Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


"Tony open up!" I yelled, knocking on Tony's door to his hotel, "I think I left my shirt in there!"
The door opened up and Tony peeped through. "Hey," he said.
"Hey, we should start packing," I walked through the door and into his room. I was surprised to see a girl in his bed. "You got laid?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah." Tony seemed weird, like he's trying to hide something from me.
"Where's Mike?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Shower, so where did you leave your shirt?"
"Probably on the floor." I walked over to the pile of clothes on the floor and picked my shirt out of it. "So are you gonna start packing?"
"Uh yeah just let me take a shower." Tony walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Mike hurry up!" he yelled.
"I'll be out in a minute!" Mike yelled back.
I took another look at the girl asleep in his bed. She had chestnut colored hair, kind of like... Nah, it's a totally different shade.
"Well," I started, "I should probably go." I walked out of the room and into mine across the hall.
What's wrong with Tony? I asked myself.
He was acting really weird. It was almost like he was trying to hide something from me, like maybe that girl? Ha! She's probably really ugly!
But if that was the case he could have just told me. He's told me something like that before. And it's not like I've never had that one-night-stand mistake, he could have just been drunk, he went to the bar. You drink at a bar, right?
Oh well, I just brushed the thought away and hopped into the shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one is so short! I'm going through a total writers block :/
I promise the next one will be better! I promise!!