Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I could still see Vic out the window. Damn, I'm going to miss him like crazy! I hated to even tell him I was leaving.
I looked over to my other side to see who was next to me. It was a well-dressed business man probably in his mid forties. He sent me a "hello stranger" smile and I did the same, then turned my head back to the window.
For a few minutes it was just me and the quiet business guy sitting in our seats, and I liked it. But I think he was reserving a seat for someone, because there was still a seat between us. Suddenly this lady walked over and sat in the middle. I'm guessing she's his wife, because she was well-dressed, too. She had a long business colored green dress with a white business coat.
"Do you have everything?" the man asked the girl.
"Yes, honey," she said, irritated.
I remembered what the doctor said, once you get married you get sick of each other. Then I quickly remembered what Vic said to me. We'll never get sick of each other.
The thought of him brought tears to my eyes again. Well, I never really stopped crying, but tears started to move with ease again.
The lady noticed my crying. "Oh dear what's wrong?" the stranger asked with care.
"Oh nothing," I sniffled, "I just miss my boyfriend, I had to leave to go back to college."
"Aw! I remember when I was your age and I had a boyfriend. Now I have a husband." She made a face when she said husband.
I chuckled. "Vic isn't the marriage type."
"My boyfriend."
"His name is just Vic?" she asked, obviously these business people aren't quite accustomed to nicknames.
"Short for Victor."
The lady nodded. "Not the marrying type, huh?" she asked.
"No," I shook my head, "He's in a band so... Yeah."
The lady nodded again. "My husband and I are on a business trip, we're on our way to Lansing. I wanted to go to the Lansing airport but my dear hubby wouldn't go to that place, not after last time."
"What happened last time?" I asked.
"He lost something, and he's convinced that someone who works there stole it," she answered.
There was a nice silence between us. I just put in my earphones and listened to Pierce the Veil. After a few songs my favorite came on, Wonderless.
I don't care if your beautiful lips
Exist out there 'cause I'm wonderless
Why the best can't make it in Hollywood
No more

I started crying at the sound of his voice that I'm missing. The lady looked at me again. "That good of a song?" she joked.
I smiled, "It's one of the songs my boyfriend sings, you know, in his band."
She nodded. "May I?" She held her hand out and I gave one of the ear-buds to her and she put it in her ear and listened.
It's like a long drag taken
Before the smoke hits the white sky
(Like the birds at night)
And it's fake just like the movies
Oh yeah

"Not bad," she said. "He sings well," she added.
When she said that I remembered when I corrected Vic on his grammar when he complimented my singing.
You sing good.
I sing well.
"Yeah, he has quite the talent. I love his voice. Especially when he murmurs in his sleep." The lady nodded, so I kept going, "Sometimes he'll murmur my name."
"What is your name, dear?" she asked.
"Emma," I answered. "Yours?"
I nodded.
There was a nice silence between us again. Nothing really happened, until my phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket to check it.
Victor<3: Already miss you darling :'(
I started crying again. The lady noticed again. "What? Did he send you a cute... text?" she asked.
I nodded and showed her my phone. Her gaze began to ease a little bit. "Aw, does he call you darling?"
I nodded again, then returned my head to my phone to text him back.
Me: Miss you too baby<3
"Aw." I guess the lady was looking at my phone. Nosy much?
"Yeah, he's a sweetheart."
"What does he look like?" she asked.
I went to the photo sections on my phone and showed her a picture of me and Vic.
"Oh," she said, surprised. "His hair is long, longer than yours, even."
By now the man was interested. "What are you looking at, Charlotte?" he asked.
"This lovely young woman's boyfriend," she answered.
"Oh, he has long hair," he pointed out, as if that already hasn't been established.
I nodded.
There was more silence between us, and before I knew it we were at Detroit.
I got my bags and left the plane. I took my phone out and called my friend Chris, who lives in Detroit.
"Hey Chris, so are you here to pick me up?"
"Yeah, I'm in the parking lot, I brought Jaden, if that's okay," he replied.
"Yeah that's fine." Jaden is Chris's boyfriend of six months.
I walked out to find his car, which was no trouble at all, considering it was the only convertible in the lot. I put my suitcase in the backseat and sat next to it.
"So Emma," Chris started, "How was your little vacation?"
"It was fun," I winked.
"Alright, well you're gonna stay the night at our apartment. Okay?" Jaden said.
"We didn't agree to that," I said, confused.
"We insist!" Chris exclaimed.
"We'll take you home tomorrow," Jaden informed.
"Alright, I guess," I sighed.
There was a silence between us as Chris drove through the bustling city of Detroit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I just found out how to do italics so if I'm overdoing it tell me okay?
Oh and Chris is gay, so don't be like confused of whether or not he's a girl XD