Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I walked over to it and checked caller ID, it was Chris. I picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?"
"Emma!" he exclaimed.
"Jesus Chris, what? It's one am!"
"Jaden left me!" he cried.
"He did?" I asked. Unbelievable! Jaden and Chris were inseparable! There's no way Jaden would leave!
"Yes! We got in a huge fight and he said that we're over!"
"Oh my God..." I gawked. Jaden and Chris were friends ever since second grade!
"I really need a friend right now," he pleaded.
I rolled my eyes, "I'll be over there as soon as I can." I hung up and got my sweatshirt. It may be late June but it's still chilly in the middle of the night, especially in Michigan.
I made sure my cat had food and walked out to my car, but before I started to drive I sent Nicole a text.
Me: Hey, I'm gonna be @ Chris's place so if I'm not back tomorrow can you take care of Cally?
Cally's my cat.
Niki Nightmare: Yea sure.
Nicole got the nickname Niki Nightmare from something that happened like three years ago.
Me: K thanks.
I stepped in my car and started driving, accepting the fact that it's one am and I'm going to drive for one and a half hours to Detroit.
After an agonizing drive to Detroit, I was finally at Chris's apartment. I walked through the hallway to his room and knocked on the door.
"Come in," he yelled. It was obvious he was crying.
I opened the door and walked in. Chris was crying, he had a whole bunch of Kleenexes scattered around and his eyes were red.
"Chris," I started, running to him and hugging him. "It'll be okay."
"Easy for you to say, you've been single since forever!"
I let go of him. "Excuse me?" I asked with a hint of sass.
"And your most committed relationship lasted for three months! I've been dating Jaden for two years and a half!" he bragged.
"Um, okay?"
"You haven't experienced true love before!" Chris yelled, then he started sobbing.
I rolled my eyes. "You wanna go to the bar?" I asked.
"For what?"
"To drink silly! And maybe mingle."
Chris's eyes lit up, "Are we going to a gay bar!?"
"Um, I kind of want to mingle too."
"Don't worry, you could pass as a gay guy."
Whoa, just whoa. Did he seriously say that. "Hm, well, I was gonna pay for your drinks but obviously you don't want me too."
"Wait! I'm sorry!" Chris pleaded.
I smiled. "C'mon," I beckoned.
We went back to my car and drove to the nearest bar.
Chris and I ordered a couple drinks, then he got so drunk he was dancing, and I was video taping it.
"Dance with me Emma!" Chris slurred.
I have to admit, I'm pretty drunk too, so I ran to him and started dancing. We were laughing our asses off and shaking to the music. I was enjoying it here, with all the crowded people.
Until I got knocked down.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" a familiar voice exclaimed.
"It's alright," I assured.
"Let me help you!"
My vision was pretty blurry but I could see an arm covered in tattoos reaching towards me. I took the rough hand and pulled myself up. "Thank yo-" I was going to finish my sentence but what I saw, or who I saw, shocked me.
"Emma?" he asked.
"Oh my God it is you!" I felt a pair of muscly arms wrap around my shoulders as Tony pulled me into a hug. "I've missed you like crazy!" he added.
"I missed you too," I said, awkwardly patting his back.
"What are you doing here?" he asked as he let go of me.
"Just hanging out with my friend, you?"
"We're on tour! We just did a show in Detroit!"
"That's awesome," I smiled.
"Is Vic here?" I asked.
Tony's eyes got all sympathetic, "No, he wasn't feeling well."
I nodded.
"Hey so let me buy you a drink," Tony demanded.
"Oh no that's fine, I think I had one too many anyways."
"Please! It's the least I can do!" he pleaded.
"Oh alright," I sighed.
Tony grabbed my hand and led me to the bar, but I think I could find it myself. He ordered two drinks and he told me to sit, so I did.
"So, how has the last few years treated you Emma?" he asked.
"Fine," I answered.
"Got a boyfriend?"
Okay that question kind of shocked me, but I answered truthfully, "Nope, you got a girlfriend?"
"Nope," Tony smiled.
I gave him my flirty smile and he leaned in closer to me. Before I knew it I had soft lips on my lips.
What's going on? Is Tony kissing me?
I finally accepted the fact that he was so I decided to respond. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him back. My tongue licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth a little bit. I sucked on his bottom lip and his tongue went in my mouth.
After a few minutes he pulled away.
"Hey," he started, "It's getting kind of late, you wanna come over to the hotel I'm staying in?"
"Uh, sure." I got up and Tony followed with his arm around my waist.
"Whoa whoa whoa!" Chris exclaimed as he saw us.
"Hey, I'm going over to Tony's place."
Chris looked very confused, but he just shrugged. "Just be back sometime tomorrow."
"Alright," I sighed. With that, Tony and I walked out of the bar.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooh is Emma and Tony gonna get together??? What? You were thinking VIC bumped into her? NOPE! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Anyways the next chapter might be smutty, I haven't decided yet.