just painting something simple," Emma looked up at us, her gray-blue eyes and chestnut hair getting caught in the light, "So, what do you guys want?"
"We have big news!" I exclaimed.
"We're taking you to Los Angeles!"
Her eyes lit up with excitement. "OH MY GOD!!! WHEN!?!?!?" She asked, excitedly.
"Next week," Nicole answered, "The plane leaves at five."
"You should start packing, we're staying there for a week," I told her.
"Okay!" she came over to us, "I love you guys!" she hugged us for about five minutes.