Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


We were at my favorite club in Los Angeles, I was with Mike, Tony, and Jaime. We were standing by the bar.
"See any hot girls?" Jaime asked.
"No, well, yeah, good looking girls, but I've seen their faces in California before, remember what I said Jaime?"
"Oh yeah, you want a normal girl."
"Yeah," just as I finished saying that, the door opened, and a pretty girl walked in with what I'm guessing was her friends.
"Ooh! What about her?" Tony asked, pointing at the new girl.
"Yeah she's pretty," I said, meaning more than pretty.
"Ooooh Vic! A redhead!" Mike said, obviously excited.
"Eh, I'd say her hair is more of a chestnut color," I corrected, "But I don't think I've seen her around anywhere, you think she's single?"
"She doesn't seem to have a guy next to her, so she must be."
"Okay! I'll get her attention some how..." I was thinking of ways to get her attention, the club was too crowded so it would be hard for her to see me, then a thought came to mind, "Hey bartender!"
"Yes, Vic?" Nick asked, Nick and I are on a first name basis, but I call him bartender for fun.
"Can I play on the stage over there?"
The guys were astonished at my offer.
"Of course!" Nick answered.
I started to walk out to my car to grab my guitar, but I felt a hand on my back. I turned around, and it was Tony's hand, "You sure about this man? You're in no condition to sing," he stated.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
I can't really explain it, but seeing that really pretty girl got me motivated somehow. I just want one night with her, maybe more if I like her.
Ugh! No! I don't want to think like that! I mean, I don't even know her name! I shouldn't be thinking about having sex with her! She could be a transvestite for all we know! A really pretty transvestite...
I walked out the door and passed her on my way out. I heard her talking to her friends about how much of a jerk someone was to her. The weird thing is is that I could hear what she was saying and her voice, usually the club is louder than Hell on Halloween.
I reached my car and grabbed my acoustic guitar. I quickly played a few chords to make sure it was in tune, it was.
I walked back to the club and passed the girl again. This time I had a better view of her face and her body. She had gray-blue eyes, like the sky on a stormy night during the afternoon. She had a cute little nose and I just imagined myself kissing it over and over again. Her lips, damn, her lips were so perfect and plump, and for the first time in a long time I wanted to put my lips on her lips and not around a bottle of liquor. Her body was so curvy and she was thin. She was wearing a purple hoodie and something black underneath, and plain blue jeans. She struck me as the kind of punk-ish girl, it might be because of the high-top Converse shoes she was wearing, or how her hair was straightened and not curly like her blond friend, or wavy like her darker-skinned friend's hair.
I checked out her friends, too, but they weren't as pretty as the other girl. The blond one looked like she tried too hard to look pretty, and that backfired. The darker-skinned one looked pregnant, so I'm guessing she's in a relationship and didn't try to look good at all so no guys would flirt with her.
The blond one shot me a look and that's when I realized I was staring for too long.
I quickly walked to the bar and told Nick I'm ready.
I followed him to the stage and he got up to the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a surprise guest up on stage. Some of you may have heard of him, others maybe not. Please welcome Vic Fuentes!"
The crowd was cheering as I got up on stage. I searched them with my eyes looking for the pretty girl. She had a big smile on her face, maybe she likes Pierce the Veil?
I was getting the microphone all situated so it would match the height of my lips when I sat on the stool.
I was singing Falling Asleep on a Stranger, it was the first thing that popped into my mind.
As I was singing I was looking at the pretty girl, our eyes caught each other, and from the angle she was standing the light hit her perfectly, bringing out her eyes and hair.
By the time I was done singing I jumped off the stage and started walking. The pretty girl and I were exchanging flirty looks so I decided I should make a move.
The club music started playing again so maybe if I say the wrong thing I can pretend someone else said it.
I walked up behind the girl, "Hey."
She turned around, startled, "Oh, hi."
"I'm Vic."
"I'm Emma."
"Oh that's your name? Haha to my friends I was saying 'that pretty girl over there'."
She blushed.
"So, can I buy you a drink?"
She looked up at me, "Sure," she said with her perfect lips.
I walked her over to the bar and slipped my arm around her waist. As we walked away we heard faint "oooooohs" from her friends.
When we arrived at the bar she sat down, and so did I. I forgot what we came here for, though, but when I remembered the thought hit me like a bag of rocks. I ordered two martinis.
"So," I said, trying to break the silence, "I don't think I've ever seen you around in LA, where are you from?"
"Michigan," she answered, "I go to college and I'm on summer break."
"That's cool, what brings you to LA?"
"Well my ex-boyfriend broke up with me and my friends brought me here to cheer me up."
She's single! Yes!! Alright Victor, say something nice, something flattering, "Who would break up with such a pretty girl like you?"
She blushed some more.
Nick handed us our martinis, and I tipped him a ten dollar bill.
I looked over at the guys and they were giving me a thumbs up, except for Mike, I think he was mouthing the words "Do her".
"So, what brings you to this club?" she asked, her voice sounding like an angel's.
"Oh, I was dating this bitch and she broke up with me so my friends took me out to mingle," when I said 'mingle' I did the quotation symbol with my hands.
"I guess we're not so different," she observed.
"Guess so," I leaned in closer to her, and she tilted her head up towards mine. Before I knew it I felt the feel of soft lips touching mine. I put my hands on her hips, and she put her arms around my shoulders. I could feel her bottom lip underneath my tongue, and my taste buds picked up something sweet, like sugar.
After what seemed like forever in Heaven, she pulled away. She looked up at me with intimidating eyes. She half smiled, then blushed.
"I'm sorry," I said, hoping I didn't ruin things.
"No, it's okay, you're fine. I'm just really nervous," she admitted.
"Well, do you wanna go somewhere that's not so crowded?"
"Like where?"
"My place."
"O-okay, let me just go tell Nicole and Elizabeth," and with that, she walked over to her friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
The next chapter is gonna be a little smutty. So beware! >:D