Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I woke up to the feeling of little claws kneading my stomach.
"Cally!" I yelled while trying to push her off the bed. It didn't work so I just let her lay next to me. I rolled over to see if Tony was still lying next to me.
He wasn't.
I feel like this happens a lot, maybe he's in the shower again.
I shook the thought off and rolled over to face the nightstand. I unplugged my now fully charged phone and went on Instagram. There was a notification with the comment symbol. No biggy, but I still tapped the icon.
tonyperry mentioned you in a comment: Everyone say hello to my new roommate/girlfriend! @catchmyclouds
I clicked on the image and it was of me sleeping.
WHAT THE FUCK!? WHY WOULD HE DO THIS!? I AM GOING TO KICK HIS ASS! I thought to myself, rage and embarrassment (okay, and a little lovey feeling) rushing through me like an erupting volcano. I bolted out of bed and ran to the bathroom, every step sounding like a thunderstorm. I stormed in the bathroom and heard sounds of rushing waters. Yup, he's in the shower. I blew the curtains open.
Tony squealed like a girl in an old movie and covered his naughty parts. "What the fuck!?" he yelled.
"Why would you post that on Instagram?" I asked, getting closer to him.
"Wha-Oh! Because you're my girlfriend!" He flashed me a cute smile.
"You took one of me sleeping!"
"You look cute while sleeping!"
"I looked terrible! Everyone's gonna see that!"
Tony could see my frustration. "I'm sorry, babe." He gave me his puppy dog eyes.
I couldn't stay mad at him. Even if he like killed my best friend or something everything would be alright if he gave me those puppy eyes. I wrapped my arms around his bare neck and pressed my lips to his. "I'm sorry," I whispered.
"I'm sorry, too," Tony replied. "Hey, later tonight we're all going to hang out at the club and Mike said I could bring you," he added.
"Um, okay, that sounds like fun." That was a total lie, no, it doesn't sound like fun. I'd have to see Vic, and that would be really awkward, but I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and it's been a while since I've seen Jaime, so I figured I should go.
"Okay, if you need to take a shower you are more than welcome to take one with me," Tony offered.
"Okay," I smiled. I took my clothes off and jumped in the shower with him.
I walked in the club with Tony's hand on the small of my back. He put his lips up to my ear and whispered, "You look great."
I pushed him away while laughing, "Stop it, not in public."
Tony laughed and walked me up to the bar. I realized that this was the same club where I met Vic at.
When we arrived at the bar I was greeted by a hug. I pushed the hugger back and looked up to see who he was. Surprise surprise, it was Jaime. "Emmaaaaa!" he exclaimed.
"Jaimeeeee!" I replied.
I hugged Jaime when I suddenly felt a hand slap my ass. I squealed and turned around to see who the pervert was. Another surprise, it was Mike. "Welcome back to LA Little Red!" he greeted.
"Thanks, but how about a handshake next time," I said while rubbing my now hurting ass.
"Only if you shake hands with that fine ass of yours."
"You pervert!" I slapped his forearm while laughing.
Mike and I laughed some more until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Why don't you go sit down, I have to go to the bathroom then I'll sit with you," Tony whispered in my ear.
I nodded and sat down at a booth. I got my phone out so I didn't look like a loner.
"Emma?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
I looked up to see Vic standing over me. "Oh, hey Vic."
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here with my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend! That's great! Where is he?"
"In the bathroom."
"Oh Tony just went in there, maybe he saw him!"
"Oh I'm sure he did."
"What's your boyfriend's name?"
Before I could answer Tony walked up to my and kissed my cheek. "I'm back."
"Really? I couldn't tell," I said sarcastically.
"Tony is your boyfriend?" Vic asked, bewildered.
"Yeah," I answered.
"Oh, that's lovely. Good for both of you!" and with that, Vic left.