Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


It's been a while since I've seen Emma, like two years I think. I really miss her. She actually broke up with me. Over the phone, obviously. Well, we kind of broke up with each other.

-Phone call between Vic and Emma two years ago-
"Hey," Emma started, a sad tone in her voice.
"Hi," I replied, clearing my throat.
"So, um, listen," she started to say something, but I cut her off.
"I know what you're going to say, and I just want to say I've been thinking the same thing."
"So you want to break up?" she asked.
It took me a minute to say this, but I somehow managed it, "Yeah."
"Okay." I know I'm not with her but I can sense that she's crying, just like me.
-Back to the story-

She still talks to Tony a lot, but that doesn't bother me. It shouldn't, right? I mean, we're not dating anymore, so why should I be bothered?
I did eventually start drinking again, I just went through that horrific stage of sadness where you feel like blowing everything up and not caring about what you do. I took a drink of scotch, and I immediately felt better. Then I got addicted to the feeling, and I needed more.
We came out with a new album. I used Emma's poem. She actually called me to congratulate me, but it was really awkward.
I met a girl, her name is Lindsey. We started dating and I quit drinking. She's now my girlfriend. I have a girlfriend, so why am I still thinking about Emma all the time? I have a girlfriend, and I am very happy. We're living together, isn't that great?
Emma told me that she's graduating this summer, which is awesome. I might be able to see her again sometime, you know, as friends. I was going to tell her that, but I decided not to, it would probably be really awkward.
I'm real good friends with Kellin, the guy that I got in a car accident with two years ago. His band is really good, we're actually thinking about doing a song together. He's pretty well-known now, I can't go to any mall without seeing people wearing shirts that has the Sleeping with Sirens logo or something like that.
But even though all of this has happened Emma is always still on my mind.
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Okay this is the last "Review of the last two years" chapter. I was thinking of doing one with Tony & Elizabeth but I don't really know what I could do with it :P