Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I sat on the couch in my apartment, still thinking about Emma. I quickly remembered the note she gave me and I took it out of my pocket and read it. Her messy handwriting written all over it.

To my darling Victor...
Was saying goodbye hard? I wrote this note before we were at the airport, so I have no idea, but if it was, read this. I'm not very good at saying goodbye, so give me some slack. I love you Victor, like, a LOT! I really hate to leave, so I wrote this poem thingy. I'm not very good at poems either, so this is just bits and pieces of a poem I thought about. I'm giving it to you, so you can add stuff and turn it into a song with your AMAZING talent if you want. Okay, here it goes

Tear this place apart until you find me hiding, silently I wait.
You'll be excited just to see me someday. Everything's ok.

You hold my attention without even trying.
A beautiful reflection from firework eyes,
but never means forever.
Desperation and hanging in the backyard at night.
Somebody's supposed to fall in love.

Tear this place apart until you find me hiding, silently I wait.
You'll be excited just to see me someday. Everything's ok.

Why would I let you go?

Okay, that's it. Terrible, isn't it? But I'm sure you can turn it into something great, because you're amazing, and I love you. Goodbye darling.

I started to cry again. I'm really going to miss her. But I wanted to forget her, but I just can't! There's only one thing that could make me forget something so dear in my heart easily...
I got up and walked to the liquor cabinet. I grabbed my favorite bottle of scotch but there was a note taped to the bottom. I picked it off and read it. To my surprise it had Emma's handwriting.

Going over to the liquor cabinet to get something to drink? I don't think so. Mike told me how you get depressed over girls leaving. But darling, the girls that left you didn't love you anymore, and I still love you. So why drink when it's not your typical break up? Please don't drink, pleeeaaase. For me! Okay, thanks darling. Love you forever♥

I closed my eyes and put the scotch back in the cabinet. No drinking. I can do it, right? Can't be that hard.
I still need something to take my mind off of Emma, though. I called Mike to see if he wanted to hang out.
"Hello?" Mike said on the other line.
"Hey, Emma left."
"Oh that sucks. Wanna hang out to get your mind off of her?" he asked.
"Yeah sure."
"Kay, I'll be there in a minute to pick you up."
After about fifteen minutes Mike was here and we drove to the bar.
"So um," I started. "Did you tell Emma how I drink whenever a girl leaves me?"
Mike shifted uncomfortably.
"Did you Michael?" I asked, trying to guilt him into telling me.
"Alright, but she asked," he admitted.
I nodded.
We got a couple drinks and talked. But nothing took my mind off of Emma.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't like this chapter ._.