Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


"So you got everything?" I asked into the phone while talking to Emma.
"Yes darling, I should be there in about four hours," she answered, a little irritation in her tone.
"Okay, remember, if there's like a terrorist attack call the poli-"
"Yes honey! I know! You've told me a thousand times! I've been on a plane before! Now I gotta go before I miss my flight!"
"Okay, bye babe, see you soon."
"Bye," and with that, Emma hung up.
She was obviously irritated with me, but for some reason I worried. It really wasn't about her flying on a plane, but about how Vic's going to react when he finds out I'm dating his ex-girlfriend. Emma told me it's probably just going to be really awkward between them, and that's it. I really hope so, I'm not exactly what you call the "jealous type", but I don't like seeing other guys flirt with my girlfriends. Who does?
I checked the time, it was 8:30 am, Emma should be here around noon, and I said I'd pick her up. I was really tired though, so I set an alarm on my phone for 11:30 and closed my eyes.
HONK HONK HONK The alarm woke me up instantly, it even made my dog Poppy run up to me. I placed my hand on his soft head. "We're gonna have a new friend soon!" I said. Poppy tilted his head up and licked my hand. I pulled it away and wiped it on my pants.
I forgot to mention that Emma is bringing her cat, Cally. I wonder how Poppy will react with a cat, I mean, cats and dogs hate each other, right? But I said she could bring it because one, I'm just that fucking nice and two, having a mouse hunter would be great.
I looked at the time, it was 11:34, the airport is about fifteen minutes away, and I still have to get dressed.
I walked into my bedroom and picked out some clothes, a Key Street t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I also brought a sweatshirt just in case. I walked into the bathroom connected to the bedroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair.
After I was done I fed Poppy and walked out to the car and started to drive.
When I arrived at the airport I whipped out my phone and called Emma. "You here yet?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm over at the food court," she answered.
"Okay, be there in a minute." I hung up and walked to the food court and saw Emma sitting alone at a table playing with her phone surrounded by bags and a pet carrier. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind.
"Ah!" she squealed. "You scared me!"
I laughed and kissed her cheek.
"Hey," she started, "Wanna grab some lunch? I haven't eaten since six."
"Sure, Panda Express sound okay?" I asked.
"I'm surprised you didn't want Taco Bell," she smiled.
"Racist!" I laughed.
"Come on," Emma got up from her seat and grabbed my hand, "No more flirting! I'm starving!" she started to walk towards Panda Express, pulling me with her. When it was our turn to order we just got sesame chicken, rice, and a few egg rolls.
When we got our food we sat back down at the table with Emma's stuff. She wasted no time and got right to eating.
She ate all her food and some of mine, considering I had a sandwich before I left I wasn't that hungry.
"Do you usually eat like that?" I asked.
Emma looked at me with a mouth full of chicken. She held her index finger up and chewed her food and swallowed. "Yeah," she answered.
"Jesus Christ! How are you not fat!?" I exclaimed.
"I don't know! I don't work out or anything! I just eat, sleep, and play video games all day!"
I smiled, "I think I'm gonna like having you around."
Emma smiled and took another bite of food.
When we (or she) were done I took a few of Emma's bags and she took the pet carrier and a backpack and we walked out to my car.
When we arrived to my house I walked Emma in. She set the pet carrier down and unlocked it. A white cat with calico spots on her back and ears timidly walked out. Emma knelt down to the cat and pet its head. The cat nudged her hand with her head and started purring. Emma picked it up and stood back up. The cat looked at me with the most pissed-off look I ever saw an animal have.
"Why does she look mad?" I asked.
"That's just her normal look, or she just doesn't like you," she shrugged.
"Oh, that's lovely," I said sarcastically. I put my hand on the cat's head and started petting it. She didn't swat at me or something so I'm guessing she likes me, or at least tolerates me.
Soon after Emma put Cally down Poppy ran up to us. "This is my pet," I told her.
I picked him up and showed him to Emma. "Aw cute!" she squealed. She started petting him and he closed his eyes in satisfaction. I set him down to see how he'd react with Cally. They stared at each other for a good five minutes, probably taking in the fact that they're gonna live with their natural enemy. Poppy took a step closer to Cally but she swatted at him and ran away.
"Yeah," Emma awkwardly started, "Cally doesn't like dogs."
Poppy looked at me with a look of pure betrayal.
"So um, I'm tired," Emma said.
"Want to take a nap?"
"Yeah," she smiled.
I took her hand and led her upstairs to my bedroom.
"Can I slip in to something more comfortable? I don't like wearing jeans to bed."
"Yeah," I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a Key Street shirt, "You can wear this as like a nightgown or something."
"Okay, thanks," Emma took the shirt and laid it on the bed. She unzipped her sweatshirt and took it off, along with her shirt. I walked over to her and put my hand on the small of her back. She shivered, "Your hands are cold."
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"It's okay." She tilted her head up and kissed my lips. I returned the gesture and kissed her back. She put one hand on my chest and the other hand on the back of my neck. I started to gently push her down on the bed. Her head landed on the pillow and I kissed her some more. I was on top of her now.
I pulled away from her lips and looked at her. She took the chance and pulled my shirt off over my head. I smiled and kissed her some more. We stripped each other until we were both naked.
I'm not gonna go into detail about what happened next, I'm sure you can figure that out for yourself.
I rolled off of Emma and she looked at me, a smile on her face.
"What?" I laughed.
"I don't know," she curled up against my side.
She sat up and looked for the shirt I gave her. She found it underneath the sheets and slipped it on.
She kissed me and snuggled her head in the crook of my neck and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I have been having a total writers block so I know the last few chapters were sorta filler-y, but thanks for hanging in there with me! Lol.
Hopefully this story will be back on track!