Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


We were gonna throw Emma a goodbye party, all of us. Tony, Mike, Jaime, Mike's girlfriend Kasey, and a lot of other people Emma and I are friends with will be there. I think Jaime said he's going to bring a date, but I highly doubt that. Jaime? Having a date? Ha! I told him that dinosaurs are more likely to come back to life before Jaime has a date, but he just scowled at me.
We had it all planned out. Kasey's taking Emma shopping and everyone else is helping me set this up. We hid the cake in the oven considering Emma doesn't use it much, just the stove. But it's kind of obvious we're having a party, because there's balloons and stuff everywhere. Kasey's gonna text me when they're almost to our apartment and everyone's gonna hide. And then the party will start!
"Okay! Did everyone do their job?" I asked.
"Yes," the crowd said in unison.
"Does everyone have a hiding place?"
"Alright, Emma and Kasey should be here any minute now..." I looked at my phone to see if she texted me yet. She didn't.
After about five minutes my phone buzzed and I checked it.
Kasey: in the hallway. just passed room 32, b there in a min. u guys ready?
Me: Yeah
"Okay everyone hide!" I whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear.
I ran out the door and found Emma and Kasey. Emma smiled when she saw me, "Hey Vic."
"Hi darling!" I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her, then I lifted her up over my shoulder.
"Vic!" Emma squealed. "What are you doing! Stop!"
I started to run back to the apartment, and that made her really mad.
I laughed and walked through the door and swung her around to face the room. Everyone jumped out, "SURPRISE!!!" they exclaimed.
"Oh my God," Emma started, "You guys did this for me?"
"All for you darling," I said, putting her down.
She was almost tearing up, "But why?"
"To show you how much we'll miss you," Tony answered.
"And how much I love you," I added, kissing her cheek.
"You guys didn't have to do all this."
"Yes we do," I kissed her lips this time.
"OKAY LET'S START THE PARTY!!!" Jaime exclaimed.
Someone turned the music on, it was kind of like club music. I placed my hands on Emma's hips and inched closer to her. "Okay, you slow danced with me, but let's see how well you dirty dance," I said.
Emma blushed, "I don't think I can."
"Just sway your hips. Wait! You can't do it without being drunk!"
I ran to the kitchen and got Emma a shot of tequila, okay, maybe two. I took a shot too and ran back to Emma. I handed the beverages to her. "Drink!"
She took the glasses and poured them down her throat. She coughed, "I'm not much of a drinker."
She looked at the other glass for a minute then took a drink of that one. She winced. "It burns my throat!"
"Then you need more!" I exclaimed. I ran out to the kitchen to get her more tequila. I took two more shots.
I gave two shots to Emma and she gulped them down pretty quickly. Her coordination started to mess up, and she was wobbling. "Whoa," she slurred.
"Drunk yet?" I asked.
"I'm... I'm getting there... I might need two more shots though."
"Maybe you have some Mexican hidden in all that Irish and Italian blood!" I joked. Emma's great grandma on her mom's side is from Ireland and her great grandma on her dad's side is from Italy. Nice mix, huh?
Emma laughed as I ran to the kitchen to get two more shots. I took two more and I could feel my coordination dramatically dropping. I stumbled back over to Emma and gave her the shots.
"Alright, alright, I'm drunk," she slurred. "Oooh I love this song!"
I think it was some song by Lady Gaga, Bad Romance, was it? Oh well, the only thing I was paying attention to was how well Emma can dance. She was shaking her ass and grinding against me. I was grinding against her too because I was pretty drunk.
We weren't dancing as dirty as the other people. Kasey and Mike were like dry humping. But I didn't want to take advantage of Emma, she's drunker than I am.
Although, and as I am ashamed to say it, I did put my hands on her ass, pulling her closer to me, and I kissed her. It was a drunken kiss, with a lot of tongue involved. Emma sucked on my bottom lip and my tongue danced in her mouth. Her breath smelled like tequila, but I'm sure mine did too. I grabbed her ass with my hand, usually Emma would say "stop it!" but she just kept on kissing me.
I really hoped I wouldn't get too turned on, I don't know what I'd do if I had a boner. That would be embarrassing.
Emma wrapped her arms around my waist and grabbed my back, her nails digging into my skin through my shirt.
I pulled away before anything else happened and looked down at her. She put her lip and smiled up at me, still dancing with the music.