Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I put Heather to sleep in her toddler bed and walked back out to the living room. Evan was sitting on the couch watching some show on MTV.
"Did she go to sleep?" he asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Can you turn that down?"
Evan rolled his eyes and reached for the remote and pressed the volume down button. "That good?"
"Yeah, hey so I have to leave for Emma's place soon."
"I'm helping her pack, she's moving back to LA."
"Because... You know I don't even know, her love life is so fucked up, been that way since Jordan."
"Oh, well when do you have to leave?" he asked.
"Soon, like now," I bent down and kissed Evan on his forehead, "Bye. Hey if I'm out later than five feed Heather, you know what to feed her, right?"
"Yes dear, we've been parents for almost two years," he nodded.
"Okay bye, honey." I started to walk out of the door.
"Bye, love you."
"Love you, too." And with that, I walked out to my car.
"Oh! Elizabeth! Glad you're here, I got a lot of heavy stuff I need help with." Emma motioned for me to come into her apartment.
"So, exactly why are you leaving?" I asked while helping her carry a box.
"You remember Tony, right?"
I nodded.
"Well when I went to Detroit I saw him at a bar and things sort of... happened," she shrugged.
"Aw!" I cooed.
After about five more boxes were settled in her trunk, we sat on the futon thingy in her apartment.
"So are you like leaving for real? Like living there?" I asked.
"I'm not exactly sure, I mean he said that there is like a school I can get a job at around the neighborhood he lives in, so we'll see how things go."
I nodded like I understood, which I don't.
There was an awkward silence until there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it," Emma walked up to the door and opened it. "Oh, hey," she said awkwardly.
"Hi," a familiar voice greeted.
"What do you want?" Obviously this was someone she didn't like, and now I was interested.
"Um," the person walked in (uninvited) and sat in the chair across from me. Once I got a good look at the person I knew who it was. It was Jordan.
"Well?" Emma asked impatiently.
"So I heard you're leaving," Jordan said, awkwardly.
"Yeah," she nodded. "And?"
"I just wanted to say goodbye, but I have a question."
"Why are you leaving?"
"Because, I saw this guy I knew and things sort of happened and he asked me to move in with him."
"That's nice." I could tell Jordan was a little jealous.
"Yeah, well, I got to finish packing," Emma said.
"Okay," he got up and walked out the door.
"I thought we were done packing," I stated.
"We are, I just really fucking hate Jordan. Like really fucking hate him."
"I don't blame ya, he's a dick."
"With a small one too!" she laughed.
I laughed too, but only one thing was going through my mind.
Is this the last time I'm ever going to see Emma?
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah sorry I haven't been updating as much, school is like throwing homework at me. Like "Hey Emma! Catch this!" then BAM math science history english is thrown at my face!
But school is canceled for tomorrow so hopefully I'll get at least two chapters done :P