Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


It's been almost two years since I've seen Vic. We actually broke our relationship off, but I will always love him. We haven't talked in a while, I only called him like every Christmas and his birthday, and he did the same. I only called him on Valentines Day once, and it was really awkward so I never did it again.
I did date again, and I know Vic has, Tony told me. Tony also told me that Vic did start hitting the bottle, despite my pleads.

-Text between Tony and Emma two years ago-
Tony Turtle: Hey.
Me: Hey
Tony Turtle: Vic did start drinking.
Me: Omg why?
Tony Turtle: Idk the whole story, but I think Mike told me that he got randomly mad at you for leaving and he started drinking.
Me: Mad at me?
Tony Turtle: Yeah.
Me: Why?
Tony Turtle: For leaving, he really isn't mad at you, you know how sadness turns into anger for a short period of time.
Me: Oh my god.
Tony Turtle: Do you still have the necklace?
Me: Yeah, I still wear it.
Tony Turtle: Maybe that will make him happier :)
Me: I hope.
-Back to the story-

It's 2011 now and Pierce the Veil came out with a new album last summer. A lot of the songs were obviously break up songs, like Bulletproof Love. That one made me cry.
But I was surprised the most to hear The New National Anthem, he used some of my poem. Some of my work was on a Pierce the Veil album! I felt really special.

-Flash back to June, 2010-
"Hey Emma! Guess what I saw in stores!" Nicole said as she rudely barged into my apartment.
"Please tell me it's not a sex toy," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Close but no!" she laughed.
"Then what?" I asked, irritated.
Nicole started to pull something out of her bag. It looked like a CD, but with a strange cover that looked like a boy handing a girl something shiny.
"What is it?" I asked, confused.
Nicole walked closer to me so I could read it, but I just took it from her hands.
My eyes grew huge as I realized what it said.
Pierce the Veil
Selfish Machines

"No way," I said, not really to anyone.
"Yep! I bought it for you, so this is like an early Christmas present! Wanna listen?"
I nodded my head and walked over to my stereo and popped the disk in. The first song was Besitos, which I really liked. But the next song got me more interested.
Please keep chasing me,
your Southern constellations got me so dizzy.
It's cold but you pretend that you are warm with me.
Before I get you home you're nearly frozen,
but I'll never let you freeze without me.
Oh, no.

His voice was perfect in that song. It started to make me cry.
We listened to more of that album, and the only noise was the music. Well, until the chorus of The New National Anthem started playing.
"Oh my God!" I exclaimed.
"What!?" Nicole asked, scared.
"I wrote some of this song!"
I explained to Nicole the whole note thingy, and how I gave the poem to Vic.
"Wow, that like sorta makes you famous!" Nicole joked.
I was really happy until the next song started playing, Bulletproof Love. I realized how it was about our break up, and the few fights we had. Tears started to produce in my eyes, and when the next song came on, Stay Away from My Friends, I was crying.
Nicole stayed with me throughout the whole entire album, comforting me whenever another break up song played.
-Back to the story-

Elizabeth had her baby, too. They named her Heather, and she's really cute. She looks like Elizabeth, with the same dark hair and dark eyes. But somehow Heather got her dad's pale skin.
I still hate Evan, though. He cheated on Elizabeth before, but they somehow got around it and they're now... engaged. They're getting married this summer.
Speaking of this summer, I am graduating college in a few weeks and I'm super stoked! I told Vic about it last time I called him, and he was happy for me. I wonder if we could ever get our relationship back. Probably not, it would be too awkward.
I've been doing a lot of student teacher classes to see what grade I wanted to teach. I picked fifth grade, not too mature and not too immature. I still don't know what school I'm going to work at, though. I was thinking of maybe the school I went to in fifth grade, but there's no empty position. I guess I'll just go wherever the wind will take me.
I just turned twenty-three two months ago, if that has to do with anything. I'm still living in that apartment, though. Vic told me he bought a house, and it's really nice. I'm sure he makes a lot of money, though. I'm just living on a minimum wage pay working at a restaurant. Hey, at least I get free food.
I met this really cute guy at my job, too. His name was Devon. We started talking, then started dating. He seemed really nice, until I caught him in bed with another woman. I immediately broke up with him, I'm not like Elizabeth.
That's pretty much it, I guess. Nothing else significant really happened. Boring, huh?
Despite everything that had happened, Vic was still on my mind all the time.