Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


It's been two weeks since I've seen Tony. That's two weeks too long. I missed him like crazy.
But I figured I should get off my ass and get a job.
Tony told me that a school not too far from here was hiring.
I drove to the school and walked in. There was a flier in the office window that said NOW HIRING. Yaaaay!
I walked in and a secretary looked at me. "May I help you?" she asked.
"Yeah, I hear you're hiring?"
She turned to the computer on the desk and typed some words. "Are you free this Saturday for an interview?"
This Saturday, perfect. I nodded.
"Okay, name please?"
"Emma Zapporra"
She asked me how to spell my last name and I told her. She asked me some more questions, like address and age and all that stuff.
"Okay, how does ten am sound?" she asked.
"Sounds great!" I said, and walked out the door.
"Babe, you'll get the job, trust me," Tony assured on the other line.
"You sure?"
"Positive, now I gotta go, we go on in less than an hour."
"Okay, have fun! Love you!" I exclaimed.
"Love you too."
Our conversation ended and I decided to get ready for the interview. I got dressed and put my hair up. I ran to my car and drove to the school.
When I walked to the office I noticed a different secretary.
"May I help you?" she asked.
"I'm here for my interview."
"Oh, you must be Emma."
I nodded.
She pointed to a door on the right of the counter, "Right in there."
Without hesitation I walked in the room. I saw another woman sitting at a desk. She looked to be in her fifties or something around there. She smiled brightly at me, but somehow I got the feeling that it was a fake smile.
"You must be Emma, I'm Mrs. Lully." She offered her hand for me to shake, and I shook it.
I sat down in the chair across from her and she asked me some questions. About earlier teaching experience and stuff.
Before I knew it I was out of the room and talking to her in the outer office.
"I will call you tomorrow to tell you whether you got the job or not, remember, it's a fifth grade class. You know how fifth graders are!"
"Haha, yeah." And with that, I left the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally updated! Whooo.
Sorry for the short chapter, I promise it will get back on track.