Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I woke up in my bunk. I rolled over only to see Vic staring at me.
"Good morning!" he yelled.
"Morning," I slurred.
My phone buzzed on the charger next to me, and I checked it. It was a text from Emma.
Emma<3: Got the job! :D
"Oh, she got the job?" I guess Vic was looking over my shoulder. Nosy much?
"You know, when I was dating her she was still in college."
"Yes Vic, I know." He's been like this all tour, and it's quite annoying. It's obvious he's not over her, and it's making me madder than I expected. Sometimes it makes me wonder if Emma still has feelings for him. But I doubt it.
I texted her back:
Me: That's great babe! Congrats! :)
"Babe?" Vic asked.
"You called her 'darling'!" I accused.
Vic stuck his tongue out at me like a five-year-old child, then left the bunk area.
I got up from my bunk and got dressed. I grabbed my phone and walked to the kitchen area to grab a bowl of cereal. As I was putting the milk away my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out and it was Emma:
Emma<3: Ikr!? So how's tour?
Me: Good, except Vic's being a dick.
Emma<3: Why do you say that?
Me: Idk, he just is.

How am I supposed to tell her that her ex-boyfriend who just HAPPENS to be one of my best friends still has feelings for her? That's right, I'm not. He'll get over her soon, anyways.
I walked to the lounge and sat on the couch next to Jaime with my bowl of cereal. "Where's Vic?" I asked.
"Shower." He pointed to the bathroom.
I ate some of my cereal, but it was interrupted by a flash of a camera.
"Say cheeeese!" Adam, our photographer, exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes while smiling, and there was another flash.
"This one's definitely going on the site!"
Jaime and I looked at each other and laughed.
My phone buzzed again and it was Emma:
Emma<3: Don't worry, you'll be home soon :)<3
Soon, but not soon enough.


"Hey!" Zack, our tour manager, called, "We're going on in less than twenty minutes!"
We all huddled together and Zack gave his usual preshow pep talk.
"All right guys, this is our last show of the tour. And you know what? We're gonna make it fucking spectacular!"
We all cheered as the crowd chanted "Pierce the Veil" over and over again. God I love that noise. Nothing better than a bunch of awkward, sweaty teens screaming at the top of their lungs.
We all ran out on stage and started playing. As we promised Zack, we made it fucking spectacular. The crowd went nuts and reached their hands out. When we left the stage the crowd was chanting "one more song" and as usual Vic went back on stage with his acoustic guitar and played Caraphernelia acoustic and the crowd went insane. After his performance we all went back on stage and performed one last song.
It was over, tour was over. I can now go home to Emma.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update this week! Woooo! Just forewarning you guys here, there's going to be a lot of Vic/Tony/Emma drama and you're probably gonna hate Emma for what she's gonna do! Anyone wanna take a stab at it and guess? Hint: They're pretty much stabbing Tony in the back & heart, metaphorically speaking, of course.