Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


The rest of the night was really awkward. Vic wouldn't talk to me, but I'd catch him glare at me sometimes. I just hung out with Kasey, Mike, and Jaime. Tony left after the whole fight thing, otherwise I would hang out with him. I didn't drink anymore liquor, I didn't want another mishap to happen, like with Mike or something. I'd hate it if Kasey was mad at me, too.
"Hey, it'll be okay, Vic will forgive you soon enough," Jaime assured.
I shrugged. "What I did to him was unforgivable."
"I think it's Tony who has more blame," Mike butted in. "He was sober, he could pull away."
"If he wanted to," Kasey added.
"Jaime," I started. "Does Tony really have feelings for me?"
"Oh yeah, like CRAZY," he answered. "Remember that one time we visited you guys by surprise and you and Vic were like making out?" I nodded. "Well Tony wanted to leave so bad because he didn't want to see it."
"Oh my God," I gawked. Why didn't Tony ever tell me? I could let him down easily instead of having it end like this.
Jaime noticed how sad I was. "Hey!" He picked up a bowl of salsa and a bag of tortilla chips. "Have some salsa! Mexican recipe!"
"I don't know," Kasey said, "It's pretty hot and Emma doesn't have Mexican blood."
"What!? I can do it! Just because I'm not Mexican doesn't mean I can't handle hot stuff!" I'm pretty overprotective of my reputation with these fancy LA people.
"Emma," Mike started. "It's mixed with habanero peppers. They're really hot for white people."
"Oh shut up!" I snapped, "I'm not totally white! I have some Italian in me!"
"Yes but Italians eat pasta and cheese, not peppers," Kasey added.
"Give me that!" I took the salsa and grabbed a chip. I dipped the chip in the salsa, I almost covered the chip in salsa. I took a deep breath and took a bite.
Holy fuck it was hotter than hell! I had my mouth wide open and I was shaking my hands, as if trying to fan my mouth off. Mike handed me his cup of whatever and I took a drink, not caring what it was. I found out what it was the hard way. Whiskey.
Mike was laughing and Kasey hit his arm. "You jerk!" she laughed.
I ran to the sink and turned it on cold. I was splashing water in my mouth but I just unhooked the mini hose thing and just sprayed the water in my mouth. The water was running down my neck but I didn't care. I wanted the taste out of my mouth.
"She needs milk," I heard a voice say. Someone handed me a glass of milk-this time I checked if it was really milk-and gulped it down.
"Thank you," I breathed. I looked up to see who it was, it was Vic. "Vic?" I asked.
"Hey," he said.
"Oh hi," I blushed.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine."
Vic pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry for avoiding you," he whispered.
"I did a horrible thing that I shouldn't have done," I replied.
"It's my fault for making you drink all those tequilas. And Tony was the one who took advantage of you."
"Do you forgive me?" I asked, my eyes staring into his.
Vic bit his lips for a minute and stared at really nothing in particular. "Yeah, I forgive you."
"Yay!" I squealed. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "I love you," I whispered into his ear.
"I love you too," he replied. He kissed my neck, his lips leading down to my shoulders.
The rest of the party was fun, we had cake which is hidden in the oven and we all danced and talked and said goodbye. I'm gonna miss everyone, especially Vic.
But what about Tony? How am I ever going to confront him?
"Okay goodbye guys," Kasey said as she hugged me and Vic.
"See ya," I muttered.
When everyone left Vic and I sat on the couch. We were cuddled together but something totally different was going through my mind. "Vic," I started, "I really think we should talk about the whole thing with Tony."
"Okay," Vic gulped.
"We should let him down easily."
"Yeah, do you want me to do it after you leave?"
"Yeah," I breathed.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yes Vic."
"Why didn't you tell me Tony liked me though?" I asked.
"Uh, no reason," he gulped.
"Alright, I was kind of afraid you'd leave me for Tony."
"Oh Vic," I started. "I would never leave you for Tony. I love you Victor." I kissed him and he put his head in my neck. He kissed my skin and nibbled on my neck. I moaned and he pulled away.
He laid me down and put his body over mine and kissed my lips. He trailed his lips to my neck, my collar bone, my chest, then went back up to my lips.
He started to pull my shirt over my head but I pushed him away. "No Vic, I'm not in the mood."
"Okay, sorry." Vic got off of me and we returned to our cuddling position.
♠ ♠ ♠
WARNING! The next chapter's gonna be FILLED with feels :3